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334401 It seems games these days lack any kind of accomplishment, put people on a linear path to win without thinking, and require no skill like they used to when most of us were younger, and even mmos we played like 10 years ago. Thr grind was real, way worse but rewarding. Where is the challenge, sense of pride and whatnot of doing something without having it almost all done for you. Having a candy seller meant anyone could be rich in pro in 5 seconds by grabbing a ms or anything else to sell and then make all pokes level 100 with no training and sentimental attachment towards a Pokemon.


As for candys. Will make them tradable. However there will be no seller. And pvp consumables will be cheap


I'm sory to says but anyone could be rich in pro in 5 minutes, If someone by 10 ms and sell them he will have 10m in bank even with 20hours of game time. U don't need skills or game times to be rich in PRO.

That's getting annyoing. Every time when PRO gets one step forward, then needs to make two steps back.


Why staff members apperas only when there's fire in game to deal with? Why not, for a change, try to ask/listen to players who makes this game so good?


We don't need soo many mounts with each update, we need better communication to build our community strong and "makes pro great again" :)


At least that's how I see PRO, after almost two years.


All hail the Helix!mr_paleo_small.gif

334395 My god you people can make up some rumours. Anything you dont like you make a big story about. I had candys seller removed cuz thats pay to win. No need to level up like a normall mmo. Theres plenty enough exp boosting available these days anyhow.
Ppl never bought rc from that npc, i myself never had a clue about it existing in the first place . You might stop any pokémon being tradable aswell , it's also p2w right ? You can crush a whole region buying HL pokémons, you can either use your money to put your own pokémons into daycarer's hands ? This argument sounds quite irrevelant tho tbh . . You don't even have to farm when you can use your credit card, buy ms, sell them , use the trade channel and buy whatever you want , and give them to a daycarer , isn't that p2w aswell ? It is but it's giving you income while someone farming ig's currency money , and tho using RC doesn't. Yes it's a buisness related choice , it's yours and the community can whine , but doesn't mean you can take them for fools with a "you'r never happy anyway" or with some bs-argument .Making a post about Pro's problem or you irl's life problem might have been better than angering the community or either taking them for somes fools . "We are issuing somes money problem blablabla,helps us, donate more blablabla" is nothing ashaming , anyways if you step back or not, that means two things : The community is going to take staff members even more for incompetents ones , or either taking you even less in their hearts . De toute façon , y"a que les cons qui changent pas d"avis .


PS: I made that post before this one ->

334401 It seems games these days lack any kind of accomplishment, put people on a linear path to win without thinking, and require no skill like they used to when most of us were younger, and even mmos we played like 10 years ago. Thr grind was real, way worse but rewarding. Where is the challenge, sense of pride and whatnot of doing something without having it almost all done for you. Having a candy seller meant anyone could be rich in pro in 5 seconds by grabbing a ms or anything else to sell and then make all pokes level 100 with no training and sentimental attachment towards a Pokemon.


As for candys. Will make them tradable. However there will be no seller. And pvp consumables will be cheap


Looks like the majority only cares about rare candies.

334401 And pvp consumables will be cheap


Assuming 3 coins each Focus Sash:

Having to win 3 PvP matches in order to buy a single consumable for a single pokemon while removing source of pvp coins for anything else is not cheap. People make teams and suddenly they can't play their team because of this. And the few matches they can, it will be with 1 pokemon and without a use of the coins for anything else, demotivating players to spend their efforts on the mounts the staff uses their time to release. It's, in my opinion, horrible design and punishes players.


Maybe you should try to make a team with focus sashes and experience it. You might change your mind on what exactly is cheap.

334411 Ppl never bought rc from that npc, i myself never had a clue about it existing in the first place .

So why are you whining now that it's being removed?

I never whinned in the fist place, and we never whinned about the npc being remooved, but rare candy being untradable , Nice try .


334395 My god you people can make up some rumours. Anything you dont like you make a big story about. I had candys seller removed cuz thats pay to win. No need to level up like a normall mmo. Theres plenty enough exp boosting available these days anyhow.
Ppl never bought rc from that npc, i myself never had a clue about it existing in the first place . You might stop any pokémon being tradable aswell , it's also p2w right ? You can crush a whole region buying HL pokémons, you can either use your money to put your own pokémons into daycarer's hands ? This argument sounds quite irrevelant tho tbh . Deleting the npc is a thing, makign rc untradable is another one , and like others ppls mentionned it ,it's about real money issues if we are following your own argument , Pokémon should be untradable as well then ? You can buy HL pokémons to stomp a whole région or either put your own pokémon into daycarer's hands . You don't even have to farm when you can use your credit card, buy ms, sell them , use the trade channel and buy whatever you want , and give them to a daycarer , isn't that p2w aswell ? It is but it's giving you income while someone farming ig's currency money , and tho using RC doesn't. Yes it's a buisness related choice , it's yours and the community can whine , but doesn't mean you can take them for fools with a "you'r never happy anyway" or with some bs-argument .Making a post about Pro's problem or you irl's life problem might have been better than angering the community or either taking them for somes fools . "We are issuing somes money problem blablabla,helps us, donate more blablabla" is nothing ashaming , anyways if you step back or not, that means two things : The community is going to take staff members even more for incompetents ones , or either taking you even less in their hearts . De toute façon , y"a que les cons qui changent pas d"avis .




I can't even agree more with u :)


All hail the Helix!mr_paleo_small.gif

334414 I never whinned in the fist place, and we never whinned about the npc being remooved, but rare candy being untradable , Nice try .

So why are you still whining? Shane just said he will make them tradable again.



I had irl issue while writting my post ,so i couldn't see his answers ? Isn't the reason why i added a "PS" with another quote ? Keep trying .


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