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Hello everyone again , i really enjoy my first guide ( https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=123&t=55770 ) and people comments, is nice feeling to get pms in game thnx man and stuff like that so i wanna pay back all that good mood and decide to make a new guide to help newbies hunt. I Dont know i like to watch market and sell/buy pokemons alot and someguys maybe know that i get very often pms hello what pokemon i should hunt for money and this is the answer i will give in this topic lets start!!!

ps: all the pokemons in the list are COMMON but very good at pvp so thats why people pay alot for them ( [glow=red]Prices are based on RED SERVER and is not 100% accurate[/glow] )



Nature: Impish

Abillity: Intimidate

+/- price for epic one: 500k-1.5m


Pokemon: tangela.gif

Nature: relaxed

Abillity: regeneration

+/- price for epic one: 800k-2m


Pokemon: slowpoke.gif

Nature: bold

Abillity: regeneration

+/- price for epic one: 800k-2m


Pokemon: phanpy.gif

Nature: Impish

Abillity: Pickup

+/- price for epic one: 500k-1.5m


Pokemon: marill.gif

Nature: Adamant

Abillity: Huge Power

+/- price for epic one: 800k-2m


Pokemon: budew.gif

Nature: Bold/Timid

Abillity: Natural Cure

+/- price for epic one: 700k-2m


Pokemon: magikarp-f.gif

Nature: adamant/jolly/impish

Abillity: intimidate

+/- price for epic one: 300k-1m


Pokemon: weavile-f.gif

Nature: Jolly (31 speed only)

Abillity: Inner Focus / Keen Eye

+/- price for epic one: 1m-2m


Pokemon: gastly.gif

Nature: Timid(31 speed only)

Abillity: Levitate

+/- price for epic one: 700k-1.5m


Pokemon: machop.gif

Nature: Adamant

Abillity: No Guard

+/- price for epic one: 500k-1m


Pokemon: poliwag.gif

Nature: Bold

Abillity: Swift Swim

+/- price for epic one: 1m-2m


Pokemon: magnemite.gif

Nature: Timid/Modest

Abillity: Magnet Pull ( Hidden Power Fire ) ( https://www.psypokes.com/dex/hp.php calculator for HP )

+/- price for epic one: 1m-3m


Pokemon: swinub.gif

Nature: Adamant / Jolly

Abillity: Thick Fat

+/- price for epic one: 1m-2.5m


Pokemon: chinchou.gif

Nature: Bold/Calm

Abillity: Volt Absorb

+/- price for epic one: 300k-1m



Nature: Bold

Abillity: Levitate

+/- price for epic one: 500k-1.5m


Pokemon: cleffa.gif

Nature: Bold/Modest

Abillity: Magic Guard

+/- price for epic one: 500k-1.5m


Pokemon: tentacool.gif

Nature: Bold

Abillity: Liquid Ooze / Rain Dish

+/- price for epic one: 300k-800k


[glow=green] BONUS LIST - HEADBUTT[/glow]


Pokemon: gligar-f.gif

Location: Route 11 (Common)

Nature: Impish/Carefull

Abillity: Immunity

+/- Price for epic one: 1m-4m



Location: Unknown Place (Common)

Nature: Adamant

Abillity: Technician

+/- Price for epic one: 1m-3m


Pokemon: fletchling.png

Location: Viridian City , Route 2 , Route 11 (Route 32 and Violet City too based to other guides never had luck there)

Nature: Adamant (Very Rare)

Abillity: Gale Wings

+/- Price for epic one: 3-15m


Pokemon: fletchinder.png

Location: Unknown Place (Very Rare)

Nature: Adamant

Abillity: Gale Wings

+/- Price for epic one: 3-15m




[glow=blue]GOOD LUCK HUNTING[/glow]

  • Like 1

Thank you for spending time on this guide, and making sure it'll benefit the members! Ty bro! :Grin: :Cool:



Hours Played: 1000+ hours | Guild: | Server: Silver | Discord Tag: Golden#2746

  • 1 month later...


I really like this guide but the prices are way different on yellow than on red, sadly.

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