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  1. Past hour
  2. @Kakudai08 congrate you won magnemite
  3. 50k raise all except altaria
  4. I woke up today to find out Aphrodia is gone. I did like 20 to 40 games of chess throughout the event. Are there rewards for it aside from the spawned valentines ralts? And is there any way to claim it now that Aphrodia is gone?
  5. Today
  6. Starting Auction : 1m Minimum Bid : 100k no insta Auction Ends 48h After Fist Bid is Placed Accepted Currencies CC : 500k each, Iv RR : 500k each, Nat RR : 250k each, Cash
  7. Starting Auction : 1.5m Minimum Bid : 100k no insta Auction Ends 48h After Fist Bid is Placed Accepted Currencies CC : 500k each, Iv RR : 500k each, Nat RR : 250k each, Cash
  8. @Peacherry when you are online text me to get the larvesta
  9. The auction ended and the winner is @peacherry
  10. Start Offer 50k Min bid 10k No insta 24hrs after first bid (Started at 3:35 GMT+1)
  11. trade rotom bold in rotom timid
  12. 600k more 20 rc
  13. 800k annhilape
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