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Removing rare candy makes this game more pay to win because now free players can't make money as easily and cash players can just sell membership and cash items for money. Now free players wont have the money to buy pokemon and other good things. This game is becoming more pay to win which is sad. Also it's very annoying how they say we have a good reason for removing rare candies but we won't tell you what that reason is. Seriously? Why can't we know the reason? Is it because the reason is greed or something that will make the people in charge look bad? Why not tell us the reason? If the reason is because you want us to spend more money selling cash items to get pokemoney then you might actually end up losing money that way because some players refuse to sell cash items for pokemoney but they do spend cash on fashion items and mounts but if they are always poor they might just quit the game and then you won't have those people who spend cash on fashion items now meaning you are losing money. Making your playerbase unhappy is a good way to lose players and a game eventually dying. Don't just cater to cash players because if you do that then who are the cash players going to sell cash items(memberships, fashion items, mounts) too? The free players will have quit the game because money is to hard to make and then the cash players won't have any customers so they will stop buying cash items to sell to free players. You guys need to think harder about making your decisions. This wasn't a smart move on your part.

hmm i just thought of a solution to rc not being tradable. Make rare candies sellable to the item maniac for 15k each. That way free players can still profit from them. The only reason for you not to do this is if your reason is that you want free players to stay poor. Pay to win games are hated by most people. Please don't forget that. Thanks!

Guest UnknownUser11

My god you people can make up some rumours. Anything you dont like you make a big story about. I had candys seller removed cuz thats pay to win. No need to level up like a normall mmo. Theres plenty enough exp boosting available these days anyhow.

okay i understand about rare candy not tradable. it makes sense that you want people to level normally and to actually work a bit but can you make it so we can sell it to the item maniac for 15k each then? that way free players still have that source of money. I think a lot of people are upset because rare candy was such a big way for free players to make money and now it's gone. I don't really feel bad for the people who bought rc because they are paying to win but for the free players this hurt them big time because one of the best ways for them to earn pokemoney is gone now.

Guest UnknownUser11

It seems games these days lack any kind of accomplishment, put people on a linear path to win without thinking, and require no skill like they used to when most of us were younger, and even mmos we played like 10 years ago. Thr grind was real, way worse but rewarding. Where is the challenge, sense of pride and whatnot of doing something without having it almost all done for you. Having a candy seller meant anyone could be rich in pro in 5 seconds by grabbing a ms or anything else to sell and then make all pokes level 100 with no training and sentimental attachment towards a Pokemon.


As for candys. Will make them tradable. However there will be no seller. And pvp consumables will be cheap

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