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Nyaaa~!!!!! (Hello)

Guest SugarRed9

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301989 I enjoy singing in discord

me too, i love me singing some Barbie Girl and Justin Bieber to brighten up the day (okay the Bieber bit isnt actually sarcasm but dont tell anyone, my cred will be gone instantly)

301998 Life's hard for ducks, I guess. Here's your quote. :Ambivalent:



I also laughed too hard at this, (does the same to Pear and wipes his 23801923812 Shiny Psyducks)


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Welcome in introduction i guess SugarRed9, i'll take your cats if you dont mind unless you sing for me, Hideliet told me you were for him so im jealous now :Proud:


When you live amongst the stars, you lose sight on what is happening on the ground


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forum. Unsolicited messages will be eaten. Thanks.

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welcome sugar, I heard your guild is #1? I wanna join :( oh wait :3

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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hiiii suuugaar my name is nick and i love blaziken my go is to be the master of a shiny blaziken






[glow=red]"In this world,where ever there is light - there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be loosers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love."[/glow]

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