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Rarity of the Pokemons


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Hi Guys !!! This is my firs topic in PRO . I'm excited about the game ,It is the best I've ever played ,but I have an idea that can further improve!!!


what do you think they put the rarity of pokemon tab where is the Pokemon list found in the place ??


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Weedle (Hover) -- Common :Ambivalent:

Pikachu (Hover) -- Rare :Grin:

Scyther (Hover) -- Very Rare :Cool:

and others...

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Carefully defined rarity doesn't really have a point in PRO as you can hunt down any Pokemon with comparatively little effort. This means that you can get a new one form any Poke for relatively cheap on the market because so many are being caught. The difference between commons and rares are really nuances.

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Actually, it's really confusing to see tiers getting divided further into smaller parts like 1st tier: common,abundant .... 3rd tier into 3 parts.

Was asking will be better just to have 1st tier,2nd,3rd so on..


btw Common© , Rare® ,Very rare(VR) ,Horribly/Ultra rare(HR/UR) , Uncatchable(UC)



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Shiny collector and Proud Member of BlaZe~


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