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Things that are not to be introduced in PRO



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Discus about things you think that shouldn't be in PRO due to having an MMO setup. I am going to help you in order to spark good discussion. Note that if we deem your suggestion valid enough or majority people agrees with it, chances are, that we might put it in the "NOT TO BE INTRODUCED" list;


Anyway here is an example;

Teleport : Out of battle effect not working / Can escape wild battles / Cannot be used in PvP

- Wont be making teleport to work out of battle. Reason; Well, kills point of Escape rope which is priced at 550pd I believe. Average usage of escape ropes per day is counted in hundreds at least given somewhat decent user online count. Say it is 300, which is funny low. 300x550=165000. 165k of a daily sinkhole over something that we don't need is good. Give it a year and you get 60225000 of pds. 60225000 millions of pds will be trashed away and it makes very good sinkhole. If we are to introduce the teleport outside of a battle, which takes 15 seconds we would simply give effortless money to people due to our fault as we make someone rich. Heavily against this. I can draw you graph I have in my head for this though. Can't beat the actual statistics and physics based on the true events. It does not fail.

Nikola, what is your opinion about introducing fly ingame to work outside of a battle? Isn't this even worse than teleport outside of a battle????


Fly being very dangerous and probably the worst thing anti-sinkhole is a logical conclusion everyone normal would make. However; I have every single formula and graph in my head done for this setup. For example, fly wouldn't be much of a issue because fly can't take you on exclusive and far away map, we have cable cars for it. Cable cars, boats and trains all cost money and they are supposed to take you there where fly wouldn't be able to, such as trainer valley, love island and so on. Fly being disabled or Enabled wouldn't make any difference. In fact, it would be counter productive. Why counter productive? Because you can't fast fly on the maps where you will spend pds for ferry, train or cable car to travel = more money spent, much faster. Walking on the foot or driving bike would bring up the time as a variable to determinate the sinkhole. Obviously you will need a lot of time to travel from point X to Y which means less money spent. Absorbing what I've just said; on the way to point Y, you may even get "lucky" and induce shiny or two into the economy. Fly itself will make sure that those chances are decreased because you don't need to walk around the grass and what not. That is the difference between sinkhole and affordable feature which won't result in a mess. Actually, this very affordable feature will turn into proper sinkhole. There is a difference between regular sinkhole and looping sinkhole that will always work and circulate things naturally. And as said, it can only make people to spend more. All it takes is designing a graph in your head and do the logical mathematics, probability and what ifs.


LIST OF THINGS ARE NOT CERTAIN TO EVER BE IN THE GAME; note; You can always discus about these below.


  • breeding(Not negotiable)
    Teleport outside of a battle
    Dig outside of a battle - Reason; Dmleev made PC floor made of steel. Impossible to dig.
    sweet scent
    No Guard (will have in battle effect but won't be effective outside of battle
    Amulet Coin (might be ingame but it won't increase the money gain)
    Swarm (wont have any effect outside of a battle)
    Illuminate (wont have any effect outside of a battle).
    Arena Trap ( wont have any effect outside of a battle).
    Intimidate ( wont have any effect outside of a battle)
    Keen Eye (wont have any effect outside of a battle)
    Static (wont have any effect outside of a battle)
    Magnet Pull (wont have any effect outside of a battle)
    Suction Cups (wont have any effect outside of a battle)
    Sticky Hold (wont have any effect outside of a battle)
    Hustle (Wont have any effect outside of a battle)
    Lucky egg (wont have boost exp effect)
    Pressure (Wont have any effect outside of a battle)
    Vital Spirit (Wont have any effect outside of a battle)
    Sand Veil (won have any effect outside of a battle)
    Snow Cloak (won't have any effect outside of a battle)
    Quick Feet (wont have any effect outside of a battle)
    Flame Body and Magma Armour (wont have any effect outside of a battle)
    White Smoke (wont have any effect outside of a battle


As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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Discus about things you think that shouldn't be in PRO due to having an MMO setup. I am going to help you in order to spark good discussion. Note that if we deem your suggestion valid enough or majority people agrees with it, chances are, that we might put it in the "NOT TO BE INTRODUCED" list;


Anyway here is an example;

Teleport : Out of battle effect not working / Can escape wild battles / Cannot be used in PvP

- Wont be making teleport to work out of battle. Reason; Well, kills point of Escape rope which is priced at 550pd I believe. Average usage of escape ropes per day is counted in hundreds at least given somewhat decent user online count. Say it is 300, which is funny low. 300x550=165000. 165k of a daily sinkhole over something that we don't need is good. Give it a year and you get 60225000 of pds. 60225000 millions of pds will be trashed away and it makes very good sinkhole. If we are to introduce the teleport outside of a battle, which takes 15 seconds we would simply give effortless money to people due to our fault as we make someone rich. Heavily against this. I can draw you graph I have in my head for this though. Can't beat the actual statistics and physics based on the true events. It does not fail.

Nikola, what is your opinion about introducing fly ingame to work outside of a battle? Isn't this even worse than teleport outside of a battle????


Fly being very dangerous and probably the worst thing anti-sinkhole is a logical conclusion everyone normal would make. However; I have every single formula and graph in my head done for this setup. For example, fly wouldn't be much of a issue because fly can't take you on exclusive and far away map, we have cable cars for it. Cable cars, boats and trains all cost money and they are supposed to take you there where fly wouldn't be able to, such as trainer valley, love island and so on. Fly being disabled or Enabled wouldn't make any difference. In fact, it would be counter productive. Why counter productive? Because you can't fast fly on the maps where you will spend pds for ferry, train or cable car to travel = more money spent, much faster. Walking on the foot or driving bike would bring up the time as a variable to determinate the sinkhole. Obviously you will need a lot of time to travel from point X to Y which means less money spent. Absorbing what I've just said; on the way to point Y, you may even get "lucky" and induce shiny or two into the economy. Fly itself will make sure that those chances are decreased because you don't need to walk around the grass and what not. That is the difference between sinkhole and affordable feature which won't result in a mess. Actually, this very affordable feature will turn into proper sinkhole. There is a difference between regular sinkhole and looping sinkhole that will always work and circulate things naturally. And as said, it can only make people to spend more. All it takes is designing a graph in your head and do the logical mathematics, probability and what ifs.





Teleport outside of a battle

sweet scent'[/spoil]

I can see your reasoning behind Fly not being in and it has been confusing me for the longest time but now it makes sense, however i'll have a question on that matter. Will those "cable cars, boats and trains" will be available within every map. (example, players is in cinnabar mansion for hunting a certain pokemon and will go to johto after wards. Does he have to go through all the way from cinnabar to saffron to do so)

IF the example above is with the answer "yes" I find that very, very uselessly time consuming regardless of having the Money Sink behind you for promoting the usage of repels. It will become irritating in the long run when other regions will start to be introduced. I have thought of a "teleporter" concept to go with Money Sink and save more time for players. Will have the base mechanics as Fly, that being teleporting you from one place to another.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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Keen eye & Intimidate : From Pokémon Emerald onwards, if a Pokémon with Intimidate is leading the party, there is a 50% chance that a Pokémon that would be encountered will not appear if its level would be 5 levels or more below the leading Pokémon's. It shares this effect with Keen Eye. (based bulbapedia)

White Smoke : From Pokémon Emerald onwards, if a Pokémon with White Smoke is leading the party, then White Smoke decreases the wild Pokémon encounter rate by 50%. (based bulbapedia)

Why need repel when you can decrease encounters?


Moves that their out-of-battle needs to be removed.


Encounter increasing out-of-battle effects must stay but their %'s need to be halved to an MMO level.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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I said that Fly is affordable unlike esc rope.

Pros outweight the cons of why fly shouldn't be in :


Pros :

1- You can farm money while going from point X to Point Y.

2- You'll have more chance to encounter a shiny on your way rather than flying there faster.

3- There are some NPC mechanics that work based on your "been playing for" time. This will increase their chances on getting a proper reward.

4- You'll have a better chance to catch a suitable Pokemon for competitive use if you're using correct methods.

5- Once a player will realize this, they will try to find methods to exploit this for their use. The only one i have found is MS usage, doubles the payout & exp.

Basically you will be promoting playing the game and every player will be rewarded the more they play.


Cons :

1- Time consuming.


Well... you are playing a game, you're basically consuming time already.


People may disagree with what i'm saying, but they will find the reasoning behind once they realize how immensely they are being rewarded.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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for teleport i wonder why nintendo had both escape rope and teleport working, i dont think they didnt think about escape ropes...


i think that ppl wont always have a pokemon with teleport with them in their party.. usually teleport is used mostly in the early stages of the game as players cant afford a lot of escape ropes ..


"Teleport can only be used outside, with the same restrictions as Fly, except it cannot be used in towns and cities starting in Generation IV and there is no choice in where to go"

while escape ropes can be used in caves and doesnt teleport u to the pokecenter only to outside of the cave..


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for teleport i wonder why nintendo had both escape rope and teleport working, i dont think they didnt think about escape ropes...


i think that ppl wont always have a pokemon with teleport with them in their party.. usually teleport is used mostly in the early stages of the game as players cant afford a lot of escape ropes ..


"Teleport can only be used outside, with the same restrictions as Fly, except it cannot be used in towns and cities starting in Generation IV and there is no choice in where to go"

while escape ropes can be used in caves and doesnt teleport u to the pokecenter only to outside of the cave..

They don't. Not an MMO setup.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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Added No Guard ability to the list. Will work in battle but won't have any effect outside of a battle.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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i'm in favor of sychronize having an Out-of-battle usage, combined on our data of encounters and rates, Some pokemons are too rare to left for chance also, given the fact of having no breeding.



...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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