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Welcome to PRO :3


and you already found the IRC :P

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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360786 Hello I am yoporla. I just joined the game and I have wondered a few things


Where would be the appropriate place to ask random questions?

also Is this game still in development or it's an abandouned game?

hi yoporla :Shy: first of all whalecum to PRO xD

in game theres an help channel that u can ask something about the game if u need fast asnwer or u are in rush..

here is the Game guide about the game.

and here is General Support that u can make a new topic if u need help or u think ur lost in game.

and dont forget to read the RULES

hope u injoy ur stay have a nice day :Heart:

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360786 Hello I am yoporla. I just joined the game and I have wondered a few things


Where would be the appropriate place to ask random questions?

also Is this game still in development or it's an abandouned game?

welcome to PRO lad...pick RED server ftw :Smile: :y:

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Hey, welcome to pro Yoporla! It was a pleasure talking to you in the IRC!

Feel free to come ask questions again in the IRC or make a post in the General Support sub-forums. Also, the game is currently being worked on. Our current wip is the Sinnoh region, and you can keep track of Sinnoh's progress on this thread.

I hope you enjoy the game, and I look forward to seeing you around! :)

Until we meet again.

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