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Sand team


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Hey guys just wanted your thoughts on this team:

Tyranitar sassy sand stream smooth rock

Ice beam

Stone edge


Fire blast


Excadrill jolly sand rush lum Berry


Rock slide

Iron head

Rapid spin


Celebi calm natural cure leftovers

Giga drain

Stealth rock

Thunder wave



Clefable bold magic guard life orb


Thunder wave

Calm mind



Talonflame adamant gale wings sharp beak

Brave bird

Flare blitz


Swords dance


Jellicent bold water absorb leftovers






If you think about any improvements i could make let me know

thanks in advance :Angel:

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No s.d on exca?

No life orb on talonflame?


other than that, I like this team ;)

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I'd probably use Leftovers instead of Lum Berry on Excadrill since you're relying on it for spin support. Life Orb on Clefable is only good on Modest 3 attack sets. Always use Leftovers when using Thunder Wave Calm Mind. I also always prefer Acrobatics on Talonflame if you're running it on a sand team. The combination of Brave Bird recoil and Sand Stream damage racks up and limits Talonflame's opportunity to sweep. I also recommend you remove Stealth Rock on Celebi and put it on Tyranitar. Thunder Wave is also not needed as it is on Clefable. And Clefable typically stays alive for the whole game so it will have plenty of opportunity to Thunder Wave the opposing team rendering it useless on Celebi. I recommend Leech Seed as it allows you to outstall pokemon such as Blissey if it comes down to it. Psychic can also be used seeing that Breloom pretty much blows through your team once Talonflame is dead (which most likely will happen if you keep Brave Bird on the set). You should also check the Hidden Power on that Celebi. If you're lucky you have HP Fire. I also think Dark Pulse is a bit better on Tyranitar as well in the current metagame because it'll allow you to still beat Slowbro and Defensive Starmie even through Scald Burns. The other pokemon that Crunch handles well is Gengar but Dark Pulse OHKOs that as well. Careful SD Gliscor also can sweep this team after a boost so you may want to consider Ice Coverage on a pokemon other than Tyranitar. After all of those changes the team is solid to me. ^^

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Despite the above comments, don't Life Orb Talonflame. Sharp Beak is better, Life Orb = you kill yourself too fast, and you only really need the boost to Brave Bird anyways, whenever you're using Flare Blitz it's probably going to be an OHKO regardless.


Thanks to MadFrost for the signature!

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Guest lampshadejaz
344030 Taunt

How do you like Taunt on Jellicent? That seems odd to me. Although I'm not familiar with that poke's available moves.


I've been running Rapid spin over SD on my Excadrill as well and I'm happy. It depends on your teams style though. On my team, i rarely have a good opportunity to SD with Excadrill the way I play. A couple weeks ago, there were a butt ton of Sticky Webs on ladder and it was killing me not having a rapid spinner. So removing SD was a good option for me. But lately, i haven't seen a single Stickey Web so I could add SD back. But again, the way I play it, my Excadrill doesn't have time to SD ever.


Your team looks pretty balanced. But why fire blast over flamethrower? Don't you want that 100% accuracy? What does fire blast 1HKO that flamethrower doesn't?

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344030 Taunt

How do you like Taunt on Jellicent? That seems odd to me. Although I'm not familiar with that poke's available moves.


I've been running Rapid spin over SD on my Excadrill as well and I'm happy. It depends on your teams style though. On my team, i rarely have a good opportunity to SD with Excadrill the way I play. A couple weeks ago, there were a butt ton of Sticky Webs on ladder and it was killing me not having a rapid spinner. So removing SD was a good option for me. But lately, i haven't seen a single Stickey Web so I could add SD back. But again, the way I play it, my Excadrill doesn't have time to SD ever.


Your team looks pretty balanced. But why fire blast over flamethrower? Don't you want that 100% accuracy? What does fire blast 1HKO that flamethrower doesn't?


taunt is actually quite good allowing to stop blissey most of the time as jelli outspeeds it.

fire blast just deals more damage to skarmory and the likes of it against which i struggle quite a bit

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