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We have to clear the database of released pokemon every so often, so without the ID it's impossible to recover in this case. Sometimes we can recover them from backups of the database if we have the pokemon's ID, but unfortunately in your case we are unable to recover your pokemon. I apologize for the inconvenience, and I am sorry to have to inform you of this.

Until we meet again.



I lost an eviolite on a lvl 32 Cacturne at about 4:53pm CST. I do not have a screenshot because I didn't know right away since it wasn't a pokemon, it was an eviolite attached to the pokemon that I'm concerned about. The server glitched around a minute backwards at the time. Within that minute, I had moved the item off of the cacturne and onto my charmeleon, upon going back a minute, the item was reset on the cacturne. I then released this cacturne not realizing the item glitched back onto them. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. please help. I really appreciate it a lot!


Thank you!



hey staff's i've accidently released my poke 1-2 days ago i must've been too tired since i first noticed it now. so i wondered if you guys would be so helpful to restore it if it's possible since i don't have the chat id but got screenshot of the poke - thanks in advance.


Blue server



black][fade] Wish List[/fade][/glow]

Epic - Timburr/evo's - Sheer force - Adamant

Epic - Cottonee/evo's - H.a - HP Fire - Modest

Epic - Vullaby/evo's - Overcoat - Careful

Epic - Fletchling/evo's - H.a - Adamant

Epic - Drilbur/evo's - Sand rush - Careful

I dunno if i should post it here..

I just encountered articuno and i didn't have any pokeballs so i hv closed the game immediately, and relaunched the game but the articuno isn't there anymore... Can articuno be restored where it was ??

Thanks in advance

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