Lostdragon02 Posted June 7, 2018 Share Posted June 7, 2018 Thank you very much, I was lost in Sinnoh. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/77921-complete-sinnoh-walkthrough/page/3/#findComment-545915 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cosanostra Posted August 14, 2018 Share Posted August 14, 2018 Sinnoh story shorter than hoenn story ? Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/77921-complete-sinnoh-walkthrough/page/3/#findComment-582406 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ponchichao Posted August 14, 2018 Share Posted August 14, 2018 help me a lot :) thanks!, i just finished it in 6 hours :D nice !! Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/77921-complete-sinnoh-walkthrough/page/3/#findComment-582677 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saam Posted October 15, 2018 Share Posted October 15, 2018 Shary said: Hey, I have created this guide to help players that may need help completing the Sinnoh region! I will cover the Sinnoh Region from start to finish in this guide and also include how to go to Sinnoh! I hope that you find this guide helpful! :) If you need help with the previous regions, check out these guides: JollyOlNathan's Kanto Guide Sugarred9's Johto Guide ArielGG's Hoenn Guide Note: There is not a Sinnoh map in game yet. However you may find the map in the spoiler below useful. Reveal hidden contents That being said, let's begin our adventure! [spoiler=How to go to Sinnoh]So you have become the champion of Hoenn and feel up for a new challenge? Well, sinnoh is the next obstacle that lies in your path. You must find six npcs and the first letter of each of their names spell out Sinnoh! I highly recommend bringing level 100 pokemon to these battles. To start the Sinnoh Quest, make your way on over to Saffron City (Kanto) and find a lady named Symphonia to start your quest. She will ask you to bring her a Starmie that is your OT (original trainer). After presenting her with the Starmie she will now battle you! You must be victorious in battle with her in order to move on to the next guardian. Her team is: Joltean, Charizard, Venusaur, Blastoise, Gengar, Krookodile Then you must find the second NPC, whose name will start with the letter I. In this case you should go to Ilex Forest (Johto) and find Indragiri and preesent Illumise with your OT. After showing him you must fight with him and win to continue in search of the third guardian. Her team is: Feraligar, Typhlosion, Meganium, Omastar, Clefable, Electrivire The third NPC that you must find and face is in New Mauville (Hoenn), and its name is Nova. He will ask you to show a Nidoking, again with your OT. You must fight with him and defeat him, and so continue in search of the fourth NPC. Her team is: Sceptile, Swampert, Blaziken, Politoed, Kingdra, Dragonite You are already very close to getting access to Sinnoh! So let's continue to find the fourth NPC, whose name is Novi. He is in National Park (Johto) and the requirement to fight him is to show a Nidoqueen with your OT. After this, you must face him to continue your way to the Sinnoh. Her team is: Aerodactyl, Alakazam, Sylveon, Staraptor, Salamence, Vaporeon There are only two left! The next NPC that you must find is called Oswald, and you can find it in Olivine Café (Johto). In order to continue your way to Sinnoh you must show him an Onix with your OT. As is the custom, you must fight against it in order to continue your adventure. Her team is: Tyranitar, Excadrill, Scizor, Starmie, Luxray, Mega Camerupt Finally only the last NPC remains. In this case you must go to Hoenn Pokémon League and show Hannah an Huntail with your OT. You will have to defeat it, which will not be an easy task, and once done you will have access to the new Sinnoh region! Her team is: Houndoom, Machamp, Talonflame, Mega Metagross, Volcarona, Mega Sharpedo After you all done with Hannah, please make sure to take the left over and other item from your poke that you want to use on Sinnoh story. Talk to Hannah again to go to this new region. Come on! [spoiler=Twinleaf Town]And we are finally in Sinnoh! Go down stairs and talk with your grandma! Now we can go and visit Barry in his home, Go up and talk with him and then we can meet him in Route 201. Prof. Rowan is going to stop us from walking in the grass without pokemon and be ready to choose your starter! Now go to the right and go to Prof. Rowan lab! [spoiler=Sandgem Town]Go to the Lab and we will find Barry!, He will tell us that he is going to be at Jubilife School. Enter the Lab and talk with Prof Rowan, But we already have everything from Prof Oak. After talking with Prof. Rowan we cant go to Route 202, First we need to talk with our Grandma! Go back to your house and talk with Grandma, She will tell us that Barry's mom is worried, We need to visit her too! Talk with his mother and she is going to ask us to tell barry to go back home, He forgot something. And now we can go to Route 202! [spoiler=Jubilife City]Once in Jubilife city we need to find barry in the school! Unfortunately, Barry is not there and we will have to help the teacher find her students first! Students Location And then go back to the school and talk with the Teacher! Now we can find Barry at Route 218 He will go back to his house and then we can go to Route 203 And be ready to battle with Barry! Beat him and enter the cave in the right and dont go up! [spoiler=Oreburgh City]Now we are in the first city with a gym! But first we need to Find Roark in the mine! Go all the way down to the mine and we are going to find him there, Talk with him and go back to the gym! [spoiler=Oreburgh City Gym] Battle with the trainers and get to the final battle with Roark, Be ready to battle him! [ATTACH=full]40486[/ATTACH] TEAM Beat him and get the Coal Badge! Now we need to go back to Jubilife City and go to the north! After beating the gym go to Oreburgh City House 2 and you will find this NPC selling rock smash, Buy one we are going to need it later! [spoiler=Floaroma Town]Now in jubilife city we are going to find this guys, Talk with Looker and help him! Now go to Route 204 and talk with this guy and then enter to the cave! This is why we needed to buy rock smash, Smash the rock and go to the next area! And finally we are in floaroma town but skip that town and go to route 205, We are going to meet Sandy and we need to help her dad! Go to the right and we are going to find Galactic Team again, Beat him! Now we need a password to enter, Go back to Floaroma Town and go to the top left area! Beat the galactic guy and he is going to give us the password! Go back to Valley Windworks and get ready to battle! After you beat him, Go back to Route 205 and go to the north! [spoiler=Route 205 & Eterna Forest]Nothing important in this route just a lot of trainers to get a lot of XP, Go to the top and enter to Eterna Forest! Eterna forest have a lot of trainers aswell, After you beat them all go to the top right and you are in the second area of route 205! [spoiler=Eterna City]Now we are in Eterna City! Go to the gym and you are going to find Gardenia outside and she will ask you if you can check the building in the north of the city! Go to the building and we are going to find grunts for Galactic Team again, Be ready to battle! Once in the building go to the top and you will find Commander Jupiter and Jevons, Talk with Jupiter and beat him! After you beat him talk with Devons and help him to find some pokemon! Pokemon Locations: After you find all pokemons, Talk with Jevons again and then go to the gym! [spoiler=Eterna City Gym] Finally in the second gym! This gym can be a bit tricky if you cant see the trainers so i made this tutorial, You need to follow this order ^^ GARDENIA GYM BATTLE [ATTACH=full]40490[/ATTACH] TEAM Beat her and get the badge! [spoiler=Routes 206 to 208]Nothing important in this routes just beat all the trainers to get Xp! In the cave from route 207 you will find Cyrus but you are not going to have a battle And finally the next city! [spoiler=Veilstone City]And we are in a new city but for now skip it, go to the right and we are going to find Barry, Be ready to battle! Nothing important in this routes just battle with trainers 209 210 215 [spoiler=Veilstone City Gym] Finally we are in the city! Go to the gym and talk with dawn and then enter the gym! In this gym we need to get two scrolls to be able to battle with the Leader, Its always random so you need to battle with all trainers! And be ready to battle with the leader! MAYLENE GYM BATTLE [ATTACH=full]40755[/ATTACH] TEAM Beat her and get the Cobble Badge! [spoiler=Dawn and after] Beat the gym and then you will find Dawn in the door!, She wil tell us that some grunts of the team galactic stole her pokedex and we need to help her! Go to the north of the city and you will find Dawn with some Galactic Grunts, Help her and be ready to battle! After the battle, Talk with Dawn again ans she will tell us to go to Pastoria City! To go to Pastoria City you need to go to Route 214 in the south and follow all the routes. Route 214 Valor Lakefront Route 213 [spoiler=Pastoria City Gym]Go to the gym and get ready to battle with trainers and the leader! WAVE GYM BATTLE [ATTACH=full]40756[/ATTACH] TEAM Beat him and you will get the Fen Badge and now you can use Surf! [spoiler=Cynthia & Cyrus] After you beat the gym, Go to the north of pastoria city and you will find a Galatic Grunt there you need to follow him though routes 213 & Valor Lakefront you need to beat him! Now go up and talk with Cynthia, She will ask us to give the medicine to the Psyducks in Route 210 & Give Old Charm to her Grandma in Celestic Town! Now go back to Route 210 and give the medicine to Psyduck! Follow Route 210 North and go to Celestic Town! In celestic Town we need to beat the Galatic Grunt blocking the cave! After beating the Grunt, Cynthia's Grandma will appear behind you and you need to give her the old charm! Now enter in the cave and talk with this fossil, Cyrus will appear and be ready to the battle! Beat him and go back to Hearthome City where you battled with Barry next to Route 209! [spoiler=Hearthome City Gym]Once in Hearthome City go to the gym and be ready to battle! This gym is a bit hard without Flash but you can catch a Roselia in Route 212 and it can learn Flash! I made this tutorial to this gym maze! And the next part: And then be ready to battle with the Leader! FANTINA GYM BATTLE [ATTACH=full]40757[/ATTACH] TEAM Beat her and you will get the Relic Badge! She will tell us to visit the Library in Canalave City! Now go back to Jubilife City! Remember at the start of the story when we need to find Barry?, Go back to that place in route 218 and Surf! [spoiler=Canalave City Gym]And finaly we are in canalvale city! Go to the gym and we are going to find barry blocking the way, Talk with him and be ready to battle! And now go to the gym! This gym puzzle its easy so this time we dont need a tutorial, Battle with trainers and beat the leader! BYRON GYM BATTLE [ATTACH=full]40758[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]40759[/ATTACH] TEAM Beat him and you will get the Mine badge! He will tell us that we need to go to Snowpoint but first we are going to do something! [spoiler=Prof Rowan & Trio Lakes] Go to the library in Canalvale City and go to the second floor! There we are going to find Prof Rowan with Dawn & Barry, We need to help him to protect the Guardians! Now go back to Pastoria City and go to Valor Lakefront! Get ready to battle with a lot of members of team Galatic! Go to the Cave and beat Saturn! After beating Saturn we need to go and help Prof Rowan & Dawn in Lake Verity, Go back to Route 201 and go to the left! Battle with Mars and beat him! And finaly we need to help Barry in Lake Acuity! Now go back to Eterna City and to the right, You will find a Cave and then go Up! Now we are in Route 216, Nothing important in this route just a lot of trainers! Same as Route 216, In route 217 We are going to find a lot of trainers but at the north we are going to find This Team Galactic blocking the way, We need to get the Icicle Badge first! Go to the right and We are in Snowpoint City! [spoiler=Snowpoint City Gym]Now we need to get the 7th badge to help barry with the team Galactic! CANDICE GYM BATTLE [ATTACH=full]40761[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]40762[/ATTACH] TEAM Beat her and you will get the Icicle Badge! Now we can use Rock climb! Go back to Acuity Lakefront and talk with Barry, He will tell us that he lost and we need to go to Team Galactic HQ in Veilstone City! [spoiler=Team Galactic HQ] Go back to Veilstone City and Talk with the guy in front of the HQ, Beat him and he will give us the password! Now go to the left of the city and enter this warehouse! Use the password and go downstairs! Follow the way until this room and take the Teleport! Now follow the way again until this bin, Search in the bin and you will find a paper with the pasword to open the next doors! Now go back to the HQ and use the password to go up stairs! Follow the way and use the teleporter in the room with a TV! Now use the teleporter in the left! And finaly you will find Cyrus, Beat him! After you beat him take the teleporter in the right! And now be ready to battle with Saturn! Beat him and now press the button in the machine! Now go back to Celestic Town and enter MT Coronet but this time go down! Go to the top of the mountain and be ready for a lot of battles! And finally we are in the top!, Talk with Cyrus and he will be teleported to other dimension with Giratina! Now get ready to go to Distortion World! [spoiler=Distortion World] Now we are in the distortion world, Follow the way until you find Cyrus and be ready to battle! Once you beat him talk with Giratina and you need to beat him too! Beat him and you will be teleported back with cynthia! Now let cynthia help you and you will be teleported to Route 214 Go down and go to Route 222! Nothing much in this route just a lot of trainers! [spoiler=Sunnyshore City Gym & Victory Road] Last gym here we go! Beat all trainers and be ready to the battle! VOLKNER GYM BATTLE [ATTACH=full]40765[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]40766[/ATTACH] TEAM Beat him and get the last badge! Now get ready to E4, Go to route 223 and battle with a lot of trainers! Now use Waterfall and enter Victory Road! Victory Road Tutorial: Use water fall again and enter Elite 4! [spoiler=The Sinnoh Elite 4]ARON TEAM -[/hr] BERTHA TEAM -[/hr] FLINT TEAM -[/hr] LUCIAN TEAM -[/hr] CYNTHIA TEAM -[/hr] Beat them all and become the Sinnoh Champion! This is everything for this guide however there are a lot of Route/Places in Sinnoh that you may want to explore, I will leave some of the quest that can be found in Sinnoh! I hope this guide has worked for you! donde history in49h ty for help n.n ☕"> Thanks for your attention ☕"> My Lending Shop Demonz guild Discord My Collection of Clothes Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/77921-complete-sinnoh-walkthrough/page/3/#findComment-613889 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tejkkapadia123 Posted October 25, 2018 Share Posted October 25, 2018 Epsy said: Here is a list of things that you can do after you have beaten Sinnoh: Sinnoh Region Hidden Items & Abandon Poke Guide Sinnoh Spawn Guide How to Get Heatran How to get one of the Lake guardians Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/77921-complete-sinnoh-walkthrough/page/3/#findComment-617617 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drama Posted January 9, 2019 Share Posted January 9, 2019 Great guide +1! Prepare for trouble, And Make it double! To protect the world from devastaion, To unite all people within our nation, To denounce the evil of truth and love, To extend our reach to the stars of above, Jessie! James! Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light! Surrender now or prepare to fight! Meowth, Thats Right! Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/77921-complete-sinnoh-walkthrough/page/3/#findComment-648274 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drama Posted January 11, 2019 Share Posted January 11, 2019 Hey, Having an issue with https://imgur.com/a/v5zgdIX part of the guide, Grunt is just not spawning at the point I pointed too with the red arrow. I've doubled checked 2-3x now if he was somewhere between the begining dialogue near the sinnoh saffarie entrance to where he should be so i can talk to Cynthia.. I have recieved my Fed Badge and talked to the grunt 2x. now Cynthia wont spawn and the scientists wont let me through :/ Edit: Found the solution. There is a grunt on the beach inbetween these two pictures https://imgur.com/a/v5zgdIX Prepare for trouble, And Make it double! To protect the world from devastaion, To unite all people within our nation, To denounce the evil of truth and love, To extend our reach to the stars of above, Jessie! James! Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light! Surrender now or prepare to fight! Meowth, Thats Right! Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/77921-complete-sinnoh-walkthrough/page/3/#findComment-648811 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mastermartin319 Posted January 18, 2019 Share Posted January 18, 2019 Very helpful guide, helping me get to Sinnoh. Any advise on beating Hannah?? Getting pretty upset. I have 5 lvl 100 poke with high IVs, just spent nearly 100k on revives and max potions and still couldn't beat her :( only thing I can think of is track down and train a new team. Really don't wanna do that. Any advise?? Please help?? Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/77921-complete-sinnoh-walkthrough/page/3/#findComment-651531 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bonstuyaux Posted January 19, 2019 Share Posted January 19, 2019 Hey buddy ! I wanted to know something, does the order matter in the quest to make it to Sinnoh ? Because it's kinda expensive to do, even more if you need to switch twice between Johto and Hoenn... Thanks for the answer ! Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/77921-complete-sinnoh-walkthrough/page/3/#findComment-652178 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gam3rartz Posted March 19, 2019 Share Posted March 19, 2019 My pokemon are not locked, but I cant get my higher levels out. I need to beat giratina and my party from sinnoh isnt strong enough. Does anyone know if its supposed to do that? Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/77921-complete-sinnoh-walkthrough/page/3/#findComment-676575 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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