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Fixing Price Inflation


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307076 Don't agree to buying stuff over priced. Noting is telling you to pay 1 million for that membership.

That happens because some people have more then 10/15/20/etc mln. Nothing wrong with that, they can easily spend 1 mln for a ms.

But this situation make rich guys even richer and new player will always be poor. Even the decent/good poke in trade chat goes for 1m today.. back in time, I had trouble in 4rth gym in Johto, but price wasn't crazy, I was allowed to buy a good dragonair for 60k that I still use today sometimes. Now that would be impossible because even the baddest pokemon cost so much money.. what does that mean? That mean new players with not so much time=quit.

Did anyone noticed that newplayers in viridian/pallet are always rarer? I remember time when Viridian PC was so full of people that you can't even saw another guy for a trade.

I think this may be another part of the current problem.. :Ambivalent:

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307070 reduces the coins price

It is one of the solutions but must be done by Team PRO, maybe not good for them.

307074 I think best solution is Staff should announce a fixed price for MS which has to be followed by all players.

Fixing price lowers the sellers. If I have an MS and the price at market is not good i use it for me or let it at the stock.

I have a stock of rare candies but i dont want to sell for that reason.

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307044 Btw all don't have +18 years and money and money=for eat and buy a house/appartment not for a game but stop with your comment now it's useless.

looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool, please stop your comment makes 0 sense


okay you have to worry about buying a house at age of 18 lol, sorry if you cannot survive in the real world if you spent 5$ on a game lool

307056 Exactly


  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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A couple suggestions:


Auction / trade house

A place where we can put items, Pokémon and goodies, fix a price and wait until someone buys. Our goods can be sold even if we are offline.

I think that it will stabilize the market.



Educate newbies, teach them:

  • Not to hurry and buy Pokémon from others right after the 4th Badge (usually, they buy trash for all their money and get greedy right after the Elite Four)
  • To level up their OT Pokémon before going to each gym* -- This way, they won't lose, and will get more money from battles.
  • To try compose their own PvP team, read strategy guides and improve their skills.
  • To use sync and patience to get their own Pokémon, or at least try to get their own before even thinking to buy from other players.


Just a couple of ideas that could help new players to avoid getting greedy with time. Like in all community, we have to educate our new members. We can even put an accompanying program where we assign a tutor to one or more newbies.

307091 level up their OT Pokémon before going to each gym*



Your team has to be between level n*x and n*x+5 in order to face Gym number n and continue your journey the best way.


My experience made me realize that there's all the necessary to get your team to that level before each gym. There are enough players, wild encounters and quests between a gym and another for it. The slower you go, the better your journey is.

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Best solution is more money sinks like focus sashes. And we probably need i money cut like everyone keeps up 100k and everything above gets divided by 10 e.g. 1m9 --> 100k + 1m8/10=280k.

But all the stuff wont help in the long run, if bots are still a problem. As long as there is so much money in the systems prices wont go down.

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307091 A place where we can put items, Pokémon and goodies, fix a price and wait until someone buys. Our goods can be sold even if we are offline.

It is a very nice idea if we have an "automatic shop" but this can never control the price.

The price is the result of a reaction between seller and buyer at the market.

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307091 A couple suggestions:


Auction / trade house

A place where we can put items, Pokémon and goodies, fix a price and wait until someone buys. Our goods can be sold even if we are offline.

I think that it will stabilize the market.



Educate newbies, teach them:

  • Not to hurry and buy Pokémon from others right after the 4th Badge (usually, they buy trash for all their money and get greedy right after the Elite Four)
  • To level up their OT Pokémon before going to each gym* -- This way, they won't lose, and will get more money from battles.
  • To try compose their own PvP team, read strategy guides and improve their skills.
  • To use sync and patience to get their own Pokémon, or at least try to get their own before even thinking to buy from other players.


Just a couple of ideas that could help new players to avoid getting greedy with time. Like in all community, we have to educate our new members. We can even put an accompanying program where we assign a tutor to one or more newbies.

307091 level up their OT Pokémon before going to each gym*



Your team has to be between level n*x and n*x+5 in order to face Gym number n and continue your journey the best way.


My experience made me realize that there's all the necessary to get your team to that level before each gym. There are enough players, wild encounters and quests between a gym and another for it. The slower you go, the better your journey is.

Auction houses will fix everything

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307044 Btw all don't have +18 years and money and money=for eat and buy a house/appartment not for a game but stop with your comment now it's useless.

looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool, please stop your comment makes 0 sense


okay you have to worry about buying a house at age of 18 lol, sorry if you cannot survive in the real world if you spent 5$ on a game lool

307056 Exactly


I never read the full text only the first part *Embarrassed AF*

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