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Is the economy ruined now?


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not sure if it is detectable. if not, then they can just spread items across accounts or even have friends hold onto items to split the profit. there are ways around this and I'm just not sure if this game would be worth playing if certain people can buy everything they want now, due to this

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73270 All the duped items were erased and players who have done this were removed from our game

My friend still has 10 duped items and he still has an active account. So, only mass amounts of duped items are detectable, it seems

Does he? What did you say his username was? :Angel:


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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73275 What did you say his username was?

If I told you his name, I'd have to tell you all the names of people that got away with this, and that, I do not know. My concern is that certain people will be able to buy anything they want now, while getting away like nothing ever happened

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