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Everything posted by N9ne1987

  1. In reference to a boss guideline will poke items be necessary to be equipped?
  2. Okay the time allowed would have to imcrease within the asking range
  3. If you dont mind me asking what is the make up of both regions?
  4. Along with rotom which was weeks apart.
  5. Quick question is mystikal lugia pack implying info about alola.
  6. Snorunt back i use to have one from the christmas event
  7. Add snorunt its changed since Christmas Event 2017
  8. did u check the post they've updated the questline
  9. Sorry to intrude but I think it only required the amount of hours g/l...
  10. 3rd time award for legendary guardian is set to 20% percent chance it specifically says 4th time rewards if u talk to its guardian
  11. I don't know if this is still a problem but I use to use it a while back but the virus didn't spread after clearing much of its history will this be re-occuring
  12. The likely hood changes the total amout if you were to hypo that type of catch
  13. Tier 8 or 9 for several reasons its abilites and nature is worth more so battle through it
  14. The higher the tier the longer youll need to farm honestly it took my weeks to save up for magic guard i got lonely not timid
  15. Golden bridge find abra that is timid or lonely
  16. Depends it actually has 3 abilites synchonize inner focus and magic guard is its hidden ability ull need the black medallion to farm the 3rd tier
  17. Ur saying the 3 twisted spoons u have were from synchro abras sorry to tell u most rely on inner focus
  18. N9ne1987

    Ghost Vs Psychic

    although each are able to negate each other with the attack because evidently ghost types attacks have a chance at psychic types what in ur opinion has that effect against those skill types
  19. C.C. coin capsules to use on coin items for ur attire which is purchased in the trade chatroom so u can find clothes
  20. Don't forget Mewtwo is a pokemovie fav... g/l celestial
  21. Its a metcha mewtwo not the real deal...youll need to level up for that
  22. for in game stuff that are auctioned im guessing u checked the trade chatroom..
  23. check ur account name and email so that it can verify the merge just in case u forget... I hope u luck in your pokejournies
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