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Posts posted by Keita

  1. For the heatran quest the pokemon lvl 60 must be mine ot? Thx for read this and have a great day


    Hello there !


    I would like to inform you that the pokemon you are going to use for the Heatran quest doesn't necessarily have to be OT.


    That means that you can even use a NON-OT Pokemon for your quest.


    The other requirements to be able to catch Heatran, quoting from the

    > Legendary Megathred <

    ▹ Get 150 hours in Sinnoh

    ▹ Be Sinnoh Champion

    ▹ Requires a level 60 or less Pokemon to start the quest(Only this Pokemon is allowed in your team)


    - Some ADDITIONAL TIP for the quest -


    However, remember that to enter the cave the pokemon must be level 60 or lower and that you can bring only one pokemon in your quest but that you will be able to catch other pokemon inside of the cave and use them to complete the quest.


    Keep in mind that, in order to reach the cave, you will find many trainers on your road and so i suggest you to beat them first with your normal team, in order to not over-level up your level 60 pokemon.


    Furthermore, remember that once you will start the quest, the NPC will take all the Master Balls and Rare Candies you own, and will give them back later.


    As an additional info, there are two ways to catch Heatran, one without leaving the cave and without Master Ball, and one by leaving the cave and and re-enter it with Masterball, Rare Candys and extra Pokémon, to be able to try synchronize heatran.


    Quoting from the

    > Legendary Megathred <


    After you beat Commander Mars you can fight the level 99

    485.png, you can decide to catch it without masterball when you chose to do the quest with a Synchronize Pokemon or just beat it.





    If you decided to beat it, you can talk to Buck, he will give you back all your Masterballs and Rare candies and also teleport you to the entrance of Stark Mountain.

    You can go back to the Pokecenter, grab a synch Pokemon now and go back to Stark mountain Heatran Pt, where you challenge a level 30 485.pngnow. On this Heatran you can use a Masterball to catch it.




    Hope this can help, have a great day and good luck with the quest!

    • Like 1
  2. Avatar in map showing centre of map...help fix it


    Hello there!


    I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I would like to inform you that, unfortunately, there is not a working map for Sinnoh in the game.


    PRO STAFF is already aware of the issues, but there is not an estimated time for when a working map will be available.


    However, as PRO STAFF suggest, you can use an image of Sinnoh's map with all the most important locations.


    You can find it here by clicking on the spoiler button


    [spoiler=Sinnoh Map]



    Using an image as map is not really comfortable, but is the only thing you can do for the moment.


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

    • Like 1
  3. I can bring my stats back but the game not allow me to log in


    As the > Common Merge Errors: FAQ < says, if you still can't access to your account after the merge, you have to change your password choosing one with only alphanumerical character (characters from A to Z and 0 to 9 ). That means that any type of symbols (e.g ^, ', #) can't be used in your password.


    You are able to change your password from the > Dashboard <


    Q: I've already merged both my Red and Blue account but I'm still getting an "Invalid Password" error! What do I do?!


    A: If you have already merged your data for the Silver server and get an "Invalid Password" error when logging in, please go ahead and change your password here, ensuring that it is alphanumerical.



    Hope this can help, have a great day !

  4. Hi!


    When I started the game (a few days ago) I started my profile and set up all my character customizations, but when I hit continue they didn't save. (I had to hurry and keep playing because I didn't want my friend to get too far ahead of me ;))


    Any how, here's my proof! Been chilling as this bald boi. Thanks for the help!



    Hi there!


    I'm sorry for the inconvenience you have experienced.


    However, i would like to inform you that in the game there is an item available for players called Magic Mirror that will permit you to change your appearance.


    This item can be obtained either in the coins shop at a price of 50 Coins, or bought from another player since the item can be traded.


    Furthermore, on PRO you will have many chances to obtain different hats by completing some small side-quest:


    You even have access to different in-game shops that sell hats in change of in-game currency, two of them will require Membership and the other two won't.


    • The Membership ones are located in:
      • Route 12 House, under Lavender Town
      • Olivine City

      [*]The non-membership ones are located in:

      • Lavender Town
      • Ecruteak City


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

  5. Chào please help me when i battle moltres in victory road is frozen and crash my game please help i need for the mew quest


    Hi there !


    From what you wrote, seems like you crashed during the battle.


    However, I would like to inform you that, in order to proceed in the Mew Quest, you just need to take the Seen Data of the three Legendary Birds (Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres).


    The seen data is obtained by either winning or losing against the Legendary Birds.


    If you crash or disconnect during a battle, it will count it as a defeat and will teleport you to the last visited Pokecenter, but you should still obtain the seen data.


    If you want to check it by yourself, you can see the seen data of a Pokemon in your Pokedex, by typing the name of the Pokemon or looking for his Pokedex number.

    If the pokemon's image is a black shape, that means you have not yet the seen data. Instead, if the pokemon is normally colored, the seen data has been obtained.


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

  6. Hello , i made a new accaunt but my arcticuno wings are stuck in my old and they are not tradable , could i ask if you can transfer them to my current accaunt , for evidence i have the two mails passowrds and all the proves that they both are mine accaunts , tnx


    Hello there !


    I would like to inform you that Articuno Wings is a event-limited item that can't be traded or passed on another account.


    That is because it would not be fair to everyone else that asked that in the past and received a no as an answer.


    Furthermore, the Articuno Wings is an item that could be obtained only in the > Christmas Event 2017 < , that lasted from 17 December to 17 January, by beating Boss Kaguya.



    Boss Kaguya Rewards

    PokeDollars ($50,000~$100,000), Articunowings.pngArticuno Wings, and a Christmas_Cracker.pngChristmas Cracker






    There are no official news yet if they will be obtainable again in the game, but you can keep an eye on the > OFFICIAL PRO Discord < announcements and on the > Forum Announcements Section <, since they are the place where updates and events get announced.


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

  7. Is Gale Wings nerfed?


    I would like to inform you that the game mechanics have been updated to the Gen 7.

    Quoting from the > UPDATE LOGS < [PAGE 9]


    Abilities Should Now Work

    Gale Wings now only activates when pokemon has full health


    A lot of other working/coded ability that needed an update, have been updated to its Gen7 version.


    In case you are interested, you can check the > UPDATE LOGS < to see if you missed any other update related,or not, to the Gen7 Mechanics update.


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

  8. [English]

    Hello good morning, for several weeks I could not open the game due to this warning I received, and downloaded all the game controllers, audio and video, I also changed the resolutions and the problem still persists. The game is also downloaded many times in case the download has failed, but no. Virtually abandon the game for that very reason. I do not know what else to try to do to solve this problem. Something to say is that I have always played quietly on my pc and had not had any problems before.




    Hola buenos días, Desde hace varias semanas no e podido abrir el juego debido a este aviso que me sale, E descargado todos los drivers de juego, de audio y vídeo y aun así, también e cambiado las resoluciones y aun persiste el problema. También e descargado muchas veces el juego por si era algo referente a la descarga fallida, pero no. Prácticamente e abandonado el juego por eso mismo. No se que mas intentar para solucionar este problema. Algo para decir es que siempre e jugado tranquilamente en mi pc y no habia tenido inconvenientes antes.


    Hello there,


    Have you tried to re-download the game deleting all the old files? Remember to delete all the past PRO clients and folders you might have in your device, including the temporary files (https://tinyurl.com/deletetempfiles), and even from the trashbin, before you download the > MOST UPDATED CLIENT <.


    If you already tried that, try the following procedures:


    Try disabling full-screen optimizations of the game. First, right click the application, then click properties. Afterwards, select compatibility then tick the box that says 'Disable full screen optimizations', click okay and finally, click apply.

    [spoiler=Disabling fullscreen optimizations]






    If the procedure above should not work, you can also try the following one:



    Quoting from the thread related to the


    ▪︎ Change your desktop screen resolution

    ▪︎ Launch your PRO game client

    ▪︎ Revert your resolution change back to your initial one




    If nothing of the suggested things worked, check and try this:


    • Run the game in compatability mode

    • Update your Display/Graphical Drivers

    • Update your Windows Version

    • Add an exception for the client in your Firewall and Antivirus

    • Clear out your Physical Memory or Ram to free up space

    • Terminate processes you don't need in the Task Manager


    You can also check Windows 7 Guide and Windows 10 Guide for the system requirements and information that may help solve your issue.


    Hope this can help you, have a great day !

    • Like 1
  9. Does anyone know why the GOLD SERVER isn't working

    And when i tried the SILVER SERVER one, it says that the server is locked




    Hi there !


    You have made already a thread about that, and you have been replied there already.


    However, i'm sorry for the inconvenience. I would like to inform you that the Server is currently in Maintenance in order to add Python as script language and change the Nature Reroll Ticket.


    There is not an estimated time for when the server will be up.


    When it will be up again, it will be announced on the > Official PRO Discord < in the announcement channel.


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

  10. Why i cant login in gold server?



    Hi there !


    Sorry for the inconvenience. I would like to inform you that the Server is currently in Maintenance in order to add Python as script language and change the Nature Reroll Ticket.


    There is not an estimated time for when the server will be up.


    When it will be up again, it will be announced on the > Official PRO Discord < in the announcement channel.


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

  11. I can't either. Pls fix it...

    Hi there !


    I'm sorry for the inconvenience. However, as stated above, the Server is currently in Maintenance in order to add Python as script language and change the Nature Reroll Ticket.


    There is not an estimated time for when the server will be up.


    When it will be up again, it will be announced on the > Official PRO Discord < in the announcement channel.


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

    • Like 1
  12. Hi,

    can I use Raikou in PvP battles? I've searched banned Pokemons list on forum's thread and I did not find info that it is banned but I've never seen it in PvP battle.

    Can I use Raikou in PvP battles?

    Thanks for help.


    Hi there!


    I would like to inform you that Raikou can be used in PVP without any problem.


    It's not that much used in difference of Suicune, but it can be used with Hidden Power Ice.


    To see the Hidden Power of your pokemon you can talk with the NPC called Psychic Gene that can be found into the Pokecenters.


    It is possible to change your Hidden Power by rerolling the IV of your pokemon thanks to the Reroll Ticket which can be obtained in:


    Quoting from the


    Reroll Ticket

    Effect: Psychic Marina will allow you to randomly change the IV´s of a choosen Legendary Pokémon in exchange of this ticket. (Vermilion City, Olivine City, Mauvile City, Canalave city). Can be exchanged to two Nature Reroll Ticket´s at the Reroll Ticket exchanger in Vermilion City.

    Working: Yes


    - At any pvp-coin shop for 150 pvp-coins (Vermillion, Blackthorn, Mauvile and Canalave).

    - At any Pve Coin Master for 250 Pve Coins. (Battle Tower)

    - 7th day reward at the New´s Reporter Quest

    - Solving the Pewter City Museum Quest.


    For further info related to PVP Rules you can read the > PVP RULES < and the > List of Pokemon to not be used in PVP <


    Instead, if you need any advice about how to properly use a pokemon in PVP you can use the > PVP SECTION IN THE FORUM < or the pvp channel in the > OFFICIAL PRO DISCORD <


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

  13. Why I can't log in but the server status is online

    I can't either

    Hi there !


    Sorry for the inconvenience. I would like to inform you that the Server is currently in Maintenance in order to add Python as script language and change the Nature Reroll Ticket.


    There is not an estimated time for when the server will be up.


    When it will be up again, it will be announced on the > Official PRO Discord < in the announcement channel.


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

    • Like 1
  14. Can someone please help me, when i start the game is perfectly fine. But when i selected a sever, the game crashed. it happened 3 times. The fourth time i tried the game closed it's self and then my computer said that the game wasn't responding. Is the game in maintenance or is it my computer


    Hi there !


    Sorry for the inconvenience. I would like to inform you that the Server is currently in Maintenance in order to add Python as script language and change the Nature Reroll Ticket.


    There is not an estimated time for when the server will be up.


    When it will be up again, it will be announced on the > Official PRO Discord < in the announcement channel.


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

    • Like 2
  15. Merged Red server with Silver and can't get into game. Whenever I try to login to Silver it says "Invalid Username or Password".

    This is not true as I recently reset my password and logged in on the web browser to merge my accounts.

    Also, whenever I select the Gold server right after it proceeds to start a new game.




    Hello there,


    From what you say, it seems like you merged succesfully your account, however It is possible that the problem is still your password containing a not-allowed character (eg. # or ^ ).


    • Q: I've already merged both my Red and Blue account but I'm still getting an "Invalid Password" error! What do I do?!
      A: If you have already merged your data for the Silver server and get an "Invalid Password" error when logging in, please go ahead and change your password here, ensuring that it is alphanumerical.


    In order to fix that, log in the > DASHBOARD < and change your password choosing an alphanumerical one ( characters from A to Z and 0 to 9 )


    For any other info or issue related to the merge, you can check the > Common Merge Errors: FAQ < and > Server Merge FAQ <



    About Gold server, i would like to inform you that your progress on Gold and Silver are separated, so if you have never played before on Gold/Yellow you will have to start a new adventure from zero.


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

  16. how can i find kings rock in hoen please


    Hello there, i would like to inform you that, in my knowledge, the Kings Rock item can be obtained in Hoenn just with 5 PVP Coins from the PVP Coins Shop in Mauville.

    If you can't move outside Hoenn to reach the location where you can get it, you can even decide to buy one from other players.


    In case you will need it in the future, you can find the Items Guide and all their location at > THIS LINK <

    - - - - -


    However, if you are interested, these are all the locations where it is possible to obtain the item Kings Rock in PRO:


    king'srock.pngKings Rock


    Effect: Grants moves a chance (10%) of causing the target Pokémon to flinch. This chance is affected by Serene Grace.


    Causes Pok%C3%A9monicon_061.pngPoliwhirl to evolve into Pok%C3%A9monicon_186.pngPolitoed when traded while holding it;

    causes Pok%C3%A9monicon_079.pngSlowpoke to evolve into Pok%C3%A9monicon_199.pngSlowking when traded while holding it.


    Working: Yes.


    - At any pvp-coin shop for 5 pvp-coins (Vermillion, Blackthorn, Mauvile and Canalave).

    - Sevii Island 7, Mt. Moon 1F (First spot), Route 14 - Dig Spots.

    - Possible boss reward by Pewdie and Diepy

    - May held by some Pokémon:

    Kings Rock,Berry Forest,Slowbro,Land
    Kings Rock,Berry Forest,Slowbro,Water
    Kings Rock,Cape Brink,Slowbro,Land
    Kings Rock,Cape Brink,Slowbro,Water
    Kings Rock,Ecruteak City,Poliwhirl,Land
    Kings Rock,Ecruteak City,Poliwhirl,Water
    Kings Rock,Effort Wald,Politoed,Water
    Kings Rock,Effort Wald,Poliwhirl,Water
    Kings Rock,Fuchsia City,Politoed,Land
    Kings Rock,Fuchsia City,Politoed,Water
    Kings Rock,Icefall Cave Entrance,Poliwhirl,Land
    Kings Rock,Icefall Cave Entrance,Poliwhirl,Water
    Kings Rock,Ilex Forest,Poliwag,Land
    Kings Rock,Ilex Forest,Poliwag,Water
    Kings Rock,Mt Silver Lower Mountainside,Poliwhirl,Water
    Kings Rock,Route 10,Poliwag,Water
    Kings Rock,Route 10,Poliwhirl,Water
    Kings Rock,Route 22,Poliwhirl,Land
    Kings Rock,Route 22,Poliwhirl,Water
    Kings Rock,Route 30,Poliwhirl,Land
    Kings Rock,Route 30,Poliwhirl,Water
    Kings Rock,Route 31,Poliwag,Water
    Kings Rock,Route 42,Poliwag,Land
    Kings Rock,Route 42,Poliwag,Water
    Kings Rock,Route 43,Politoed,Land
    Kings Rock,Route 43,Politoed,Water
    Kings Rock,Route 44,Poliwag,Land
    Kings Rock,Route 44,Poliwag,Water
    Kings Rock,Route 44,Poliwhirl,Land
    Kings Rock,Route 44,Poliwhirl,Water
    Kings Rock,Route 6,Poliwag,Water
    Kings Rock,Ruins Of Alph,Poliwhirl,Water
    Kings Rock,Safari Johto Grass And Swamp Zone,Politoed,Land
    Kings Rock,Violet City,Poliwag,Land
    Kings Rock,Violet City,Poliwag,Water
    Kings Rock,Violet City,Poliwhirl,Land
    Kings Rock,Violet City,Poliwhirl,Water
    Kings Rock,Viridian City,Poliwhirl,Land
    Kings Rock,Viridian City,Poliwhirl,Water



    Hope this can help, have a great day !

  17. I don't like the idea, and that's why.


    I'm totally ignorant about coding, but i personally FEEL like this is going to take a huge amount of work to be created.

    Like, when to start/when to stop, a probably new GUI to do that, ecc.

    Atleast that's how i see it.


    If that idea was suggested in a different way, like making an item that last way longer than a max repel (with a higher cost obviously) i would have liked it.

    But, in my ignorance, i feel like the way it got suggested now, takes more time to be developed/created than creating another item.


    I repeat, maybe i am wrong and that's a wrong feeling, but i thought about sharing my opinion anyway.

  18. Well after like an update for PRO on android its been pretty much unplayable like I can explore and go places with ease yet as soon as I enter battle the app just crashes and it becomes really annoying especially when I've put 370h into the game

    Hello there!


    Please try to unistall the application from your smartphone, and delete the apk file. After you did that, downlaod the updated client from > HERE <


    This should solve the issue.


    Hope this will help you, have a great day !

  19. Hello,


    Can't we use thief on gulpins anymore to steal pearls?


    My frisk's Banette showed me this gulpin was holding a big pearl, i used Thief but didnt get the pearl (obviously my poke wasnt holding anything before), so was that a bug or we cant simply steal pearls from it anymore unless we catch it?


    Hello there !


    I would like to inform you that Gulpin can have an ability called Sticky Hold which protects itself from item theft.

    Your only option to get the item in that case is to catch them.


    Other pokemon that can have this ability are Gulpin, Grimer, Shellos and their evolution line, Trubbish, and Accelgor.


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

    • Like 1
  20. Hello,

    It's been awhile.

    How are all of you? Hope all is well :]

    I've been doing well aaand.. I might be returning to PRO.


    Ehi Oikawa, it's been a while !

    I'm really happy to see you are thinking about coming back and i hope you'll do that.

    I'm really good, even if hyper busy and i'm freezing due to the weather.


    Hope you'll come back,

    Heiwajima - Keita

  21. After leaving the game for i while i came back, seeing that the servers are different. So i merged the servers and i still have all my things except i have to do the story from beginning


    Hello there,


    I would like to inform you that, as stated in the > MERGE FAQ < , when you have to merge your account, you have two options:


    • Choose the one where you played and had all your story progress, and so keep all your badges and the story progress


    • Choose the other server where you never played on, and so you get all your story progress resetted.


    However, both the options guarantee you to keep all your Pokemon and Items without any problem.


    In my knowledge, PRO STAFF has the power to undone the merge(unmerge), but for further info i suggest you to be patient and wait for the reply of a member of PRO STAFF.


    I would like to add to NOT MAKE ANY TRADE ON SILVER, because PRO STAFF can't unmerge if you have made any trade on Silver.


    For now, just be patient until a member of PRO STAFF will reply.


    Hope this helped you a little, have a great day !

    • Like 1
  22. I am not able to reach 1F10 in lost cave. I checked all the videos and the guilde here but still not able to reach plz help.


    Hi there, i would like to inform you that to reach Lost Cave 1F10 the guide is simple:

    - Enter in the Lost Cave and go to 1F1

    - When you are in 1F1 take the right door

    - When you are in 1F2 go down and take the south door and you will be in 1F10


    However, this procedure is wrote in the > OFFICIAL Sevii Islands Guide < and i suggest you to check it in case you will need anything else related to Sevii Islands


    This is a really short video that could help you on how to move there, it's really easy.

  23. im trapped by a odsish at the left side of route 37, i dont have any rope to go back to pc, anyone can help me ?


    Hello there,


    Usually, when you get blocked by an NPC or a walking Pokemon, relogging should work. Could you try that?


    You can even try this:


    ▪︎ Try Alt+Tab

    ▪︎ Use an Escape Rope

    ▪︎ Try battling another player and losing, this should bring you back to your last visited Pokecenter

    ▪︎ Try typing /ref into the chat bar, or clicking the refresh arrow on the bottom toolbar

    ▪︎ Log out, and then back in

    ▪︎ Close the whole client and start PRO again


    I'm not sure if this is still workin, but you can even try to press F2 and type " clearmaps " (without the "" ) in the console and then relog.


    Hope this can help, have a great day

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