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Everything posted by Redwithorange
Welcome and thank you for visiting my Personal shop. Here, you can find some epics and decent PVP pokemons and some decent or epic Untrained pokemons. [spoiler=Rules] Rules: 1. Please don't be rude in comments and do not troll 2.FAKE BUYERS AND BIDDERS WILL BE REPORTED as stated in PRO trading rules: Fake Buying - Agreeing to buy a Pokemon but going back on the deal Fake Offering - Making troll/ joke offers on an auction that you can't live up to. 3.If there are 2 or more people interested in one poke, I can start the bid on it with having the highest offer on that day as starting bid and can last upto 3 days depending on number of buyers. (unreasonably low offers wont be acknowledged) 4. If you don't have enough money and want to take a pokemon, send me a screenshot of your trainer card and I will decide if you can get that poke and pay later. (The pokemons taken cannot be returned to the shop) 5.I accept trades on most of the pokes listed to some other pokemons like skarmory, pawniard, solosis (levels doesn't matter) and if those 3 pokemons are epic, im willing to add money if it's really worth it. 6. if ever you don't want the ev trained on a poke, I can reset and retrain the ev for just 35k (only applies for pvp offensive pokemons). 7. For pokemons that don't have price on them or says "offer" please pm me in discord with the screenshot of the pokemon and your offer. 8.I have the right to decline an offer or stop the bidding whenever I want especially if the bidding isn't looking that good. 9. I have the right to sell my pokemon whenever or to whoever i want if: the buyer failed to meet me, or he/she dont or is not active in discord. I ACCEPT: COIN CAPSULE=230 REROLL TICKET=400 RARE CANDY= 6K TRADES ---SOME PRICES ARE SLIGHTLY NEGOTIABLE SO DON'T HESITATE TO ASK FOR BARGAIN AND OFFER--- ===> PM your offer in discord along with the screenshot for faster transaction RedWithOrange#3314 [spoiler=Normal Pokemons] [spoiler=PVP POKEMONS] OFFENSE START [spoiler=OFFENSE] dragonite: 300k forretress: 350k arcanine: 350k noivern: 450k sharpedo: 300k magmortar: 300k metagross: 200k excadrill: 300k ninjask: offer dusknoir: 150k chandelure: 300k gyarados: 300k kingler: 250k rhyperior: offer shiftry: offer lucario: 200k lucario: 200k breloom: 350k breloom: 200k clawitzer: 250k rhyperior: offer starmie: 150k omastar: offer breloom: 400k staraptor: 300k greninja: 300k tyranitar: 500k garhcomp: offer bisharp: offer nidoking: 500k medicham: 400 sawk: 250 volcarona: 800k toxicroak: offer staraptor: 300 magnezone: offer(hp fire) roserade: offer chimchar: offer CURRENTLY PVP READY gyarados: 800k delphox: 350k heracross: 400k greninja: 350k espeon: offer xatu: offer CURRENTLY FULLY TRAINED slaking: offer CURRENTLY FULLY TRAINED gyarados: 450k mamoswine: 400k galvantula: offer bisharp: 600k garchomp: offer OFFENSE END ======================================================================================================================= TANK START [spoiler=TANKS] togekiss: 400k tentacruel: offer tentacruel: offer mandibuzz: 800k donphan: 400k reuniclus: offer CURRENTLY FULLY TRAINED donphan: 400k TANK END ======================================================================================================================= [spoiler=Untrained SECTION] UNTRAINED START GROUPS [spoiler=Heracross] 100k 130k 130k 50k 80k 80k 150k 130k 80k 180k [spoiler=Magnemite Family] [spoiler=Magnemite Family] 80k 70k 20k 20k 100k 30k 50k 30k 80k 60k 20k [spoiler=Marill Family] 80k 80k 30k 100k offer [spoiler=Drilbur] [spoiler=Drilbur] 90k 80k [spoiler=Exeggcute] [spoiler=Exeggcute] 30k 20k 20k 50k 20k 100k 95k 100k [spoiler=Hippopotas] [spoiler=Hippopotas] 70k 100k [spoiler=Tentacool] [spoiler=Tentacool] [spoiler=Tentacool] 50k 30k 40k [spoiler=Munchlax] [spoiler=Munchlax] [spoiler=Munchlax] 50k 100k 80k 80k [spoiler=Starly] 50k 100k 70k 40k 80k 40k 30k 30k 30k 100k [spoiler=Riolu] [spoiler=Riolu] 100k 120k offer offer offer [spoiler=Nidoran M] 20k 20k 20k 70k offer(max speed) 60k 30k 70k offer 30k offer 30k 30k 50k [spoiler=Tyrogue] 40k 40k [spoiler=Budew] 60k 40k 200k 80k 80k 60k 40k 30k 30k 30k 40k 40k 200k 30k 30k 50k 40k offer(hp fire) [spoiler=Ferroseed] 80k 80k 70k 80k offer 100k offer 300k 80k [spoiler=Meditite] 180k 300k 30k 80k 80k 50k 60k 60k 600k offer 100k 80k offer 180k 100k 150k offer 150k 200k 300k [spoiler=Deino] offer offer 50k offer offer offer 200k 200k [spoiler=Wingull] 70k 100k offer 100k 80k offer 30k [spoiler=Happiny] 70k happiny: 100k happiny: 70k happiny: 30k [spoiler=axew] axew: 100k [spoiler=Others] shinx: 30k shinx: 60k spoink: 30k roggenrola: 30k starmie: 80k vulpix: 100k politoed: 30k dewgong: 70k wingglytuff: 50k skorupi: 40k dewgong: 100k cofagrigus: 40k togetic: 20k foongus: 30k pichu: 50k minccino: 70k togepi: 30k togepi: 30k magby: 150k shuckle: 80k gligar: 50k clefairy: 100k sudowoodo: 80k cleffa: 95k lapras: 80k krookodile: 100k maractus: 60k maractus: 60k hitmonchan: 80k horsea: 120k scizor: 50k jynx: 80k taillow: 30k fennekin: 70k farfetch'd: 30k machamp: 30k tyrogue: 50k omantye: 200k pancham: 100k deerling: 60k pawniard: 100k carvanha: 100k jugglypuff: 100k lombre: 150k klefki: 150k anorith: 50k slowbro: 250k shinx: 80k houndour: 120k pinsir: 30k sawk: 120k scyther: 30k braviary: 30k eevee: 150k (flareon) porygon: 50k wynaut: 30k shroomish: 100k vullaby: 150k tyrogue: 100k shroomish: 50k shroomish: 50k nosepass: 50k pinsir: 30k tyrogue: 30k mothim: 80k dwebble: 70k shroomish: 40k drillbur: 80k dratini: 50k gligar: 50k turtwig: offer yamask: 150k gible: offer(max speed) shroomish: offer croagunk: offer croagunk: offer(hp ice) driffloon: 50k torkoal: offer tympole: offer 150k staryu: 50k yamask: 250k yamask: 50k magikarp: 30k torkoal: 80k torkoal: offer torkoal: offer cranidos: 80k pawniard: 30k yamask: 350k froakie: 150k kadabra: offer (hp ice) durant: 150k mienfoo: 200k horsea: 50k tympole: 50k klefki: 100k horsea: 120k skarmory: 100k klefki: 120k horsea: 80k gligar: 60k gligar: 500k litwick: 50k gible: 300k gligar: 60k gligar: 80k gligar: 60k magikarp:60k natu: 40k natu: 50k natu: 80k natu: 150k natu: 60k natu: 80k natu: 100k natu: 200k 50k sableye: 60k KLEFKI: 150K pawniard: 600k vulpix: 250k honedge mixed wall: 100k duskull: 150k hitmonlee: 300k klefki: 200k poliwag: 200k koffing: 200k gligar: 200k gligar: 350k makuhita: 200k clauncher: 200k froakie ha hp steel: 150k sandile: offer gligar: 450k gligar: 300k gligar: 450k rotom: 150k kabuto: 400k UNTRAINED END ======================================================================================================================= STORY SWEEPER START [spoiler=Story Sweeper] 100k 80k 80k 60k STORY SWEEPER END ===> PM your offer in discord along with the screenshot for faster transaction RedWithOrange#3314 [spoiler=Shinies] I accept trades and I'm open for offers [spoiler=level 100/rares] crobat: offer rhyperior: 800k hp ground arcanine: 1.2m gyarados: 1m clefable: 800k alakazam: 1m grumpig: 3.5m swoobat: 4m kabuto (will be lvl 100 and ev trained on atk/spd): 2m mandibuzz: 5m alakazam: 2m galvantula pvp: offer wormadam: 1.5m alakazam: 2m charizard clone: offer I accept trades and I'm open for offers [spoiler=Low tier] spinarak: 30k voltorb: 50k pidgey: 100k magcargo: 150k gloom: 100k wooper (hidden ability): 150k pidgey: 30k arbok: 50k voltorb: 30k magikarp: 30k wingull: 20k magikarp: 20k gastly: 200k I accept trades and I'm open for offers [spoiler=Lending] [spoiler=Boss 15k/d] Everything in this section is worth 15k/day. Pikachu is only 10k/day [spoiler=PVP pokes 20k/d] hp fire [spoiler=Bidding Section] Rules: 1. Each pokemon has 1 week/168 hrs from the start bid. 2. I DO NOT RESERVE THE RIGHT TO PULL OUT A POKEMON WHEN THERE IS ALREADY A START BID 3. IN CONTRARY ON THE 2ND RULE, THE BIDDER CAN'T WITHDRAW HIS/HER BID (WILL OR MIGHT BE REPORTED). THINK TWICE BEFORE BIDDING Volcarona hp ground start:offer=2m ; Insta=NA weavile: start offer=500k ; insta= 1.2m ludicolo hp electric: start offer= 600k ; insta=1m omastar hp electric: start offer=600k ; insta= NA mandibuzz: start offer= 800k ; insta= 1.5m ferrothorn: start offer=700k ; insta=1.2m [spoiler=SOLD POKES] [spoiler=SOLD POKES] [spoiler=SOLD POKES] [spoiler=SOLD POKES] SOLD START SOLD END
Are you and active player and are willing to provide us a hand in some of the works we have for PRO community and for our own works? - Yes I'm active in whole one month but my hours of playtime during classes (probably this coming june or july), my hours of playtime wont be the same but can still help in community suggestions, selling and daycaring some pokes. Are you willing to follow the rules in the contract to a 100%? - yes, I'm willing to follow the rules in the contract Whats your in game name? - redwithorange We request you to have discord ID, in case we select you or we wish to ask you more questions we will need to contact you there.. what is your Discord ID? -redwithorange#3314 Will you be respectful with us and others 24/7? -yes but if sometimes u notice me saying some words is because I'm trying to blend in on people I talked to but its nothing for me, mostly just because of socialization What country are you from? -philippines Whats your real name ? - Noel but in game, I still prefer red or redwithorange
Fast and reliable service. definitely worth a try. Thank you!!!
Auction for shiny pichu
Redwithorange replied to Redwithorange's topic in Shiny and Special Pokémon - Silver
bump -
Hi i have 31 spd 23± all except def and atk, not fire. pm me in game or in discord pls if interested. Redwithorange is my name.
Auction for shiny pichu
Redwithorange replied to Redwithorange's topic in Shiny and Special Pokémon - Silver
I already posted this in game and got 700k offer by 2001--- but im looking for more. Auction starts today May 21,2018 and will end May 26,2018. Rules: Starting bid 700k, no insta. Fake bids will be reported. I accept cc as 250k -
Auction for shiny pichu
Redwithorange replied to Redwithorange's topic in Shiny and Special Pokémon - Silver
sorry i forgot to mention about the bo and rules. ill edit it -
Honestly we can also (if possible) add something like pvp box to avoid hassle when we're team building. its likebwe can organize or put our pvp pokemons into 1 or 2 boxes and remove them whenever we want
This thread is for releasing pokemons in the pc. right now we have to drag one by one the poke and release them right away and we drag again with same process and this can be really annoying if we are cleaning our boxes. Now i think in order to make it easier maybe we can just drag the pokes to a box, in that box we can store 30 pokemons and there will be a button for release or cancel. Now if we cant implement this coz of accidents like releasing unwanted Pokemons, right after we click that ok/release button it will show up the pokemons that will be released and have another confirmation window. as a player like me who hunts pokes, releasing pokes on my box is a pain so having this option can make releasing more convenient. if for some reasons this idea wont work please do something about it :p. that's all
Hi and Welcome to my shop. The pokemons that you can see here have no prices yet. Im open for offers like money/trades. Before anything else i just wanted to say that i have the right to reject, or cancel an order if i found a better offer or the price isnt enough for me. For offers pls DM me on discord or posting here will do. Im going to close this shop one week from now. starting today Monday March 18, 2018 - Monday March 25, 2018. Thank you
Hi, Im not sure if i can still get the freebies they gave away to all players but im here trying to post my last thread regarding this topic. Hope i can get answer if... Can i still get ms and coins?, If yes then when, and if no then just tell me :). Im expecting for a reply this time. thank you
Hi i already make a post before regarding this topic in a form of a reply in a thread few days ago to avoid spam in ur side but its already march 10 and i still havent received it yet. So im here creating new post to bumb my problem.