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348904 I hate all of the chat channels in this server, there is no one good enough to talk, most of the trainers will roast you and laugh at you, what the hell is wrong with this server? This used to be a good one

Sadly this is how in-game community ends up.

And that's also one of the first reason new player doesn't stay, they ask for help or if a poke is decent and as answer they get insult, laugh, troll answer 90% of the time, "go away noob", or "google it". :Bored:

There still are a bunch of good person, but you have to be lucky.


Better thing you can do is chat with single players.

[Red Server]


Actually people are kinda trolling you for fun if you post an epic Pokemon and ask for rate or sth.

But most likely only if you are a well known player.

If somebody says a Pokemon is rip it's not offending at all.

I don't see any reason to cry on the behaviour of most players on red.


Beside some ignorant guys who might be d's in rl as well this community is pretty nice tbh.

348904 I hate all of the chat channels in this server, there is no one good enough to talk, most of the trainers will roast you and laugh at you, what the hell is wrong with this server? This used to be a good one. :Angry: :Angry:



just play with walkthrough like me sir

348917 Thank you for your response guys, I just don't get it instead of roasting and trolling why not help and be a good person. There are really few good people left in this world. :Ambivalent:

I don't think its really voluntary, there is some players who have more than 1500h and sometimes u are a bit boring when u read always the same questions. But yeah I'm agree the community can be more sympatic

some questions are just unnecessary and they will just show how lazy you are..


most of the stuff is easy to google and do not require any kind of in game communication


posting an epic pokemon and asking for a rate is also pretty unnecessary (epic pokemon = good rate)


I don't actually care about these things, I have everything bookmarked so it is pretty easy for me to help players but others see it the way I posted it above.



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