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I would like to see an option to change our Legendary Dog. I see something like this added to the game:


Talk to an NPC that confirms you would like to trash your current Legendary Dog. It must be in your party when you talk to him. You would then re-select which Legendary would you like to catch and need to defeat the specific Guardian. (Essentially reset catching it as if killing it then defeating Nikola.)


For a long time I've regretted my decision selecting Entei as my Legendary Dog. Honestly, I can't know why I choose it or even when! But when I did, I do know I was very naive to the strategy of competitive pokemon. Now that I know more, I wish I would have chosen differently. But why wait until now to suggest it?


I believe in the past, this option would have been subject to abuse. -- Continue to change legendary until you got something OP. -- With the addition of rerolls, the fear of abuse is much less threatening.


From the outside looking in, I wasn't sure if the technology was there. Honestly, I was just excited a new legendary was introduced at all. If I suggested this, I feared it would just be added to the "we dont really have the time or ability to code this." But now with the option to renew trashed Legendarys, I feel the technology could be here... (?) Perhaps now is the correct time to ask.

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