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Guide To Player Market


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Well if staff would "fix" ms price, most people would probably stop selling coins at least for now. If the price is too high for you, then simply don't buy it as rule states. I have seen too many post whining about too high coin prices. It's their money = price is their decision. And 5$ is still pretty cheap compared to for example. just released games.

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Yes and I have read many such posts stating "if the price is too high then don't buy it" and "stop whining about the prices, it's my money! My price" but unfortunately, you donating does not mean you automatically receive "power" to dictate what the price for MS should be as an example.


I feel a lot of you have climbed on this bandwagon that your $5 donation gives you the power to dictate prices because you donated. It's only a 5$ donation, not 100$, and many of us cannot use paypal.


As for the staff. If they stepped in when the price of MS was around 350K and made it a fixed price, then we could've avoided the continuing rise of MS. When MS rises automatically the coins prices will rise and the prices of other coin shop items. But I feel if the staff walks in now and drops the price of MS, it'd be chaotic which I think is one of the reasons they decided not to intervene since donators would probably lash out at them or not donate as much anymore.


But as I said, all players would like to enjoy buying coins, ms, etc but not for a ridiculously high price.


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297835 I'd also like to add that being patient is worth it. Not all sellers are selling Ms for crazy prices and we as buyers try to dictate the market with our wallets. It's totally worth waiting too see if you can get something for cheaper.


True that being patient is worth it :Shy:


But the problem is........


Current MS price is what, 700k-900k? Cheapest would be, say, 550k-650k, which is still more than double what the good price used to be (200k-300k).


650k might be seen as "cheap" compared to the current price, but it's still way too much for a lot of players :Crazy:






Though, the biggest problem is the players themselves. Players want the price to drop, but in the Trade channel, there are:


- Not enough buyers asking for lower price

- Not enough sellers willing to sell at much lower price to get bigger profit via having more buyers (like I said before somewhere else, selling 3 MS for 300k in 1 hour has bigger profit than selling 1 MS for 700k in 1 day)

- Too much greedy sellers, especially the ones with paypal access.


If only we have more players willing to be patient and keep asking for lower price, and more sellers willing to do the second point above, the MS price would have been more easily regulated.






Anyway, regarding the "staff action" topic, staffs HAVE interfered with MS price before. Older players would remember that during last year December, the price of MS sank to as low as 60k-90k due to item duping. They stopped the duping and the dupers, but it doesn't really change the sunken MS price, as no one other than the staffs knows how much MS stock are still on the market, especially with the coin shop essentially still providing endless stock of MS anyway.


So the staffs temporarily removed MS from coin shop, causing the price to rise as no MS in coin shop makes people realize the stock is dwindling.

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  • 2 months later...

Which server do you play on? I play on the blue server and from what i've seen 100 coins aren't worth 400-500k. Membership for example costs 100 coins but i often see it in trade chat for 1.1-1.2 million. It's very very rare that I see membership in trade chat for any less than that price. Regular mounts cost around 500k-600k and shiny mounts sell for 1-1.2 million on trade chat. The prices you're showing are how it used to be way back in the past i guess but right now I don't see those prices that you're showing in trade chat. If you don't believe me just log-in and look for yourself. Unless the prices are much lower on red and yellow server than they are on blue.


" selling 3 MS for 300k in 1 hour has bigger profit than selling 1 MS for 700k in 1 day)"

I wouldn't call spending $15 for 300k making a bigger profit than spending $5 to make 700k. Even spending $30 dollars for 600k would get you less profit than $5 for 700k. Your dollar would have much less value. Also not everyone wants to spend hundreds of dollars on a video game to get rich with pokemoney so they are willing to be patient and wait a day or so to get the maximum pokemoney for their hard earned real life money spent.

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@bbz306 Even if my comment is much later, since the prices haven't been updated on this guide to reflect the current prices of today then it's a good thing i said something because if a new player were to read this thread they might believe these prices are the same now. So i'm glad i corrected it just in case a new players comes later and reads this guide.

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