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[glow=aqua]1st - What country are you from?[/glow]United Kingdom


[glow=aqua]2nd - What server are you?[/glow]Red


[glow=aqua]3rd - Why did they choose this server?[/glow]Because it was the default one (lol)


[glow=aqua]4th - Are you happy on this server?[/glow]Couldn't be happier


[glow=aqua]5th - What is your favorite Pokémon in the game (PRO) and in the all franchise?[/glow]Magikarp. By far the best Pokemon in the game.


[glow=aqua]6th - And which Pokémon would you most like to own?[/glow]Assuming you mean real life, a real Latias would be pretty cool. You could fly it and whatever else it does (It's cute too)


[glow=aqua]7th - What's your favorite shiny version in the Pokémon franchise?[/glow]Magikarp or Caterpie. I mean, they're golden. What more could you ask for?


[glow=aqua]8th - And, finally, what does Pokémon mean to you?[/glow]Pokemon means a lot to me. It's my entire childhood and I'm lucky to have it :y:


Check out PRO's Official Discord:


[glow=yellow]1st - What country are you from?[/glow]

I'm from México


[glow=yellow]2nd - What server are you?[/glow]

Red Server :Grin:


[glow=yellow]3rd - Why did they choose this server?[/glow]

Im since 1986... in this time no was exist other servers, beautiful times.... 1 hour to enter :kiss:


[glow=yellow]4rd - Are you happy on this server?[/glow]

Of course! All my pokes are there :Heart:


[glow=yellow]5th - What is your favorite Pokémon in the game (PRO) and in the all franchise?[/glow]

I love my Sableye <3 and in the franchise is Mawile


[glow=yellow]6th - And which Pokémon would you most like to own?[/glow]

Shiny Sylveon ;-;


[glow=yellow]7th - What's your favorite shiny version in the Pokémon franchise?[/glow]

Shiny Sylveon it's so cool


[glow=yellow]8th - And, finally, what does Pokémon mean to you?[/glow]

Pokémon was the first anime that i watch and the first game I take seriously, for it i have a lot of affection to it



Don't open it


[glow=aqua]¡Happy Birthday Brigid![/glow]






Change log:



I add the 8th question because i was forget it xD

[glow=blue]1. COUNTRY[/glow]

>>>[glow=red]A[/glow][glow=white]m[/glow][glow=blue]u[/glow][glow=red]r[/glow][glow=white]r[/glow][glow=blue]i[/glow][glow=red]c[/glow][glow=white]c[/glow][glow=blue]a[/glow][glow=red]a[/glow][glow=white]a[/glow] (but I was born in Philippines so I guess I'm a hybrid?/Asian-American)


[glow=blue]2. SERVER[/glow]



[glow=blue]3. WHY ^^^[/glow]

>>> When I first joined I didn't even know there were different servers and I thought Red was the only one so...... too late now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


[glow=blue]4. ARE YOU HAPPY[/glow] :Grin:

>>> Well when I first joined, I was just trying PRO out for a friend since he says it's amazing. Then I gave up once I spent all of my money on pokeballs trying to catch a decent-ived Rattata for a quest. Four months later, I tried it again, and I became addicted... So.. yes, I am happy :Smile:


[glow=blue]5. FAVORITE POKEMON[/glow]

>>> Caterpie. I am a follower of Caterpism, I believe that he's going to save and shield us from evil with his ability "Shield Dust," and as well as bring followers together with his "String Shot." Not only that but... #Caterpie'sHipsDon'tLie


[glow=blue]6. MOST LIKELY TO OWN IN REAL LIFE[/glow]

>>> Noibat and/or Noivern, unless it eats me before I try to bond with it. Which imagining it makes me [glow=red]triggered[/glow], eh, whateves ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


[glow=blue]7. FAVORITE SHINY POKEMON[/glow]

>>> Caterpie. Because when my god is shiny, that's when you know it's about to go to a model shoot



Pst.. If you see this, I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I know because I caught a scent of birthday cake, and *sniffs* also a burning house? hehe, jk :Crazy:, have a great birthday!



Hours Played: 1000+ hours | Guild: | Server: Silver | Discord Tag: Golden#2746

[glow=purple]1st - What country are you from?


i'm from Brazil too :Grin:


2nd - What server are you?




3rd - Why did they choose this server?


cuz when i've started to play this game red server was the unique server


4th - Are you happy on this server?


with this server... yes


5th - What is your favorite Pokémon in the game (PRO) and in the all franchise?


on PRO is my suicune, but i like bulbasaur and charizard


6th - And which Pokémon would you most like to own?




-.- .. four drilburs and none with sync's nature... but this drilbur ^ was my goal.


7th - What's your favorite shiny version in the Pokémon franchise?


i don't care about shinies, sry... rly, i really don't know why ppl spend a lot of money with a pokemon that has just other color


8th - And, finally, what does Pokémon mean to you?


this game remember me when i was a child... now i'm old, haha, i'm 25, i'm engineer, i work but i like to play this game when i have time.[/glow]

Hey hey heres my answers :Angel: :Angel:


[glow=yellow]1st - What country are you from?[/glow] US


[glow=yellow]2nd - What server are you?[/glow] I play both [glow=red]Red[/glow]and [glow=yellow]Yellow[/glow] But mostly [glow=Yellow]Yellow[/glow] :D


[glow=yellow]3rd - Why did they choose this server?[/glow] It was pretty fresh and new at the time so I wanted to grow with the server and community :D


[glow=yellow]4th - Are you happy on this server?[/glow] You bet! I'm also in a very fun guild :3


[glow=yellow]5th - What is your favorite Pokémon in the game (PRO) and in the all franchise?[/glow] Magmar <3


[glow=yellow]6th - And which Pokémon would you most like to own?[/glow] a SHINY METAGROSS PL :Angry:


[glow=yellow]7th - What's your favorite shiny version in the Pokémon franchise?[/glow] Metagross ;D


[glow=yellow]8th - And, finally, what does Pokémon mean to you?[/glow] Pokémon means a lot being that I watched every episode since I was akid and played every game that came out :3 so its a bit more then just a hobby if you know what I mean But I can for sure say I love it a lot <3



Don't open it


[glow=aqua]¡Happy Birthday Brigid![/glow]



Pst.. If you see this, I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I know because I caught a scent of birthday cake, and *sniffs* also a burning house? hehe, jk :Crazy:, have a great birthday!

328849 Also happy birthday :D

Ooh, thaanks!! :Heart: >w<)/

1st - What country are you from?


Canada \o/


2nd - What server are you?


Red \o/


3rd - Why did they choose this server?


It was the most populated and I love to interact with people.


4th - Are you happy on this server?


Yes of course. So many nice people <3


5th - What is your favorite Pokémon in the game (PRO) and in the all franchise?


On PRO my favourite is Togekiss because of the PvP ladder. Overall my favourite is a tie between Meganium and Umbreon.


6th - And which Pokémon would you most like to own?


In real life I'd want an Umbreon or Eevee. In game I'd want rare pink shinies that I don't own already :Shy:


7th - What's your favorite shiny version in the Pokémon franchise?


Shiny Umbreon ofc. Other than that probably shiny Celebi. My favourite legendary and it's pink as well :Heart:


What question 8? Never heard of it :devil:


Happy birthday Brigid


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