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Thanks, you two!

Well, took a bit to sort, and looks about like this, only 10 times as long :Crazy: .


Player rewards will be handed out soon, if they have not been yet.

[glow=#ff006e]F  u  t  u [/glow][glow=#5a1348]r   e  [/glow][glow=#4d5a8e]  C  l [/glow][glow=#40a1d3]u b[/glow]


Do not contact staff members for private support.

rKfObjw.png rKfObjw.png rKfObjw.png Rules rKfObjw.png FAQ rKfObjw.png Guides rKfObjw.png rKfObjw.png rKfObjw.png

Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use the proper Forum.

310628 Well, took a bit to sort, and looks about like this, only 10 times as long :Crazy: .

OMG, so that's what <pre> and <hr> were for, I never understood these. >.<

... Apparently, only staff members can actually "thank" someone for a post, so I'm just gonna do it as the peasant regular member I am:

[pre]T A K

H N S[/pre]




Anyway, just so I'm not 100% off-topic and spamming:

310582 Just curious as to what the guild rewards are specifically


310518[...] the 1st place guild receives:


who made top25 boys eassyyyy

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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