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Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo!


<t>or we can use a public TS3 server and create a channel. It will disapear after the admin log out but still we can use ts3<br/>

im sugesting this because skype is making a lot of lag for me in other games (Didnt tried for pro)</t>

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Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo!


<t>Hey I am an old RPG player ;) (from pwo). I am good at leveling and always looking for more fun so I guess your guild will be best for me :D</t>


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Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo!


<r><QUOTE author="Yohoneysingh"><s>

</s>Hey I am an old RPG player ;) (from pwo). I am good at leveling and always looking for more fun so I guess your guild will be best for me :D<e>

1. IGN <br/>

2. Age <br/>

3. Location/Country <br/>

4. Hours Played(view trainer card) <br/>

5. Are you friends with anyone in R3vo? - If so, can they vouch for you? <br/>

6. List all previous guild that you have been apart of in PRO and the reason for your departure. <br/>

7. Can you be active in Teamspeak? <br/>

8. Do you promise to abide by R3vo's Guild Oath? <br/>


Fill this out. (Teamspeak isn't available right now because of some issues. Hopefully it'll be up again soon)</r>

Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo!


<r><QUOTE author="Tetsuzan"><s>

</s><QUOTE author="Yohoneysingh"><s>
</s>Hey I am an old RPG player ;) (from pwo). I am good at leveling and always looking for more fun so I guess your guild will be best for me :D<e>

1. IGN <br/>

2. Age <br/>

3. Location/Country <br/>

4. Hours Played(view trainer card) <br/>

5. Are you friends with anyone in R3vo? - If so, can they vouch for you? <br/>

6. List all previous guild that you have been apart of in PRO and the reason for your departure. <br/>

7. Can you be active in Teamspeak? <br/>

8. Do you promise to abide by R3vo's Guild Oath? <br/>


Fill this out. (Teamspeak isn't available right now because of some issues. Hopefully it'll be up again soon)<e>



Hey, Yohoneysingh i remember you from the good old days, sorry ive been busy lately. Yeah just fill the application out and you are in.</r>


Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo!


<r>Sorry for the inactivity I've been really busy lately things will pick up with our first guild even coming soon! Also check out my membership depot thread all R3vo members get 50k off <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&p=32889#p32889"><LINK_TEXT text="https://pokemonrevolution.net/Fo ... 889#p32889">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&p=32889#p32889</LINK_TEXT></URL></r>


Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo!


<t>1. IGN(In Game Name): jyim<br/>

2. Age: 26<br/>

3. Location/Country: USA<br/>

4. Hours Played(view trainer card) : 50h 17m<br/>

5. Are you friends with anyone in R3vo? If so, can they vouch for you? No :(<br/>

6. List all previous guild that you have been apart of in PRO and the reason for your departure. : No guild yet<br/>

7. Can you be active in Skype? yup, would love to add everyone<br/>

8. Do you promise to abide by R3vo's Guild Oath? yup</t>

  • 2 weeks later...

Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo!


<r><QUOTE author="Jhaxion"><s>

</s><POST content="20386"><s></s>20386<e></e></POST> UW was apart of the original guild in pwo I think.<e>

can you please tell me where can i get Beldum?<br/>

i saw you got a shiny Beldum <E>:y:</E></r>

Re: R3vo - Viva La R3vo!


<r><QUOTE author="fRoDed"><s>

</s><POST content="39618"><s></s>39618<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Jhaxion"><s>
</s><POST content="20386"><s></s>20386<e></e></POST> UW was apart of the original guild in pwo I think.<e>

can you please tell me where can i get Beldum?<br/>

i saw you got a shiny Beldum <E>:y:</E><e>



Please don't post in here unless it's about the guild ._.</r>

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