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Everything posted by N9ne1987

  1. I know I ask a lot of questions but seems that Sun and Moon implemented several revisions of eevee's evo tree I just thought I bring this up because id really like to see some new eevee evos to p.r.o.
  2. Le Vie Viva La France Gol Gol Gol...
  3. Bien Vienidos - Hoping I spelled that okay im trying to say have a good day and g/l dude
  4. Level 22? im guessing someone mentioned what it evo's from...
  5. I am one for the easy leveling guide any input?
  6. Im wondering if this free form analysis will help me level up Im thinking Shadow Ball is kinda like flare blitz Psyshock is now to me Ice Beam
  7. Cool I had no idea about mega stones thx...hope they update a.s.a.p. id like to know what they look like.
  8. As far as the legendary birds articuno moltres and zapados it doesn't apply to any gen. pokemon release in terms of legendary pokemon it applies the gen. it was released and under what title...Pokémon X Y Z I swore I saw some of my favs...I hope u understand
  9. Although they updated most legendary quest a new probability of evolution could be ava. such as mega stones?
  10. Nice same here...so no new legendary and I was wondering if new final evolutions will be incorporated into silver and gold servers...
  11. If they release a new regions such as unovua or release a new legendary quest such as mewtwo which one will u vote for.
  12. Root Patch might take a while due to past events they might have to clean most of patches since new years and so forth for Vulcan island
  13. I think its being patched again I dunno why it was working just now
  14. R u referring to the download time it needs to be saved onto the maindrive in order to unzip it
  15. Ur screen resolution should be operated through ur V.C. main driver
  16. Search for darkria as an event too many pros and cons my friend Darkria has legendary status in my book this halloween who knows but as a holiday event it would recieve too many status pros and cons
  17. I see the timeline that i am currently in is just johto which i had fun doing just wondering
  18. I was wondering because most are set at 8 gyms per regions will this change anytime soon
  19. How many have u gotten through purchases or caught may have been the wrong 1...I hope I helped u
  20. N9ne1987

    Ghost Vs Psychic

    In terms of a preference such as ice vs fire and fire vs ice and vice versa what are the best abilities to challenge a ghost vs psychic from both angels thanks
  21. In addition from what database if anything besides soul silver and soul gold would allow for different legendary types
  22. Data collector can id most of the pokemon u had for recovery
  23. Would an alola and kalos type of pokemon ever be brough to p.r.o. such as different pokemon in past movies from those regions
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