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Create a New Medalion : Shiny Stone


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Hello Sabo, and thank you for making a such detailed suggestion, unfortunatly as you can check in this thread under the [glow=red]List of denied and non-negotiable suggestions[/glow]:

Encounter rate

We will not give any percentage of encounter rate of pokemon. Players will need to find by themselves.


Making the spawn rate easier

The luck aspect of the game is exactly what drives the interest of so many of PRO's players. Is it frustrating? It can be. But players who have everything they want don't continue to hunt. By spending more time in the game, you have more encounters and you make more money. These are advantageous because you can possibly find better Pokemon, or you can buy Pokemon because you have more money. However, the spawn rates will always remain low to give new players the same CHANCE to find amazing Pokemon as the old players have. What most players fail to realize is that you don't need perfect Pokemon to be competitive in PRO's PvP. If you want to battle people with perfect Pokemon, then use one of the many battle simulators available online.


What are you suggesting is to kill game trade aspect by giving easy candies and make both trade market and economy to last less. Eventually, making an unique Pokemon certain trainer has not so unique. Please note that Hidden ability ratio is 5% and it is not related with spawns at all. Staff have been watching the statistics all the time. Rarer pokemon are easier to get, and we mean every one of them after our revision. We are not making tiers easier to encounter any longer since we spent quite of a time analyzing them and watching the statistic. And we must say we are quite pleased with number of Pokemon people get without spending days and night not finding anything, then again, you have a luck factor.


What you are addressing is something very specific. This is where trade aspect of the game comes into play. Meaning, you probably won't get every perfect Pokemon with your OT, but you can get one via trade with others through auction, bidding and whatnot. If we are to give easy Pokemon and abilties to everyone economy would collapse in no time. There wouldn't be any unique stuff anymore. Take for example Dragonite. You have few options with it. Rain Dragonite, Anti flinch and Multiscale Dragonite. You can use it well depends how you train it. Of course, strong multiscale attacker will be a alot rarer and expensive. You can also have 100 Gibles but that doesnt mean all of them are viable and meant to be for pvp. This is how the game works. We are to protect players efforts and protect their unique monsters. Your effort can be rewarded by selling those monsters you amassed via trade. What are you suggestion is simply, lets make everything cost 5k.


Bear in mind that catching Pokemon in PRO is not supposed to provide quick or easy gratification. There's a reason why some Pokemon are classified as "extremely rare" - you can sometimes spend more than 2 weeks without finding these Pokemon. Of course the fact that you are searching for a week without getting the Pokemon you want is a product of bad luck too. But if everyone could have epic rare Pokemon then the point of them being limited would be lost. Although, if you wish to have some encounters fixed or re-balanced, you can always provide more feedback, with statistics and other aspects. Where they will be evaluated and changed or not if those spawns are indeed intended to be that way. If you've tested it and feel a certain Pokemon's spawn needs to be revised, however, you may contribute with feedback to our "Pokémon Spawns Resolution and Suggestions" thread.

The spawns reasons presented before also affects the shinys, since they would take the value out of them aswell. I hope this answer is enough to clear any doubt about this topic.

Also, I would like to apreciate the suggestion, it might look sometimes like we don't care or that we neglet them, but we indeed read them all and a lot of times we consider them, we really do, so keep sending suggestions like this when you have another idea, i belive one day one will make into the game.

Best of luck and have fun playing :)




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307121 The shiny chance can be 1/10 and this could still be the case. It's all luck, nothing wrong here.


Doubling the chances to find a shiny = double the amount of shinies in the market. Also means double the chance of finding epic shinies which could potentially hurt the economy.


Unnecessary, in my opinion.


:thanks: for you comments chameleon


It is also the goal to lower prices, I see not how its bad if the shinys are cheaper in the game? (Knowing that the commons are not worth much already)


And as I said before, 1 chance in 2000 is still rare, we will not see any difference given the few players active at the moment (and the rarest who agrees to pay a medallion)


After that is my opinion, but I do not think you'll see the 'Channel Trade' spammer of Dratini Shinys. ^^

I didn't think about how many people would buy the "shiny stone" so my 1st post is quite inaccurate. Apologies for that.


On the other hand, I don't believe "lowering the prices" always means "good". More shinies will indeed end up decreasing the values of Pokemon and anything farmable, but this also means decreasing the value of the time you put into this game. And (if I'm not wrong) this would also increase the prices of non-farmable items such as MS Medalion. I may be wrong here, but my explanation is below.


Before the increased shiny chance: I can grind 500k. An epic Raticate costs 50k.

After the increased shiny chance: I can still grind 500k. An epic Raticate now costs 25k.


Raticate is farmable as you know. So the value of farming a Pokemon is decreased. The player can buy the same Pokemon in each case, but would have more money in their pocket in the 2nd scenario. And this is why I think non farmable items would increase in price. Because I can save more money on farmable items/Pokemon in game. And this results in IRL money having a lot of impact on the game.


Your suggestion might not have an impact this severe, but this, imo, is what sort of an effect it would have. Correct me if I'm not thinking right.


I mean i get your point, but if you think bigger than raticat, rarer pok are going for 1mill+ and alot of players dont buy shinies since pvp pokemon cost alot aswell. By reducing the "price" you would also get more consumers and ppl who are grinding 500k now could be in theory able the afford pokemon, that would have been valued at 1m before the item came out. Also dont forget the effect of incentives, ppl would be more willing to buy shinies, if the prices for decent ones would not be that astronomical, which could also clean out our economy problem in the long run.


Another option i guess is, that you could make the shiny item a npc item, this way you could regulate the price and also make it a "money sink".



Take all of this with a grain of salt tho, since iam no expert in shiny matters :P


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i disagree with the creation of the new item shop.. but this ideia is fine, once there it on the original rom, but, in my opinion, it would be a reward, for example, my tread about leveluping our character, if you come to be a lvl 100 you'll receive a shiny stone medallion and now you have the new shiny rate: 1/4092


thread: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=53292


so, you'll receive this after much effort

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The spawns reasons presented before also affects the shinys, since they would take the value out of them aswell. I hope this answer is enough to clear any doubt about this topic.

Also, I would like to apreciate the suggestion, it might look sometimes like we don't care or that we neglet them, but we indeed read them all and a lot of times we consider them, we really do, so keep sending suggestions like this when you have another idea, i belive one day one will make into the game.

Best of luck and have fun playing :)



:thanks: for your comment, I hope the best for this game!

I hope to find another idea to improve the game, soon ! :)


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307198 Hello Sabo At the start i have love this game so much and become GM is my dream but 4-5 month before i lost my motivation of PRO because MS and Hoenn before Hoenn we have ms for 300k and i hunt lot with my friend but now i just play for my guild but i love this game, good work.

Dont give up you have a dream try to get it. Maybe you will be a day not the last.

Be loyal to your dream. big dreams are not easy small boy.


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Coming from another Pokemon game who used to have a pay wall for easier shinies, this would create a 2 tiered game. those with easy shinies. and those without. PRO was always made as a free to play game, although there are obviously benefits to buying the membership, the effects of it aren't exactly game-breaking.


When we created PRO, the first thing we cemented was the rate of shinies, and that everyone had an equal chance to get one.


You posted a nice and well detailed out suggestion, but it will never happen here.


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