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∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild On Whole PRO.


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Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One!


<r>I'm back from my wedding :)<br/>


After years of being guildless, Fadoka finally managed to brainwash me haha (also cos PRO dun append the guild name to chat so my name won't become longer). Anyway here's my joining survey, please take care of me! :D<br/>


1. What is your nickname in PRO?<br/>



2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why?<br/>

<B><s></s>Psychic: Alakazam<br/>

The first pokemon I obtained through real life trading 20 years ago, when Pokemon just came out (yes, link cable on original GameBoy, black and white graphics haha). And it's been with me in every handheld games that I had subsequently. Indirectly saying I'm old for playing 20 years worth of pokemon...<e></e></B><br/>


3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO?<br/>

<B><s></s>Check out my epic collections from "the other game": <URL url="https://tinyurl.com/zlvymqe"><s></s>Spoiler warning, epics inside!<e></e></URL><br/>

Then tell me if I'm ambitious or not :P<br/>

My ambition now is to replicate the same collections in PRO as well!<e></e></B><br/>


4. What made you to join on this journey with us?<br/>

<B><s></s>*cough* Fadoka *cough*<br/>

But honestly, I've known most of the BlaZe players and always held such high regards on the guild and its members :) So it's an honor to become part of the best guild now!<e></e></B><br/>


5. What is your final objective in PRO?<br/>

<B><s></s>Become the richest player in game and collect all the best epic pokemons available! :D<e></e></B><br/>


PS: Does this guild have a dedicated memberships/coins/mounts seller? If not then I could become one haha, so whenever you guys need those stuffs can just buy from me (dun worry I'm trusted lol). Why buy from someone else outside the guild when we can help each other out :)<br/>


Catch you guys in Discord sometime!<br/>



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Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One!


<r><QUOTE author="Sylpharionz"><s>

</s><POST content="74068"><s></s>74068<e></e></POST> I'm back from my wedding :)<br/>


After years of being guildless, Fadoka finally managed to brainwash me haha (also cos PRO dun append the guild name to chat so my name won't become longer). Anyway here's my joining survey, please take care of me! :D<br/>


1. What is your nickname in PRO?<br/>



2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why?<br/>

<B><s></s>Psychic: Alakazam<br/>

The first pokemon I obtained through real life trading 20 years ago, when Pokemon just came out (yes, link cable on original GameBoy, black and white graphics haha). And it's been with me in every handheld games that I had subsequently. Indirectly saying I'm old for playing 20 years worth of pokemon...<e></e></B><br/>


3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO?<br/>

<B><s></s>Check out my epic collections from "the other game":<e></e></B> .net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=35803]Spoiler warning, epics inside!<br/>

<B><s></s>Then tell me if I'm ambitious or not :P<br/>

My ambition now is to replicate the same collections in PRO as well!<e></e></B><br/>


4. What made you to join on this journey with us?<br/>

<B><s></s>*cough* Fadoka *cough*<br/>

But honestly, I've known most of the BlaZe players and always held such high regards on the guild and its members :) So it's an honor to become part of the best guild now!<e></e></B><br/>


5. What is your final objective in PRO?<br/>

<B><s></s>Become the richest player in game and collect all the best epic pokemons available! :D<e></e></B><br/>


PS: Does this guild have a dedicated memberships/coins/mounts seller? If not then I could become one haha, so whenever you guys need those stuffs can just buy from me (dun worry I'm trusted lol). Why buy from someone else outside the guild when we can help each other out :)<br/>


Catch you guys in Discord sometime!<br/>




oh shizz! its syl..</r>



Bag_Macho_Brace_Sprite.png[glow=red]EV Training Hot Spots[/glow]

244.png[glow=red]How to get Legendary Dogs[/glow]

Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


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Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One!


<r><QUOTE author="Somes"><s>

</s><POST content="74070"><s></s>74070<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Sylpharionz"><s>
</s><POST content="74068"><s></s>74068<e></e></POST> I'm back from my wedding :)<br/>


After years of being guildless, Fadoka finally managed to brainwash me haha (also cos PRO dun append the guild name to chat so my name won't become longer). Anyway here's my joining survey, please take care of me! :D<br/>


1. What is your nickname in PRO?<br/>



2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why?<br/>

<B><s></s>Psychic: Alakazam<br/>

The first pokemon I obtained through real life trading 20 years ago, when Pokemon just came out (yes, link cable on original GameBoy, black and white graphics haha). And it's been with me in every handheld games that I had subsequently. Indirectly saying I'm old for playing 20 years worth of pokemon...<e></e></B><br/>


3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO?<br/>

<B><s></s>Check out my epic collections from "the other game": <URL url="https://tinyurl.com/zlvymqe"><s></s>Spoiler warning, epics inside!<e></e></URL><br/>

Then tell me if I'm ambitious or not :P<br/>

My ambition now is to replicate the same collections in PRO as well!<e></e></B><br/>


4. What made you to join on this journey with us?<br/>

<B><s></s>*cough* Fadoka *cough*<br/>

But honestly, I've known most of the BlaZe players and always held such high regards on the guild and its members :) So it's an honor to become part of the best guild now!<e></e></B><br/>


5. What is your final objective in PRO?<br/>

<B><s></s>Become the richest player in game and collect all the best epic pokemons available! :D<e></e></B><br/>


PS: Does this guild have a dedicated memberships/coins/mounts seller? If not then I could become one haha, so whenever you guys need those stuffs can just buy from me (dun worry I'm trusted lol). Why buy from someone else outside the guild when we can help each other out :)<br/>


Catch you guys in Discord sometime!<br/>




oh shizz! its syl..<e>



Haha yea, long time no see man :) Hmm I just realized PRO censored "the other game" link, so I've tinyurl-ed it haha, hopefully it doesn't break any rules lol</r>

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Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One!


<t>Hello, <br/>


I'm Fabio from France I've been looking for a guild just searching posting request on post that I find nice. At first I was a little intimidated by the first page (A lot of information) after reflection I decided to take a chance.<br/>


My IGM is NinkyoDraghoul I made this name up when I was little its combines some of my favorite shows/Characters its followed me in every game I've played (Maplestory,Poptropica,Clash of Clans,and Vainglory)<br/>



My favorite pokemon type is Dragon for sure I've been in love with dragons since I was little, favorite poke would have to be gyarados I like him for his great performance in battle and his design.<br/>


I'm an ambitious when something motivates me just a little spark and I'm 100% in. What keeps me motivated in this game is just about everything the artwork the simplicity or storymode yet keeping a edge on pvp where you have to do your research its the perfect balance.<br/>


I want to join this guild cause after reading the presentation I was really Impressed and eager to join.<br/>


My final objective is to make myself a great team of every type.</t>

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Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One!


<r><QUOTE author="NinkyoDraghoul"><s>

</s><POST content="74175"><s></s>74175<e></e></POST> Hello, <br/>


I'm Fabio from France I've been looking for a guild just searching posting request on post that I find nice. At first I was a little intimidated by the first page (A lot of information) after reflection I decided to take a chance.<br/>


My IGM is NinkyoDraghoul I made this name up when I was little its combines some of my favorite shows/Characters its followed me in every game I've played (Maplestory,Poptropica,Clash of Clans,and Vainglory)<br/>



My favorite pokemon type is Dragon for sure I've been in love with dragons since I was little, favorite poke would have to be gyarados I like him for his great performance in battle and his design.<br/>


I'm an ambitious when something motivates me just a little spark and I'm 100% in. What keeps me motivated in this game is just about everything the artwork the simplicity or storymode yet keeping a edge on pvp where you have to do your research its the perfect balance.<br/>


I want to join this guild cause after reading the presentation I was really Impressed and eager to join.<br/>


My final objective is to make myself a great team of every type.<e>


Hey mate visit our chat <URL url="https://discord.gg/0ckRjEsLQOEKYZ2z">https://discord.gg/0ckRjEsLQOEKYZ2z</URL> and let us know more about you .</r>



Bag_Macho_Brace_Sprite.png[glow=red]EV Training Hot Spots[/glow]

244.png[glow=red]How to get Legendary Dogs[/glow]

Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


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