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  1. Past hour
  2. hi i'm Azathotz about summer tournament i still not getting some cosmetic ( I choose Fox mask ) ' w ' can i claim it? or i missed something?
  3. Starting Price -> 5M Insta Price -> None Minimum Raise -> 500K Payments -> Pokedollars & CC (CC = 450k) Ending -> Wednesday 15 January 17:30
  4. that wont happen, simply cuz this game is suppose to rind your pokes
  5. Today
  6. hi, sorry first time i put a post, didn't see the trade zone ^^'
  7. That's a very good idea,because players will improve their strats to win and keep the motivation to grind after to have these chests. One of the best PvP update right now.
  8. @Praveen00 Won The Auction
  9. Makuhita 30k sold. Makuhita 30k sold. Machop 30k sold. Machop 30k sold.
  10. min bid is 200k sir @Kitretsu05
  11. Hi @Noluckyone, @Nicksizkassap the trades have been forced. In the future please provide evidence of the trade. I can confirm the larvesta trade was carried out.
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