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Everything posted by Toshikikai

  2. Player Name: ToshikiKai Showdown Name: HyperT22 Server: Gold Rank on Ladder: #23 after final annoucement
  3. can you post ss aswell of insta buy for making sure
  4. as he said transferred on gold so we can try to buy and no idea what would happen with silver...we are just bidding legit
  5. Username: AHsAN022 New Username: ToshikiKai server money charge from: Gold
  6. where are the proof of co i just saw your post in game trade chat and checked out here but no co proof dont mind me but curious to know
  7. recently sold both sold in game!! gligar in 3cc and rotom 1,4 can be close
  8. define your exact problem..what are you facing tho
  9. if you have any price in your mind then speak UP dude do not say that they are trying to scam as you said offers so they are just placing offers if you dont like simply ignore them :) good luck with selling
  10. welcome to PRO!!! Hope you will enjoy alot
  11. good assumption but for your kind information i had 6 poke in my party and were lv100 the pic you saw was earlier morning and at that time i was storing my evs poke in pc and now dont need to discuss about this what is done mean done!! also i got dc due to bad wifi went off somebody please close this topic
  12. nvm it..i cant anything you guys made the rule whatever its good or bad but need to accept also make sure dont let it be anyone other because disconnecting while in a battle and lose much money wont help for someone who only few amount of money...i can bear that 500k no problem but a newbie who only got 700k-1m and lost 500k in a wild battle makes that trainer sad and forcing to leave game dont think i'm rude or something just disappoint thank you for answer my problem now can be close
  13. i didnt lost any battle but i got dc and losing 500k in a wild battle? nice joke -_- when i logged in again i was in pc so
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