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Hello there !


Well well well, finally a great Pokemon MMO. I was so hyped when I found out, and after a few hours playing, I'm even more hyped. Seriously, you PRO Team made a great job. Can't wait to see the rest of the game, to meet players from everywhere.

A word about myself, is it what you want ? There's not much to tell. I'm in the Pokemon adventure since 1st gen, and still love the franchise. Maybe too much to understand and appreciate the Pokemon Go things. But, hey, I'v found much better here. Besides that, I'm 24 years old, love metal, swing, and of course Video Games.

I'll certainly play mostly on the Yellow Server.


With that said, there's only one last thing to say : Bye bye a go go, smell' ya later in game !


BTW, sorry for eventual bad english ~

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220494 Hello there !


Well well well, finally a great spam. I was so hyped when I found out, and after a few hours playing, I'm even more hyped. Seriously, you PRO Team made a great job. Can't wait to see the rest of the game, to meet players from everywhere.

A word about myself, is it what you want ? There's not much to tell. I'm in the Pokemon adventure since 1st gen, and still love the franchise. Maybe to much to understand and appreciate the Pokemon Go things. But, hey, I'v found much better here. Besides that, I'm 24 years old, love metal, swing, and of course Video Games.

I'll certainly play mostly on the Yellow Server.


With that said, there's only one last thing to say : Bye bye a go go, smell' ya later in game !


BTW, sorry for eventual bad english ~

Bienvenue à toi camarade Français ! :Crazy:










Hey there, Goonydarko! Welcome to PRO.


Thank you very much for your kind words about the game - it's awesome to hear that you're having fun playing. There are tons of players from all different places playing the game, and I hope you have a good time meeting and connecting with them!


Enjoy your PRO experience!




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