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Please...... Just Please.....


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Nah, I don't think this should happen. The tutor exists, and I don't think are that many pokemon that need stealth rock who don't learn it/have access to it in the eggmove pools. Making everything close would be nicer, sure, but It isn't a far run to go there. It's a couple of minutes. If we start putting tutors and things closer to wherever people want them, it'll make other areas completely unused and will only make certain areas relevant. I think it's nice that every area has some sort of meaning to it.


I think a fair trade would be to have the tutor outside the safari though, as the purpose of the safari is to hunt pokemon. If the tutor was outside, you'd save 5k. I think that's a decent compromise.





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Only in this game a good suggestion would get down talked


Just because someone has a suggestion, doesn't mean it's good. It's not like anyone is being rude or dismissive, it's an open forum to discuss why or why not a suggestion should/could be implemented.





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Can someone replace the Stealth Rock tutor or put a second Stealth Rock tutor somewhere that's more accessible than the Johto Mountain Safari? Thank you. :confused:




Thanks to MadFrost for the signature!

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When I designed move tutors back in day I remember adding stealth rock there because sinkhole was/is needed and because that part of region is quite vacant with hoenn introduction. If sinnoh gets introduced will move around some tutors to different locations. Even though I did my part for sinnoh I distributed some tasks recently and will most likely work on the npcs myself because our scripting team is still away. Will come up with something when time comes. If Sinnoh doesn't get out before time I aim it to happen I will do some changes regardless and adding more attractive content there as a compensation.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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