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Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One!


<r><QUOTE author="Fadoka"><s>

  Fadoka said:
</s><POST content="5664"><s></s>5664<e></e></POST> 1. What is your nickname in PRO?<br/>

2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why?<br/>

3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO?<br/>

4. What made you to join on this journey with us?<br/>

5. What is your final objective in PRO?<br/>

6. Can you visit Xat (even if it's for a hour)?<e>



1. What is your nickname in PRO Hummingbird, Bird, or Humming.<br/>

2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why? Probably Steel due to it's many resistances. My favorite pokemon: No clue, some are awesome for battles, others for aesthetics, some because the anime, so can't really narrow it down.<br/>

3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO? If I like something I am ambitious, even though I am new to the game I can tell I will like it. <br/>

4. What made you to join on this journey with us? I heard Blaze was the best. If I am going to play this game, I don't want to do it halfway, so joining the best guild looks to be a good place to start.<br/>

5. What is your final objective in PRO? PvP of course<br/>

6. Can you visit Xat (even if it's for a hour)? Assuming that is some type of chat thing. Sure I can.</r>

Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One!


<r><QUOTE author="PlutoWing"><s>

  PlutoWing said:
</s><POST content="34549"><s></s>34549<e></e></POST> 1. What is your nickname in PRO? Plutowing<br/>

2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why? My favorite type's are dark, psychic and dragon. I cant really decide between the 3. As for my Pokemon, its Espeon, shiny Espeon to be exact. The second I saw Espeon I fell in love. The design was simple but beautiful and it is the Pokemon that got me into psychic-types.<br/>

3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO? I like to think I am an ambitious person. My ambition in-game is, well, to try and experience everything the game has to offer and make a bunch of new friends along the way.<br/>

4. What made you to join on this journey with us? I love chatting to other's who enjoy Pokemon as much as I do and I like making new friends who can share my experience through PRO.<br/>

5. What is your final objective in PRO? To have every Pokemon recorded in my Pokedex. And also to have myself a level 100 shiny Espeon.<br/>

6. Can you visit Xat (even if it's for a hour)? Sure thing.<e>


<GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>[align=center]Making new friends?<br/>

If that's the case, you chose the right guild because our guid consist of really outgoing people hehe.<br/>

Come to xat.com/pro_blaze so we can get to know you better.<br/>

The more active you are on xat, the higher chance of being accepted :)<br/>

See you![/align]<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>


[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Guild Thread[/glow]:


[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Trade Center[/glow]: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=11984

[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Daycare Center[/glow]: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=17049

Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One!


<r><QUOTE author="Hummingbird"><s>

  Hummingbird said:
</s><POST content="34560"><s></s>34560<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Fadoka"><s>
  Fadoka said:
</s><POST content="5664"><s></s>5664<e></e></POST> 1. What is your nickname in PRO?<br/>

2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why?<br/>

3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO?<br/>

4. What made you to join on this journey with us?<br/>

5. What is your final objective in PRO?<br/>

6. Can you visit Xat (even if it's for a hour)?<e>



1. What is your nickname in PRO Hummingbird, Bird, or Humming.<br/>

2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why? Probably Steel due to it's many resistances. My favorite pokemon: No clue, some are awesome for battles, others for aesthetics, some because the anime, so can't really narrow it down.<br/>

3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO? If I like something I am ambitious, even though I am new to the game I can tell I will like it. <br/>

4. What made you to join on this journey with us? I heard Blaze was the best. If I am going to play this game, I don't want to do it halfway, so joining the best guild looks to be a good place to start.<br/>

5. What is your final objective in PRO? PvP of course<br/>

6. Can you visit Xat (even if it's for a hour)? Assuming that is some type of chat thing. Sure I can.<e>


<GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>[align=center]Hey bird<br/>

Our guild is known for having the best battlers around so I'm really glad that you chose this guild. I hope that we can get to know you better on xat.com/pro_blaze and battle with one another.<br/>

The more active you are on xat, the better. :)<br/>

See you birdie[/align]<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>


[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Guild Thread[/glow]:


[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Trade Center[/glow]: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=11984

[glow=red]SkyHorizon's Daycare Center[/glow]: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=17049

Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One!


<t>1. What is your nickname in PRO? Asche.<br/>

2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why? Types don't really interest me, one of the reasons I like Pikachu even though my little brother calls it a piece of s#!t. It's cute and badass too.<br/>

3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO? Not ambitious, just want to play.<br/>

4. What made you to join on this journey with us? Played Emerald, lost cartridge, never touched Pokemon since, now I'm 18 and getting a little twitchy.<br/>

5. What is your final objective in PRO? Toce bece ace Pockeemon Macseter!<br/>

6. Can you visit Xat (even if it's for a hour)? Uh, I guess so.</t>

Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One!


<r><QUOTE author="SuHu"><s>

  SuHu said:
</s><POST content="31900"><s></s>31900<e></e></POST> 1. What is your nickname in PRO? Rubensc<br/>

2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why? water and ghost, why ? because my life like that, water like me, heal the hurts, and never be gone, walking the world without the wall, and my heart like a ghost, sometimes come and sometimes gone<br/>

3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO? yes, my ambition is be the best, why ? because i can do everything and anything<br/>

4. What made you to join on this journey with us? i need to be a sociality ppl, learn and be friendly, and because max was there<br/>

5. What is your final objective in PRO? Be the best and be a friendly ppl<br/>

6. Can you visit Xat (even if it's for a hour)? <e>

</e></QUOTE> of course i can</r>

Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One!


<r>1. What is your nickname in PRO? Emkhei26<br/>

2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why? my favorite type is dark/ghost now my favorite pokemon is umbreon cuz my 1st good pokemon i get on PRO..<br/>

3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO? I LIKE to have mega pokemon<br/>

4. What made you to join on this journey with us? i want to test my pokemon PVP<br/>

5. What is your final objective in PRO? i will get all legendary pokemon and make it mega <E>:Grin:</E></r>

Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One!


<t>1. What is your nickname in PRO?<br/>


2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why?<br/>

Favourite pokemon type is ground and favourite pokemon is Mamoswine :D<br/>

3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO?<br/>

My ambitions for PRO are to keep getting stronger so that in the future I can participate in pvp's. <br/>

4. What made you to join on this journey with us?<br/>

Lots of people I've met ingame were in this guild so I thought I should join up and get in on the excitement :D<br/>

5. What is your final objective in PRO?<br/>

My final objective for PRO would be to become a well known pvper<br/>

6. Can you visit Xat (even if it's for a hour)?<br/>

Yep, I can be on whenever you need me to be :D</t>


Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One!


<r><QUOTE author="Somes"><s>

  Somes said:
</s><POST content="33253"><s></s>33253<e></e></POST> <CENTER><s>

</s>Gratz Blazies 7 ppl on ladder :P<br/>


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/7KfQFfg.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>


<E>:Cool:</E> <E>:Cool:</E> <E>:Cool:</E><e>





</s><IMG src="




</s>next time ill be there in ladder too some ^_^<e>



Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One!


<r><QUOTE author="RedShanks"><s>

  RedShanks said:
</s><POST content="35079"><s></s>35079<e></e></POST> <COLOR color="#80FF40"><s></s> BTW its me Chewy Boy <E>:Cool:</E> <e></e></COLOR><e>


That guy in middle...so handsome...wonder who it is? <E>:Cool:</E></r>

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