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About Samip11

  • Birthday 07/02/2004

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  1. Heyo!! I got some cool ideas about new items in coin shop.I dont know if these are requested eariler but here are some of em: Mounts: 1. Weezing mount (floating) 2. Rampardos 3. Tyrantrum 4. Pelipper 5. Torterra 6. Whimsicott (floating) Surf Mount: 1. Huntail 2. Wailord 3. Gorebyss 4. Feraligatr 5. Giant leaf of lotad's head Accessories: 1. Demon Slayer Tanjiro's box in which he carries nezuko 2. Double blade of kirito (Sword art online) 3. Giant scroll of jiriya (Naruto) 4. Greninja's Surricane Head Gear: 1. Lilligant hat 2. Anti-Magic Mask(That time I got reincarnates as a slime) 3. Naruto headbands (only akatsuki robe does not look cool) 4. Demon slayer Inoske boar mask
  2. Hi! I mistakenly released my tornadus. can u please restore it. SERVER:silver
  3. * Why do u want to join Nomercy? -I am in search of active guild that can help me build my knowledge about PVP so, Nomercy seems best for it. *what can u contribute to Nomercy? - I can contribute for pvp ratings and lend Pokemons to guild mates *Have you ever been banned in PRO and why? -To be honest Yes, I it was a mistake by PRO staffs. I took a pokemon of a guy for leveling service but while i was training it I had to return hostel as my schools started. I wanted to ruturn but the guy was offline.Later the guy asked to transfer but PRO staff banned me. *Other than having fun playing the game,what are your goals in PRO? -My goal is to build up invinsible PVP team and catch and train all pokemons.Especially shiny ralts . *How old are you and other then English, what languages do u speak? -I am 16 years old. I know Nepali and Hindi other then English. *Provide screenshot of your trainer card:
  4. Hi!! I couldnot find place for this problem actually but this mega thread seems related to my problem somehow. I mistakenly evolved my pokemon and now i m having problem leveling. Its my nincada which evolved to shedinja and ninjask and i m having problem leveling them 2. Is there any way that u can make them nincada again ?.... If yes please help... Pokemon id : Shedinja: 48520656 Ninjask: 47634431
  5. I mistakenly released my tentacool. Can u please help me? The level 32 tentacool with id "47917508"
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