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Everything posted by N9ne1987

  1. Favs are mew + celebi and hours are 724 []-[] g/l celestial
  2. Mantience for silver and gold because because of the split u wont be able to connect unless checking with server status its shutsdown for maintence
  3. Since the server update from silver and gold the updates for sun and moon ur referering to as alola and kalos so check ur p.r.o. Wikipedia and u will see them release some of those regions pokemon for purchases.
  4. G.S. Ball is given and returned to sci. alexander once u find it in the ruins of alph which interlocks in 4 parts... I recently finished my g.s. ball quest at +700 hours I hope I helped u
  5. Do u mean not as effective? I don't know what u mean by immune to an attack ghost types are not effected by fighting types
  6. its a life draining move ghost type I believe I hope this helps
  7. Interesting celestial sounds like a water type or psychic type
  8. When brock is defeated he gives u the item uve won such as nugget to big nugget...or whichever kanto fossil u need
  9. Recently they have been syncing boss checker items so its becoming tougher and tougher to draw for the items u need... I hope this helps g/l
  10. Decided that it would save me the time and energy to just beat gingery jones for it...g/l dudez
  11. Its not a pre requiset but the g.s. ball is not given but found in the ruins of alph its a four stage part
  12. check discords chatroom it said its be maintanced
  13. Sci. Rey will in fact give u ur choosen bell hence water bell for suicune zap bell for raikou and lava bell for entie but its assistant davis that will allow u to switch ur choosen bell.
  14. Nice im gonna need those pix thanks for the post Vulcan rocks...
  15. Getting reaedy for Vulcan island seems the event is starting to begin I think that the best thing to look forward too is the hidden items g/l dudez
  16. g/l with ur everaquest to the top of the guild leaderboard
  17. Lake Trio has been added entire Sinnoh Dex plus I think its legendary dex of all three lake trios that's is needed so look out for lake trio revision Uxie is my favorite to be honest
  18. U might have to go to trainers valley and challenge Nikolia
  19. You need waterfall and his name is sci. rey
  20. through the websites account bound webpage
  21. It could be since the merge ur account bound merged dex so that u can log in from ur i.p. company
  22. Check kanto vr kanto power plant and route 12 along with seafoam those are the areas yorkie will hide for the parchament paper he has for his brother
  23. Almost to the point of boss checker in fact I just figured to exscevate most of my revival herbs 42 to be exact for most boss checkers g/l dude but I hope not
  24. Its on ur accounts page u just have to merge the red and blue servers to the original form so u can log into the merged silver accounts or if u used yellow merge into gold
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