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A Shiny Ladder


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I think it would be a good idea to see a ladder for each server for the top 25 players with the most individual shiny Pokemon, I think for players who collect them it will be a nice way to be the best at something.

As far as I can see there is a ladder for top guilds top pvp-ers and most hours which is cool but I think a ladder for the most shinies could be a good way of adding another element of competition to the non PvP community.

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[glow=red][/glow]Yes that's a good idea but not more shinies rare shinies[glow=red][/glow]

No not just rare pokes, all pokes, this kind of idea will make all those trash shinies so much more desirable.

All shiny pokes will be valuable to someone instead of just rotting in a PC.

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I like the idea. It would also be nice if the system could somehow give points for shinies, like for their rarity, nature and ivs. Reborn bot already gives you points for good catches if I'm not misstaken and I think that adding something like that would go well with your idea. Anyway, good thought. I hope this goes through even if I'm not a collector myself. :Grin:



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Not a bad idea. But I would recommend a tournament more than a ladder. Like the top 25 winners of the tournament get prizes. It can be of two ways, one is the tounament of most number shinies and the other one is player battle with players with a shiny team and the top 25 get prizes. And this tournament should be held once in a year. No offense against your suggestion. Just my opinion. Good luck :Smile: :Sing:

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Anything that is 100% luck based shouldn't have a competitiveness to it. It would be fine to have a ladder just for a leaderboard sake to see what has been caught with no rewards or anything, but I don't think being rewarded for having fluke luck should be notable. I guess im somewhere in between.





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