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WhiteSyndicate-[Social Hub]-[Reward System]- Recruiting PVP'ers!

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Name in the Game: Karcaroth

How many Hours game play do you have currently? 1339 hours

How many badges do you currently have? Kanto-Hoenn completed.

Do you know the differences between IV's and EV's? Yes, IVs are innate, EVs are trained.

Your discord username (must include the #0000 numbers): karcaroth#7937

Do you have an interest in PVP? Yes, I used to PVP heavily in 2016, but stopped playing when life got busy. I'm now looking to get back into the game, and plan to start PVPing again once I complete Sinnoh and get caught up on all the new additions.

How Many PVP Points do you have? My rating seems to have been wiped and is currently 1, but I still have the 311 coins that I won during 2016.

Are you an active member that enjoys communicating and helping other people? Yes.

Why do you feel you would make a good member of our guild? I used to know the game mechanics and economy pretty well, and hope to get caught back up. I also plan to PVP regularly; I have my eye on a few of those legendary mounts.

Edited by karcaroth
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Name in the Game: Thethorndog

How many Hours game play do you have currently? 25 On gold server - 400 in silver, i decided to start fresh after a year hiatus

How many badges do you currently have? 8

Do you know the differences between IV's and EV's? yes

Your discord username (must include the #0000 numbers): Thorn#1666

Do you have an interest in PVP? yes

How Many PVP Points do you have?0

Are you an active member that enjoys communicating and helping other people?yes

Why do you feel you would make a good member of our guild? I am a very competitive and im usually above average player lol. I would really be a great addition, specially fi you guys like other online games.



i already beat Kanto and i just got to Johto. Im saving up so i can buy a few pvp pkmns as i finish johto. Just need people to hang with so i dont get as bored playing on my own. And yes, i been playing compeittive pokemon since Diamond version. So i know more or less how competitive stuff works up to X and Y

  coletaylor said:





>>Guild Website<<

>>Guild Shop<<

WhiteSyndicate was 10th Top PVP Guild last Season!

Welcome and thank you for the taking the time to view this post and perhaps see WhiteSyndicate as a running leader in your search for a guild. Please find details below, and our overall story including our requirements to join. (we have recently changed our logo, hense the multiple logo's on the pictures)










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Please use the below form and post a reply to this post to apply for a position in our guild. Please remember to check the above requirments to join the guild. We wish you the best of luck!

Name in the Game:
How many Hours game play do you have currently?
How many badges do you currently have?
Do you know the differences between IV's and EV's?
Your discord username (must include the #0000 numbers):
Do you have an interest in PVP?
How Many PVP Points do you have?
Are you an active member that enjoys communicating and helping other people?
Why do you feel you would make a good member of our guild?


Thank you all for taking the time to read this.

Big thank you to ToniJade#1692, the awesome wife of our first officer, for providing the logo and all artwork for WhiteSyndicate


*Name in game*


*Hours of gameplay*


*How many badges do you have*

I am both Kanto and Johto Champion.

*Do you know the difference between IV's and EV's?*


*Discord name?*

Dvyne42 (5352)

*Do you have an interest in PVP?*

Yes, I would like to learn all I can.

*PVP points?*

Rating-1, Wins-3

*Are you an active/social/helpful member?*

Yes. I'm very active and I'm looking for a social guild.

*Why do you feel you would be a good member?*

Simply because I like to help others. Especially since I had to learn this game on my own. I'm very social. Part of the reason for wanting to join is to make good friends :). I'm always up for learning and determined to do so.

I m mohit 15

I am completed kanto and start jhoto

My play time is 83hours.

I am also on discord.

I want to join because I need more friends and helping guild .

Please invite me in your guild I am on gold sever

I know the differences between IV's and EV'

Name in game*


*Hours of gameplay*


*How many badges do you have*


*Do you know the difference between IV's and EV's?*


*Discord name?*

Samham93 #3369

*Do you have an interest in PVP?*

Yes, I have dabbled. Hope guild can give me more info.

*PVP points?*

0 - not played a season yet

*Are you an active/social/helpful member?*

Always active an always helpful when i can.

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