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I've mistaken released my first 100lvl poke...my Furret!!! Plz bring it back to me!



Pokemon's id:11597953


The pokemon has been restored, you will be able to find it on the last slot of your box. Enjoy.




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Accidentally released wrong pokemon


<t>ID Screenshot: 137600595<br/>

Server: red<br/>


Sorry i accidentally released gliscor (wrong pokemon). After the bug catching contest i was releasing all the unwanted pokemons i mistakenly release gliscor with them.</t>


Re: Accidentally released wrong pokemon


<r><COLOR color="pink"><s></s><SIZE size="85"><s></s>Hey Sid,<br/>


You might want to go ahead and transfer your post <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=70075"><s></s>here<e></e></URL>. Hopefully a mod will be able to restore your Gliscor!<e></e></SIZE><e></e></COLOR></r>


What do you need to post?

  • Screenshot evidence of the pokemon deleted in the chat, containing the ID of the pokemon. EXAMPLE OF SCREENSHOT
  • Server the pokemon got deleted.


Template example:
[u]ID Screenshot:[/u]


What do I need to do after I post?

You only need to wait, an Administrator will reply after the pokemon is successfully restored.


What if I don't have any screenshot, or if I don't remember ID?

In this case unfortunately, we can't do anything for you. Administrator needs a proof to be able to restore your Pokemon.


I accidentally released my Pokemon three months ago, can I get it back?

Recently released Pokemon can be restored. There is a cooldown for them to be restored so you need to request as soon as possible in order to restore it.

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