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Welcome to PRO! You can also try to find German players by using

/cgjoin german


Good luck! :CharYay:


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Share your questions on the forums, as they can then be of use to others.

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Welcome :)

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

Hello and welcome to PRO :)


I wish you the best of luck and fun in your journey. I am also german. If you have any questions or problems, do not hesitate to contact me :)


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DO NOT contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum.

Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

Hey Aokijiii,


als 1. Frage auf welchem Server spielst du denn?


Und wenn es auf dem Silver Server ist kannst du ja überlegen einer Gilde bei zu treten.

Wir beherbergen unteranderem auch Studenten, wodurch unsere Gilde sehr locker mit der Abwesenheit eines Mitglieds umgeht.


Den Link zu unserem Beitrag findest du genau hier:



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