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Greetings PRO players, i'd like to introduce you to a concept that might interest you; Factions.

[glow=red]Now before i start, keep in mind that this only a concept, not something that is planned to be implemented, only for discussions and feedback if possible.[/glow]



What are factions?

ractions is sort of a global organization that allows players to have extra content and many sidequests along side with possible daily tasks.


This is a concept that many of pokemon fans have been asked for ages "Why can't we join Team Rocket?"


Well, bad news on that because it wont be Team Rocket. You can join either "The Revolution Army" Or "The Rebellion"


There will be a ranking system that will allow you to have more content the more your rank increases, those will be PvE, PvP and possible dungeon Raids, also you can customize your organization base if you have the rank that is authorized to do so.


Main concept is that those two factions are enemies with each other. However, there wont be any occupation on areas, cities or towns. Only exclusive content for players whom wish to join those factions.


Discuss :)


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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44830 I like the idea a lot since it's an mmo and such things are appropiate for this genre, BUT, i dislike on the names :P for some reason it made me think about One Piece

Also I can't imagine a Raid on a Pokemon-based MMO, I just can't... how the heck would it be?

Yeah, i'm bad at naming stuff... I have a base idea on raids, tho not something i'm going to publicize.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

44830 I like the idea a lot since it's an mmo and such things are appropiate for this genre, BUT, i dislike on the names :P for some reason it made me think about One Piece

Also I can't imagine a Raid on a Pokemon-based MMO, I just can't... how the heck would it be?

Yeah, i'm bad at naming stuff... I have a base idea on raids, tho not something i'm going to publicize.

Well, you have an idea, atleast its more than what I can do with that "Pokemon Raiding" term :).

btw If you put the name of the game itself on those type of things everyone will join that "group" (personal experience) so i'd recommend to change atleast the revolution one

Fractions as in... Factions?


I would like this concept. Maybe we could use the Black City and the White Forest from the B/W Pokemon Games as the "Exclusive Towns."

Although I would fear that some players could get a bit too absorbed in the idea and would create a toxic environment if not policed correctly.

Well, in that case the ranks can also come in handy, maybe one of the higher ranks would be something like the "judge" "authority" that particular rank has the capability of "black listing" "banning" "muting" or whatever people that's ... toxic :P or something like that.

This could be also good to roleplay, every rank might have like a "job" something to do besides a questline, like, people that entered the rank "provider" has to give X amount of PD to the Faction each week, but also gets something for doing so.

And then there would be someone that is able to buy pokemon/items/whatever from the "Faction Market", we could also have "Faction-specific" currency for extra stuff :)

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