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236562 Sabrina: Used what I felt like and team had a bit of a weakness to psychic-types. Had to level a Snorlax up 20 levels just to stand a chance.

Giovanni (Gym 8): Underleveled by an unknown amount. Had to grind Snorlax up for a good hour or two just so it wouldn't get 1-shot and hoped it could paralyse with body slam.

Kanto E4: Underleveled by approx 20-30 levels below the recommended level and couldn't brute-force my way through Lance. Had to catch a decent Magikarp from scratch, give it decent EVs and level it to 75 to beat it.

Morty: Underleveled by ~10-15 levels. Had to grind out the fishing spot in town until my mons were strong enough to not get 1-shot.

Claire: Underleveled by a good 20 levels. Currently in the process of grinding in Dragon's Den so I can get back to the story.

I don't know if it's me or my playstyle but i didn't had much trouble trough the story even without ms.

My playstyle is simple, i just level up my starter only, and i didn't had problems with Sabrina, nor Morty.

For Giovanni, an easy tactic is to catch a sturdy magnemite and teach it thunder wave, this way you outspeed mewtwo and rek his ass.

For Kanto E4 it was a pain to grind a lot but at the end i felt satisfied by beating it, like in every handheld game the E4 is way too easy to be called "elite", in pro the E4 is a REAL elite. (i also got lucky with the rng xd)

For Claire it was a little difficult but getting access to Dragon Den solved the issue, i just leveled up my starter there and caught some poke lvl 50 and leveled them there since i was leveling only my starter in the story.

Johto E4 was easy since i already had my Kanto E4 team ready on the PC Storage ^^

235010 The game was very fun up until the point where I had to fight the elite four. That's great. Except I learned that grinding is especially required to even get a chance at defeating the elite 4. To gain from level 50+ to 75+. I also learned that in order to reach Hoenn, a level 80 rattata was required. I'm shaking my head at this point asking why. I'm not happy with that fact because rattata is a terrible Pokemon to begin with, and it could very well take hours to even reach that point and it's not going to be fun. I feel like it's added there for the sake of it.

There are a few aspects of the game just made for the shits and giggles. Most of them, which started off as an inside or community wide joke. Only youngster joey made it to the level of "boss npc" grinding level is a tad more than the original handheld games, but this is an intentional addition to that level, making your regular gameplay (PvEvP) much more harder in comparrison to the handheld games, which are utterly boring (till gen 4). PRO's Kanto region has more content than Pokemons R/B/Y, G/S/C, R/S/E combined. That gives you a little bit of the scale that is drawn here. Where you are given a glimpse of what PRO's content developement is aiming, a more rich gameplay with more interaction. A proper feedback would be, how to make grinding more tolerable and rewarding without causing damage to storyline, gameplay and economy.

235010 The only thing that really diminishes my impressions of the game is the repetitive grinding. I get that it's an mmo. But this type of repetitive fighting monsters to level up and progress is the type of MMO I'd be playing in 2003. Not the type of mmos that would provide me with fun things to do that doesn't feel like I'm grinding. Don't get me wrong, I'd like the game to be hard, but not to the point where I have to farm for hours to be successful. That's not difficulty, it's time sink, and puts a mental strain on me as a player fighting geodudes for 5 hours, when I really want a chance to see more the content that the game has to offer. To get to the point, repetitive grinding is annoying and extremely boring.

Games, in definition are time sinks. You need to be able to spend countless hours to the point where you can be proud of your achievements. Wether this completing storylines, pokedex, events or even rankings (PvP obv) to gain more and more rewards at the end.


235010 I would really like to see more custom content in the game that does not require me to beat the elite four, or catch 200 Pokemon. There isn't a lot, and it would really help if more options were given to us early in the story game. Finding a quest/content to do only to find that it can't be done until much later in the game is beyond frustrating. Quests where I have to defeat some boss pre elite four is nice. MMOs like World of Warcraft, GW2, and ESO added quests into the game to make the experience more enjoyable and not feel like I'm fighting the same monsters over and over to get a small amount of exp. I'm focused on the gameplay and story as I level. If you think that just because it's an mmo excuses the repetitiveness of the game then keep in mind that this concept is extremely outdated and puts a lot of frustration to casual players who have life obligations that keep them from fully experiencing the game. At this point this game feels like a full time job instead of a game that is fun enough to escape from it.

Unlike the games you have been listed, Pokemon is limited by its own design. Maps, storyline and whatnot. And considering that PRO is still on the stage of early developement, it will take some time to be able to provide custom contents (talking about custom region). As of now, there are only a handful of aspects that are custom made content wise, the newest addition valley of steel and moon map are a good example to that. If you look at pokemon itself as a content, you can only do much. 750+ pokemons to catch, train and battle. Thats a limitation. 5 regions (only PRO can use as map source) is a limitation. On that regard, having too high expectations will only crush your hopes more in content wise (in regards of comparrison to WoW GW2 etc. etc.)

Suggestions and productive feedback is always welcome and considered in order to make new and more enjoyable gameplay to PRO as a whole.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

I got a friend who has grinded 250h without membership, has 7 full ev trained pokemons and hasn't complained ONCE. He refuses to pay money into F2P games (and he does right IMO) and he enjoys the game for what it is. If you can't even do that, you're just being lazy.

Check my Mall!

I may have some feedback that might help. Maybe have player battles provide EXP but not EVs? Trainer battles sound like a really fun way to level up your Pokemon while providing a social aspect to the game. When you battle trainers, you'd only be focusing on how to beat that player rather than make it feel like a repetitive grind.

237053 (and he does right IMO).

If no one pay for a F2P game, the game will just be closed because no money to keep the servers running.


Thank god there's you to provide all of the needed funds. <3

Check my Mall!
237057Maybe have player battles provide EXP but not EVs? Trainer battles sound like a really fun way to level up your Pokemon while providing a social aspect to the game. When you battle trainers, you'd only be focusing on how to beat that player rather than make it feel like a repetitive grind.

I can already imagine players getting level 100s within minutes when their friends make them teams of useless Blisseys to grind on (this strategy is already used in ORAS with secret bases full of useless Lv 100 Blisseys.)

237053 I got a friend who has grinded 250h without membership, has 7 full ev trained pokemons and hasn't complained ONCE. He refuses to pay money into F2P games (and he does right IMO) and he enjoys the game for what it is. If you can't even do that, you're just being lazy.

So someone spent a bit of extra time to achieve the same goal with zero extra required skill and that alone should invalidate people's feedback towards a game? Nice to know this friend of yours enjoys mindlessly repeating the same action for hundreds of hours on end and then refusing to support the people who allowed his fun to be possible. :Cry:

236562 To be fair I do understand OP's point in a lot of this. So far I've hit a brick wall for progress 5 times. Only once out of those four could the blame be aimed at myself:


Sabrina: Used what I felt like and team had a bit of a weakness to psychic-types. Had to level a Snorlax up 20 levels just to stand a chance.

Giovanni (Gym 8): Underleveled by an unknown amount. Had to grind Snorlax up for a good hour or two just so it wouldn't get 1-shot and hoped it could paralyse with body slam.

Kanto E4: Underleveled by approx 20-30 levels below the recommended level and couldn't brute-force my way through Lance. Had to catch a decent Magikarp from scratch, give it decent EVs and level it to 75 to beat it.

Morty: Underleveled by ~10-15 levels. Had to grind out the fishing spot in town until my mons were strong enough to not get 1-shot.

Claire: Underleveled by a good 20 levels. Currently in the process of grinding in Dragon's Den so I can get back to the story.


Note: Excluding Sabrina, all the times I hit a dead end I had the membership exp boost and during Morty I had about a day's worth of the other exp boost on as well. All side-quests found have been completed, all maps accessible have been explored to it's fullest (I even found a Trapinch because of that :Grin: )


The fact that 4/5 times I've been stuck in a situation I can't use wits to get myself out of isn't a challenge. It's frustrating. It feels like Instead of using said wits and having agency in the battle I'm just playing the MMORPG number game as I know I can't use things such as status, items or tactical switching when all my pokémon are getting out-sped and (sometimes close to) 1-shot by the above. What makes matters even worse is that I feel like if I don't use the 'meta' pokémon for clearing the story I'll be hampering my progress even further so that seems to kill the fun even further.


I don't know about others as I'm not them yet I prefer a challenge that takes skill to overcome. Not a grind-fest that's beaten by how long you spent walking in a patch of grass.


Freshly caught Sturdy Magnemite with Thunder Wave would've achieved the same result as Snorlax's Body Slam, without grinding required, and without hoping the effect will kick in since Thunder Wave will always paralyze. And Sturdy ensures the Pokemon is not knocked out, meaning Thunder Wave will hit. Being outsped doesn't matter to a Sturdy poke.

237057Maybe have player battles provide EXP but not EVs? Trainer battles sound like a really fun way to level up your Pokemon while providing a social aspect to the game. When you battle trainers, you'd only be focusing on how to beat that player rather than make it feel like a repetitive grind.

I can already imagine players getting level 100s within minutes when their friends make them teams of useless Blisseys to grind on (this strategy is already used in ORAS with secret bases full of useless Lv 100 Blisseys.)

237053 I got a friend who has grinded 250h without membership, has 7 full ev trained pokemons and hasn't complained ONCE. He refuses to pay money into F2P games (and he does right IMO) and he enjoys the game for what it is. If you can't even do that, you're just being lazy.

So someone spent a bit of extra time to achieve the same goal with zero extra required skill and that alone should invalidate people's feedback towards a game? Nice to know this friend of yours enjoys mindlessly repeating the same action for hundreds of hours on end and then refusing to support the people who allowed his fun to be possible. :Cry:



My point is that anyone should be able to play this game without "extra help" if they tried hard enough instead of complaining. And last time i checked, people are not obliged to pay for something if they don't want to / cannot afford.


I don't see anybody complaining. I see constructive criticism. I need you to learn the difference between the two. I agree with OP....some of the grinds/quests are just absurd. With that being said I didn't have a problem with the level 80 rattata ( actually found that to be quite easy if you teach it thunderbolt).


I understand you want to make the game difficult but its a fine line between difficulty and time consuming. I understand you not wanting everyone to have Mew or any other legendary poke but lets just be honest......everything you have to do to get Mew is a little overboard. Make me have to beat like 6 of the best trainers and maybe get through a few mazes without healing my pokes or something that relies more on the SKILL of the player.I have been playing pokemon games since their inception ( RED/BLUE) and I always found it quite comical when people thought or assumed the purpose of the pokemon games were to catch EVERY poke or attempt to. I understand that this isn't a traditional poke game but that doesn't mean it has to demand you to catch/evolve a certain amount of pokemon to complete an objective. I just wish certain things in PRO was more suited for the SKILL of a player than how much time the player can invest. Catching 200 plus pokemon that ill NEVER use just bores me. With that being said this is still a very good game and I enjoy it. There isn't anything better than this but it does have a lot of room for improvement.

I understand you not wanting everyone to have Mew or any other legendary poke but lets just be honest......everything you have to do to get Mew is a little overboard. Make me have to beat like 6 of the best trainers and maybe get through a few mazes without healing my pokes or something that relies more on the SKILL of the player.I have been playing pokemon games since their inception ( RED/BLUE) and I always found it quite comical when people thought or assumed the purpose of the pokemon games were to catch EVERY poke or attempt to. I understand that this isn't a traditional poke game but that doesn't mean it has to demand you to catch/evolve a certain amount of pokemon to complete an objective. I just wish certain things in PRO was more suited for the SKILL of a player than how much time the player can invest. Catching 200 plus pokemon that ill NEVER use just bores me. With that being said this is still a very good game and I enjoy it. There isn't anything better than this but it does have a lot of room for improvement.

Other than the evolution requirement I actually thought the requirements for Mew were very fitting. Seeing as filling the pokédex is one of the main things to do in a standard pokémon game, with your reward for catching all the Kanto pokémon is getting the opportunity to catch the iconic Kanto legendary. It's not like many people would want to use Mew in competitive anyway as the chances of getting a decent Mew (random IVs, random nature) are so slim it's not worth the effort in that regard.

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