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Trade Evolution Megathread


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In-game name: DaxPhantom

Server: Gold

Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 16282419


I have miss clicked it from lv 98 to 99 then i use a rare candy to lv 100 and i realized that isnt the last evolve


Deleveled. Please, be more careful in the future! ~Equilibrium
Edited by Equilibrium
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In-game name: Sleepski

Server: Silver

Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 33439851


would it be possible if you can delvl it twice? I purchased a natu from someone lv35 but I accidently lvled it to 36. I really wanted to catch a scyther with adamant :X in safari zone.

sorry if im asking too much since i see ppl asking only 1delvls ><


Unfortunately, I'm sorry to inform that we offer these services exclusively to make up with failed evolutions as it would be irreversible and make the Pokémon useless; in your situation, your Pokémon doesn't really need to be de-leveled and therefore we cannot do that.

I'm sorry for your inconvenience. Have a wonderful day ! ‒ Shinohara

Edited by Shinohara
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