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CDboss bugged?



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I did make an mistake on Lorelei boss cool down checker, that number is actually in minutes, but it's already fixed as of now. As to the consecutive win, the consecutive win for Lorelei was implemented this week, the original consecutive win by Thor only include a handful of bosses(Lorelei was not one of them). So the consecutive win count for her only started recently(yesterday or the day before can't remember exactly). If you beat her prior to that time, you won't get any consecutive win count.


Let me know if you have any other questions, otherwise will lock this topic as solved.


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335794 I did make an mistake on Lorelei boss cool down checker, that number is actually in minutes, but it's already fixed as of now. As to the consecutive win, the consecutive win for Lorelei was implemented this week, the original consecutive win by Thor only include a handful of bosses(Lorelei was not one of them). So the consecutive win count for her only started recently(yesterday or the day before can't remember exactly). If you beat her prior to that time, you won't get any consecutive win count.


Let me know if you have any other questions, otherwise will lock this topic as solved.


You can lock it then ;). I do have the same with consecutive wins with elm. Or is that the same case as lorelei?

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335794 I did make an mistake on Lorelei boss cool down checker, that number is actually in minutes, but it's already fixed as of now. As to the consecutive win, the consecutive win for Lorelei was implemented this week, the original consecutive win by Thor only include a handful of bosses(Lorelei was not one of them). So the consecutive win count for her only started recently(yesterday or the day before can't remember exactly). If you beat her prior to that time, you won't get any consecutive win count.


Let me know if you have any other questions, otherwise will lock this topic as solved.


You can lock it then ;). I do have the same with consecutive wins with elm. Or is that the same case as lorelei?


Glad the situation is solved now, Best of luck and have fun playing :)





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335794 I did make an mistake on Lorelei boss cool down checker, that number is actually in minutes, but it's already fixed as of now. As to the consecutive win, the consecutive win for Lorelei was implemented this week, the original consecutive win by Thor only include a handful of bosses(Lorelei was not one of them). So the consecutive win count for her only started recently(yesterday or the day before can't remember exactly). If you beat her prior to that time, you won't get any consecutive win count.


Let me know if you have any other questions, otherwise will lock this topic as solved.


You can lock it then ;). I do have the same with consecutive wins with elm. Or is that the same case as lorelei?


It will be the same for Prof Elm boss because the consecutive wins were recently implemented for him as well.


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