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► Repel trick spawns ~ All known spawns (112 variations in total) [Updated 06/09/17] ◄

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Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [added 10 new ones (Larvitar included) ~ Updated 5/13/2017]


<r><QUOTE author="miaofen" post_id="390674" time="1495941006" user_id="1108829"><s>


Hi ! Thank you for the good guide.. <br/>

I have a qs on how the spawn repel trick work. I need to put any low level pokemon in the front. then let it dies. The second poke in the party is my sync based on the level u stated.? is that it? sorry i was a little confused on how it works




1. Lead the party with a sync pokemon <br/>

Example: like a lvl25 natu for Eevee and Tauros in kanto safari.<br/>


2. Once you reach the hunting spot use REPEL, after using repel you will be only encountering wild pokemons with same level as Natu (25) or more. But you won't be encountering any pokemon below level 25 (24,23... etc)<br/>


So keep in mind to use the sync pokemon at lead.</r>



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Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


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Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [added 10 new ones (Larvitar included) ~ Updated 5/13/2017]


<r><QUOTE author="Somes" post_id="390680" time="1495943451" user_id="633"><s>


<QUOTE author="miaofen" post_id="390674" time="1495941006" user_id="1108829"><s>


Hi ! Thank you for the good guide.. <br/>

I have a qs on how the spawn repel trick work. I need to put any low level pokemon in the front. then let it dies. The second poke in the party is my sync based on the level u stated.? is that it? sorry i was a little confused on how it works




1. Lead the party with a sync pokemon <br/>

Example: like a lvl25 natu for Eevee and Tauros in kanto safari.<br/>


2. Once you reach the hunting spot use REPEL, after using repel you will be only encountering wild pokemons with same level as Natu (25) or more. But you won't be encountering any pokemon below level 25 (24,23... etc)<br/>


So keep in mind to use the sync pokemon at lead.




Thanks bro ! now i got it =)</r>

Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [added 10 new ones (Larvitar included) ~ Updated 5/13/2017]


<r><QUOTE author="miaofen" post_id="390686" time="1495944672" user_id="1108829"><s>


how about trick to bypass sync pokemon requirement?




It works with or without sync lol.<br/>


I mentioned sync so that you can have a desired nature pokemon instead of having a random natured one.</r>



Bag_Macho_Brace_Sprite.png[glow=red]EV Training Hot Spots[/glow]

244.png[glow=red]How to get Legendary Dogs[/glow]

Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [added 10 new ones (Larvitar included) ~ Updated 5/13/2017]


<r><QUOTE author="miaofen" post_id="390689" time="1495945260" user_id="1108829"><s>


ohh thank you so much for the clarification =)




Np ^^</r>



Bag_Macho_Brace_Sprite.png[glow=red]EV Training Hot Spots[/glow]

244.png[glow=red]How to get Legendary Dogs[/glow]

Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [added 10 new ones (Larvitar included) ~ Updated 5/13/2017]


<r>What about fennekin?<EMOJI seq="1f609"></EMOJI></r>

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Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [added 10 new ones (Larvitar included) ~ Updated 5/13/2017]


<t>[mention]onkar[/mention], non of the new starters work sadly :(<br/>


[mention]Somes[/mention], thanks for explaining that :p<br/>


[mention]miaofen[/mention], the other trick is that you for example let a level25 non sync pokemon die and keep it in the first slot and have a sync in the second spot, you still just encounter 25+ level pokemon but you don't have to own that level sync o: so you can basically hunt without the level required sync; if that makes sense to you :3 I suggest to go with the sync in slot1+ required level though</t>

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