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Everything posted by Ta7esh

  1. Were recruiting again!
  2. check your discord
  3. Please check youir discord
  4. The bug started at the end of the game when both players pressed but it's still in process " please wait" making both players seem like timestalling, however it was just a bug. The opponent closed the dm and disabled the conversation so we couldn't track if he's still facing the same thing. Please have a look at the video https://youtu.be/ehOoKXjOIm0
  5. Thank you for applying, check your discord
  6. Thank you for applying check your discord
  7. +1 as pvp is getting stressful for new players with no real motivation! this could add some taste
  8. Thank You for applying we'll get back to you shortly
  9. Hello is this your main account or alt ?
  10. This is becoming very unprofessional and disrespectful, I know staff are usually trained to maintain quality, and they undergo a week workshop with nonstop training. Ignoring a post which contains a very silly issue, is something to be questioned in the future.
  11. Thank you for applying will contact you shortly
  12. Thank You for applying, we will contact you shortly !
  13. Bump! its just a visual bug i dono why its taking that much of a time
  14. As You know the top 3 every season gets to have a crown over their head for silver it should be for 1- Trinity 2-Always return 3-Predators Infact Fenixreborn has taken the bronze trophy instead of predators please fix. Awaiting your feedback.
  15. Hello you have stated that in your last 3 seasons you managed to earn 1 rating while in other applications you stated 200-300, can you be more transparency
  16. Thank you for your application however there's 2 reason we couldn't accept you for : 1- Lack of hours 2- Full Guild
  17. Dear, I have been receiving complains about that tutors that are stating that the pokemon cannot learn this move although it can for e.g Haxoros and poison jab Ill show you a screenshot please fix this asap. and we need some compensation/extension since the season is already over yet we weren't able to experience the guild island as it should been https://imgur.com/a/ZBt33Dl I hope you understand
  18. Recruitment is resumedd!
  19. Welcome to Predators
  20. Were currently recruiting 3 places left !
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