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Shamac's Healthcare Tips


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[glow=red]Shamac's Healthcare Tips[/glow]



[align=justify]Hello everyone, as some of you might know I have some knowledge inside the Healthcare Universe, more especifically nursing, and since I have free time and some of you are interested in this matter as asked for it I have compiled some information and share with you. As we all are aware of our lack of comitment to our bodys due to the several hours spent in front of a pc, certain aspects of our health will deterioate so I hope this might teach you something new a helpful for the future.

This topic will be divided into 5 parts:


  • Sleep
    Exercises to do on PC


As there isn't any further information to insert in this intro I will start with the WoT. Best of luck :Cool:




Why is sleep important?



To understand why sleep is important, think of your body like a factory that performs a number of vital functions. As you drift off to sleep, your body begins its night-shift work:

• Healing damaged cells

• Boosting your immune system

• Recovering from the day’s activities

• Recharging your heart and cardiovascular system for the next day

We all know the value of sleeping well, and we’ve all experienced the feeling of being refreshed after a good night’s sleep – and the feeling of fatigue after a poor night’s sleep. But even though we know this, in our busy society, many of us are not getting the quality sleep needed to truly receive the health benefits of sleep.


Understanding the sleep cycle



Understanding what happens during sleep also means understanding the sleep cycle, which consists of two recurring phases: REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non-REM or non-rapid eye movement). Both phases are important for different functions in our bodies.

NREM sleep typically occupies 75–80% of total sleep each night. Many of the health benefits of sleep take place during NREM sleep – tissue growth and repair occurs, energy is restored and hormones that are essential for growth and development are released.

REM sleep typically occupies 20–25% of total sleep each night. REM sleep, when dreaming occurs, is essential to our minds for processing and consolidating emotions, memories and stress. It is also thought to be vital for learning, stimulating the brain regions used in learning and developing new skills.

If the REM and NREM cycles are interrupted multiple times throughout the night — either due to snoring, difficulties breathing or waking up frequently throughout the night — then we miss out on vital body processes, which can affect our health and well-being the next day and long term.


<U>What happens if you don’t get enough sleep?


If your body doesn’t get a chance to properly recharge – by cycling through REM and NREM – you’re already starting the next day at a disadvantage. You might find yourself:

• Feeling drowsy, irritable or sometimes depressed

• Struggling to take in new information at work, remembering things or making decisions

• Craving more unhealthy foods, which could cause weight gain1

If this happens night after night, it places a tremendous strain on your nervous system, body and overall health. So if you’re not sleeping well or aren’t feeling rested when you wake up in the morning, it’s important to talk to your doctor and ask if a sleep study is right for you.

How to get a good night's sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep requires more than just going to bed on time. Try following these sleep tips to give yourself the best chance of getting consistent, quality sleep each night. And if you feel like you’re doing everything you can to get a good night’s sleep but no longer have the energy to do the things you love, there might be more to the story.

  • Allocate enough time for sleep. Sleep is just as important as diet and exercise, so it’s important to allocate the right amount of time in your day for sleep and plan the rest of your schedule accordingly. Getting a good night’s sleep means 6–8 hours each night for adults.
  • Create consistent sleep habits. As creatures of habit, we’re usually more successful when following a routine. Sleep is no different. From your pre-sleep ritual to going to bed and waking up at the same time, you’ll find that consistency makes it easier to fall asleep each night.
  • Create a comfortable sleep environment. Make sure your bedroom is cool, quiet and comfortable – especially your bed. It may take some experimenting and an investment on your part, but finding an ultra-comfortable bed and pillow is invaluable. We spend one-third of our lives in bed, making it the one area of your life you don’t want to compromise on comfort.
  • Turn it off before bed. Whether it’s television, reading, email or texting, give yourself a nice window of time to unplug and relax before bedtime. Your body should associate your bed with sleep and these activities ramp up your brain activity rather than relaxing it. Television and bright light can also suppress melatonin production – making it difficult to fall asleep.


How to sit correctly, here are some tips to help you sit correctly. This will help you in the long term.

<COLOR color="#00FF00">Support your back.

You can reduce your risk of back pain by adjusting your chair so your lower back is properly supported.

A correctly adjusted chair will reduce the strain on your back. Get one that is easily adjustable so you can change the height, back position and tilt. Your knees should be slightly lower than your hips. Use a footrest, if it feels necessary.

<COLOR color="#00FF00">Adjust your chair

Adjust your chair height so you can use the keyboard with your wrists and forearms straight and level with the floor. This can help prevent repetitive strain injuries.

Your elbows should be by the side of your body so the arm forms an L-shape at the elbow joint.

Rest your feet on the floor

Place your feet flat on the floor. If they're not, ask if you can have a footrest, which lets you rest your feet at a level that's comfortable.

Don't cross your legs, as this may contribute to posture-related problems.

Place your screen at eye level

Your screen should be directly in front of you. A good guide is to place the monitor about an arm's length away, with the top of the screen roughly at eye level.

To achieve this, you may need a monitor stand. If the screen is too high or too low, you'll have to bend your neck, which can be uncomfortable.

Using the keyboard

Place your keyboard in front of you when typing. Leave a gap of about four to six inches (100mm-150mm) at the front of the desk to rest your wrists between bouts of typing.

Keep your arms bent in an L-shape and your elbows by your sides.

Some people like to use a wrist rest to keep their wrists straight and at the same level as the keys.

Keep your mouse close

Position and use the mouse as close to you as possible. A mouse mat with a wrist pad may help keep your wrist straight and avoid awkward bending.

If you're not using your keyboard, push it to one side to move the mouse closer to you.

Avoid screen reflection

Your screen should be as glare-free as possible. If there's glare on your screen, hold a mirror in front of the screen so you know what's causing it.

Position the monitor to avoid reflection from overhead lighting and sunlight. If necessary, pull blinds across the windows.

Adjusting the screen's brightness or contrast can make it much easier to use.

Make objects accessible

Position frequently used objects, such as your smartphone, within easy reach. Avoid repeatedly stretching or twisting to reach things.

Avoid phone strain

If you spend a lot of time on the phone, try exchanging your handset for a headset. Repeatedly cradling the phone between your ear and shoulder can strain the muscles in your neck.

Take regular breaks

Don't sit in the same position for long periods. Make sure you change your posture as often as is practicable.

Frequent short breaks are better for your back than fewer long ones. It gives the muscles a chance to relax while others take the strain.

[glow=purple]Exercises to do on pc[/glow]


Do simple stretching exercises. Stretch your arms, legs, neck and torso while sitting. This will help prevent you from feeling stiff.

  • Neck: To stretch your neck, slowly flex your head forward and backward, side to side and look right and left. This can be done almost any time to lessen tension and strain. Never roll your head around your neck––this could cause damage to the joints of the neck.
  • Shoulders: Roll your shoulders forward around 10 times, then backward. This helps release the tension off your shoulders.
  • Arms and shoulders: A good stretch for your arms and shoulders is to brace your hands on the edge your desk, each about a shoulder width away from your body. Twist your hands in so they point toward your body and lean forward, hunching your shoulders. Take this a step further and push your shoulders and elbows closer to the desk.
  • Wrists: Roll your wrists regularly, around every hour or so. Roll the wrists 10 times clockwise, then 10 times counterclockwise. This will help minimize the potential for getting carpal tunnel syndrome if you spend a lot of time typing.
  • Ankles: Roll your ankles regularly. As with your wrists, roll the ankles in a clockwise motion three times, then counterclockwise. This helps improve blood circulation, and prevents that tingling feeling you can get when blood circulation is cut off, also known as "pins and needles".
  • Chest: Notice if you tend to hunch in front of the keyboard. To counter that, perform the following exercise: Open your arms wide as if you were going to hug someone, rotate your wrists externally (thumbs going up and back) and pull your shoulders back. This stretch is moving your body the opposite way to being hunched and you should feel a good stretch across your upper chest.
  • Abdomen: Contract your abdominal and gluteal muscles, hold them there for a few seconds, then release. Repeat this every few minutes all day long while you're working at your desk. You can also perform kegels (pelvic floor exercises) while sitting.
  • Calves: Stretch your calves. While sitting, lift up your legs on the balls of your feet and set them down. Repeat until your legs are comfortably tired. Repeat about 10 minutes later, and continue doing this routine for about an hour or so. This will exercise your calves, and will help prevent blood clots from developing in your legs.



This one will have an extra of my opinion into it since it won’t be a definition or any kind of it.

As a diet you are not required to make your life a living nightmare and stop having pleasure eating, you just need to dont abuse the amount of junk food and have a balanced regime.

Ill throw some informations in form of topics now:

  • Alchool percentage in a drink is the same as fat in a drink;
  • Having 1 "fast-food"/"junk-food" as a meal per week is COMPLETLY FINE(unless the sause is pure oil);
  • Sauces are pure evil (mayo, mustard and ketchup are the kings of it)
  • The more you sleep the more calories you burn;
  • Avoid Salt (All kinds);
  • Drink a lot of water makes your body expell more, therefor less toxins in your body;
  • Water=Win;
  • Dont eat the same food more than 3 times in the same week and avoid eating the same in a row.
  • Is better eating many times a day a low amount than eat a few times a day a lot;
  • Always eat food for the tasks that you will do, example: if you want to stay home all day long, eat less and food that will give you less energy / if you want to go for the pool for 1h try to get more food with the most proteins possible.
  • Your body absorb a lot more after you exercise, example: after you are wasted from workout don't eat junk food, that will absorb all the fat, so you should have something simple.


Following this steps i listed won't make you super fit super fast, but will keep you healthy, if you want to work on your physical shape, eat chiken, tuna (conserved in water) and boiled eggs as your main energy resource since it doesn't have a lot of fat in it and follow all those steps at risk, especially the last 3 topics i gave.



Again you don't need to turn your life into a nightmare to get healthy, just small decisions. If you can go to the place you want in a 20 minute window, don't use your car (not when your late ofc :P), walk for those 20 minute, having a 40-60 minute walk each day is already enough for your body to keep you healthy (there are some exceptions as normal). Also, jogging and swiming are the main exercises for someone to get fit really fast, expecially swiming, since in those 2 you need to use all the muscles in your body.

Furthermore, if you want to lose weight faster while being healthy, walk the more you can, and swimming will be the best option (final advice: Always swim at the end of the day, otherwise you will have one of the worse days in your life).


As a final message...

With all of this being read (good job if you read everything, if you want take one of these cookies) I hope you actually learn something and will follow some of the tips i presented you with. I would also like to apreciate the oportunity of becoming a staff member and this will be one of the many WoT I will make you through. If you have any question aboult health or if you want to know more about, feel free to reply here. Also if you want anything to be added in this thread tell me and I will make add :)

Sincerely, Shamac.[/align]


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niice tips :thanks: :Heart: well that explains why my back alwaaays hurts when i am on :Frown:






[glow=red]"In this world,where ever there is light - there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be loosers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love."[/glow]

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300135 Nice Shamac! A lot of players dont sleep in Pro haha :Smile:

bots cant sleep

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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