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Everything posted by Drama

  1. okay heres number 1, it's a battle UI bug i believe. poke1 feints, swap to poke2, if you notice top left the UI shows poke1 is still alive (normally around 50% hp) swap to poke1, use item, poke1 feints. (some occasions poke1 will just feint right away) swap to poke2. the second bug i enounter is with the Pokedex, it seems to be a visual bug. if i pull up Bubasaur (seems to be every poke in the dex) you'll notice his/her hexagon shaped base stats is dim, i noticed when you highlight 001 in the search bar the hexagon lights up.
  2. i was just trying to warn people to be careful of purchases for the time being, since players were complaining about rollbacks in chat.
  3. You can still spend coins you have on your account. I was just trying to warn people to be careful of purchases for the time being.
  4. They brains behind the server host has obviously left. Just play the game casually and wait til they figure their stuff out server side. DONT BUY ANYTHING, it's just not worth the time lost due to these extensive "server maintenance"
  5. Either Pokemon are themselves made up of computer data, implying the Pokemon universe is actually a Matrix-like dystopia, or the inhabitants are so tech-savvy that they've figured out a way to convert organic matter into a Zip File, raising the question: Why is such a technologically advance society so dependent on animal labor, like a bunch of Amish people?
  6. Server's are down, you can find information from the #announcements tab in #discord
  7. Hey, Having an issue with https://imgur.com/a/v5zgdIX part of the guide, Grunt is just not spawning at the point I pointed too with the red arrow. I've doubled checked 2-3x now if he was somewhere between the begining dialogue near the sinnoh saffarie entrance to where he should be so i can talk to Cynthia.. I have recieved my Fed Badge and talked to the grunt 2x. now Cynthia wont spawn and the scientists wont let me through :/ Edit: Found the solution. There is a grunt on the beach inbetween these two pictures https://imgur.com/a/v5zgdIX
  8. dang those are some cute rotoms!
  9. I'm pretty sure the servers are locked at the moment!
  10. When you open up your pokedex and click any pokemon, the "base stats" visual is bugged it's very very light grey and no longer green.
  11. [mod=Suhuzen]Sorry, but that's not funny :/ disqualified[/mod] Comeback player of the year : Drama Comeback player of the year : Drama Comeback player of the year : Drama Comeback player of the year : Drama Comeback player of the year : Drama
  12. 1. What is your nickname in PRO? Drama 2. Which one is your favorite Pokemon and why? Steelix, because it's just so big and i've just always been a fan of onyx and brock from the shows! 3. What is your final objective in PRO? To complete my pvp team and go hard in PVP situations / collect em all! 4. How many hours did you play on Red? 301 hrs 5. Age: 27 6. Do you have a PVP Team? (its ok if you don't have one) Yes sorta! working on it 4/6!
  13. Drama

    Short Absense.

    Welcome back shane! Glad to see you're not mashing around on minecraft all day :P
  14. theres no value, it's all based on what pokemon you enjoy / love. the value comes from the iv's / natures. this post is void.
  15. Thanks Piine, Alright guys we're 100% back up and functioning! Needed a little bit of time for studies, but now we're back at it! please send a msg to me personally if interested in being recruited following the guidelines of the application process :) :thanks: ~thank you!
  16. PRO team should think about doing resets, some people have popped MS tokens and 25% increased XP. I donate to the server for these things, I feel cheated a little when i can't get play for 2 days due to a server bug. the 25% xp only last 3 days.. :Cry:
  17. please give me the site where you see the uptime of servers, use to have the url but lost it.
  18. lol same answer again 12+ hours of this, when was the last server reset
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