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Hi everyone,

First and foremost, thank you to everyone playing and thank you for the competitive environment that you bring to PRO.

On behalf or the PRO Staff team, I'd like to congratulate each & every player and guild that reached the Top Ladders.

A special thanks also goes out to everyone who participated, we wish you the best of luck in the next season!



  • Rewards will be finalized and given in the next few days.
  • Users will receive achievements. (Visible in a future version).
  • Guilds receive a 25% Bonus EXP Boost for being in the top ladder.


Ranked Ladder Results

  • Top RED 25 Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder)

Rank Username Rating Wins Losses
1 zarate619 605 265 72
2 bllovetao 603 82 1
3 ViolaLion 535 78 7
4 Enforcer 533 69 7
5 Ugo92 527 95 16
6 Niai 526 195 74
7 xrevolutionx94 524 84 13
8 vdrink 524 222 108
9 Zoroo 524 154 50
10 Samu94 518 56 5
11 FangZe 517 59 21
12 Tameless 516 94 33
13 Bong2015 512 97 26
14 alanudu 512 80 20
15 Gambilicious 512 71 12
16 TR3Y 510 96 36
17 Gunners 505 131 44
18 Victor100 504 240 107
19 01689840699 503 61 17
20 Destro16 503 64 13
21 Cloudx 503 93 21
22 Euginken 502 167 89
23 Z1ns 500 107 36
24 boszyang14 499 124 39
25 MathieuMa 498 82 27[/pre]<i></i>


Top BLUE 25 Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder)


Rank Username Rating Wins Losses
1 snowbull 559 238 67
2 ikonos123 558 116 15
3 YuronLee 547 125 40
4 JakeMurasaki 544 142 27
5 mastapasta 533 121 31
6 ChunnChunn 531 91 45
7 NicoChan 529 269 100
8 MrGreen1091 523 230 179
9 Ictyfegrace 522 48 2
10 Guanxi 520 129 44
11 longlakenby 520 95 31
12 ThePokeMaestro 519 129 78
13 nostartwhere1 518 83 16
14 jamesling95 515 57 6
15 Raffy1995 514 221 62
16 vastik 512 179 74
17 Benikisaki 512 109 40
18 lskkwxg000 510 149 46
19 ryuukun24 508 123 40
20 karalaraskobe 507 188 83
21 Love4U 507 195 46
22 allysa 506 117 60
23 Raffoooo 504 110 24
24 Popognox 503 61 15
25 thanhmoz 501 101 29[/pre]<i></i>


Top YELLOW 25 Ranked Rating (No Tier Ladder)

Rank Username Rating Wins Losses
1 beerussama 560 180 41
2 xrevolutionx94 559 143 38
3 Eneys 555 225 70
4 ProDex 551 82 23
5 thanhhai1998 539 466 150
6 ronaldchan0831 536 154 43
7 jomhar17 523 300 153
8 Gerrr 523 198 63
9 alfrance22 522 174 87
10 kimcil 522 81 17
11 Caximiro 521 275 110
12 tukangsundul 511 135 65
13 dicsonwong 510 134 41
14 Ryugaki 510 135 42
15 Vntvelskulz 510 68 22
16 Sunxuening 509 111 34
17 Prowling 509 57 10
18 VntDora 507 50 7
19 kekoburlao 504 111 50
20 duynghia101 504 222 105
21 dugonggg 502 180 57
22 SentryPErcy 499 293 138
23 Zakos 499 65 15
24 nischupbalok 498 133 49
25 Catchemolli 496 175 63[/pre]<i></i>


Ranked Guild Ladder Results

  • RED Guild Rankings

[pre]Rank Guild Name Guild Leader PVP Season Rating
1 Reborn Cyren 12371
2 Chronos Quanle92 11793
3 Blaze Fadoka 11788
4 Apex Enforcer 7836
5 TheNabs Jaccard1 6085
6 shadowmasters Editigre 4706
7 AncientTimes Siver 4357
8 Revolutionaries Jamirakway 4101
9 TheReapers Zoldck 3804
10 Karps Jaszie 3434[/pre]<i></i>


BLUE Guild Rankings

[pre]Rank Guild Name Guild Leader PVP Season Rating
1 Immortals Fearkl 9116
2 Illusion Bo180203 9069
3 BlueMYSTIC Allysa 7338
4 LeagueOfBlue Thanhmoz 7206
5 Gastbusters 86gigi35 6922
6 Pichu Mrgreen1091 6220
7 Indonesia Heho25 4887
8 HunterOfOlympus D3l3t3r 3582
9 TheLeviathan Kaitomew 2732
10 BluePURITY Grabarz23 2645[/pre]<i></i>


YELLOW Guild Rankings

[pre]<COLOR color="#FFFF00">Rank Guild Name Guild Leader PVP Season Rating
1 Tranquility Pokeralhu 13610
2 RUKittenMe Xrevolutionx94 10747
3 Legacy Royalism 6663
4 SundulGan Marcopongoo 3962
5 Miracles Terryaun 3258
6 KagawaFC Chimnon180895 3140
7 TeamMagma Iriztha 2591
8 CrimsonLegacy 0ghostfaze1 2582
9 DCinside Gyeon 2347
10 DinastyWarrior Destroyersoul 2062[/pre]<i></i>


Thanks again to everyone who took part this season. Best of luck to all of you in the next season coming ^^

...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums as they could be useful to others.

Remember to use the correct forum when posting. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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congratz to everyone :)

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