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Posts posted by Keita

  1. I didnt know where to post it (battle system bug or here) anyways here whats up.. Everytime i want to use an item in battle, selecting it with mouse or with keyboard, the game crashes and stays for legit 5mins like this.

    Anything i dont know that will fix it?



    Hello there !


    I would like to inform you that this is a known bug that happen when you do not open your bag for a certain amount of time.


    In order to not make it happpen and do not experience it anymore, remember to open your bag more often and you should not experience this anymore.


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

    • Like 1
  2. someone knows how to get the object (hold deep sea tooth) and how to get to ??

    I would like to add to what Judgment said, that even the Abandoned Ship Quest can reward with a Deep Sea Tooth, and you can find the entire quest Walkthrough > HERE ON THE WIKI<


    However, to check the items location you can use the commands on Discord, that must be used in the channel #bot-commands. You can find the entire commands list in the same channel in the pinned messages.

    For further info, you can even use the ITEM GUIDE on the forum that can be found > HERE AT THIS LINK <.




    Could you tell me how to arrive love islan?



    Could you tell me how to arrive love islan? Please


    I would like to inform you that, in order to reach Love Island, you have to meet the following requirements:

    Catch 120 Pokémons native from Kanto (from range #1-#151)

    Get 38 evolved data


    Once you have met the requirements, to access the area:


    Talk to the Love Sailor at Vermilion City Docks and pay the 5 000$ fee

    To access Diamond Domain, keep walking on the beach heading northwest (you will have to cross a few grass patches)


    For further info related to how to access a specific area, you can use > THIS THREAD <


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

  3. Could you tell me how to arrive love islan?


    Hello there,


    I would like to inform you that, in order to reach Love Island, you have to meet the following requirements:

    Catch 120 Pokémons native from Kanto (from range #1-#151)

    Get 38 evolved data


    Once you have met the requirements, to access the area:


    Talk to the Love Sailor at Vermilion City Docks and pay the 5 000$ fee

    To access Diamond Domain, keep walking on the beach heading northwest (you will have to cross a few grass patches)


    For further info related to how to access a specific area, you can use > THIS THREAD <


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

  4. here we go again.....................

    there will be more than one winner and then again it's silver server only,i'm sorry for gold but nothing I can do there.


    1st Prize Pool : 1 Choice Band,1 Choice Specs,50 focus sash,2 life orb,200k,Epic Crawdaunt ( [MEDIA=imgur2]E7tiFoB[/MEDIA] )

    2nd Pool : 1 Choice Specs,1 Life Orb,[MEDIA=imgur2]drXsIhz[/MEDIA] epic mawile

    Third Prize Pool : 1 Choice Specs, [MEDIA=imgur2]fdFjOKY[/MEDIA] good spdef skarm (this skarm never played one game without getting critted so use it at ur own risks)


    dont really have anything else to give so theres that,just trying to get my account empty.

    Reply to participate,winners will be picked whenever i'm not lazy.


    pretty sure discord mods from pro discord are gonna see this so well if u can post it in that channel please,trying to get the most people for one last giveaway.


    On another note,i'd like to mention @Dakivid for giving me the lists of participants in my previous giveaway,it's really annoying to do so thanks for that.


    One last thing,I'd just like to thanks everyone for making my pro experience literally amazing,shoutouts to all my friends (would love to to individuals but that'd be too long and this is probably not the place).

    Goodluck everyone! May the luckier win,as always.


    bop @Buzzn @TR3Y @xrevolutionx94


    I'm in, and i would like to inform you that, as requested, the giveaway has been Posted on #Player-Hosted-Events.



    We had not that much time to talk to each other but It's pretty sad to hear another old player is going to quit, i wish you the best in your life Akalli. :RowletHeart:

  5. i am not able to download in pc win 32 version from mediafire

    Hello there !


    I would like to inform you that the link is currently working, since i'm able to download it normally.

    However, x86 or 32 bit is the same thing. That means that you can even download the x86 from MEGA and use that as your client without any problem.


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

  6. Where are you from?:



    How old are you?:

    I'm 22, soon to be 23.


    How much playtime do you have on PRO (including alternate accounts if any)?:

    I have a total of 650 hours.


    Has the game improved since you first joined? If yes, how?:

    The game improved a lot since i started to play.

    I started to play in January/February and there was a crash of the servers each 30-40 minutes, but that has been fixed and right now the stability is something really AMAZING and PERFECT.

    Furthermore the game had a good amount of new features (e.g lending system to prevent scam), new content, like new spawns, new maps, new events (eg. Regional Discord Events, Saint Valentine ,Easter and the Summer one)

    The game is in continue upgrade and i'm pretty confident when i say that pro staff dedicate a lot of time to work on the game and makes the players happy.


    Is there a staff member or player who you feel is underrated?:

    I don't really think that there is any staff member that is underrated, but most of the staff members works in the shadow (e.g content scripters) and not everyone is in strict contact with the players, then it's not easy to say if there is really someone underrated or not.

    I can just tell that i've been in contact with couple of staff members in the last months and, under the eyes of a regular player and active community member, i feel like they form a really good family helping each other and being kind and helpful towards the next.


    About the players i feel like noone, or almost, knows Haneroze and everything that he did as PROWiki Editor.

    I recently joined the "PROWiki editor team" and i'm pretty confident when i say that what he did is something that not everyone could do and not everyone could understand the passion and amount of work he used on that.


    If you could change one thing about PRO, what would it be (no restrictions, be creative)?:

    There are various things i would like to change, but i don't know if that's something possible to do.

    Walross once said "people think too limited in PRO cause they have the feeling not much is possible". So yes, lets try to surpass the limits.


    - Improve the Guild System and what Guilds can do

    Being honest, right now, Guilds are joined just due to their position in the ladder or for bonus exp. There's really nothing that makes people useful, in my opinion.

    What i suggest is:

    Make Tournaments Guild vs Guild where each guild can be represented by a certain amount of players. I think that keeping the number of players that repreent the guild (e.g 2-3), and giving them a better reward than the rest of the guild, could really makes people divide into more different guilds and so the guild ladder would be even more fought.

    The following idea is JUST A TEST. Limit the number of spot into a guild. 100 Spot are really TOO MUCH for the amount of player that are in the game, and makes people go always in the same guilds just breaking the competition (in my opinion) It might be a stupid idea, but felt like i wanted to suggest it.

    I know already of the Guild Island, ecc. But i feel these one are good suggestion for competition and makes guilds alive.


    - Improve the storage box in the pokecenter

    Since there's actually the possibility to have A LOT of pokemon in the PC, i would suggest to add the chance to create team.

    For example, for a PVP PLAYER there could be the chance to create #PVP TEAM 1 #PVP TEAM 2 tab, so it would be faster to move into the PC and more comfortable.

    The same could be done with #PVE TEAM 1 #PVE TEAM 2, for example, even if PVE pokemon are a less than PVP one.


    - Create a page on the website where it says the % of the pokemon used in PVP

    For example a tab which says: "IN THE LAST 7 DAYS, TOGEKISS HAS BEEN USED IN 63% OF THE TEAM", in that way you could understand the changes made in the PVP-Meta

    It could be even something where you add even the movesets used, like IN THIS 53%, X % used X moveset and X % used X2 moveset.

    And keep this page update, i feel like ^mostused on Reborn Bot is outdated and i feel like the website would be a better platform where to place these stats.

    Of course, reborn bot could be then updated to "download" these info from the forum and so it could be used even on discord.

    Sadly, not everyone use discord, so having them on the forum would be amazing.

    • Like 1
  7. Just got back after a while, and I read my character is in Silver, and Its active, also Silver server is online, yet I get a Username/Password error even though I can login into Gold.


    Hello there!


    I would like to inform you that Red & Blue server merged to form Silver Server and the Yellow Server has now been renamed as the Gold Server. 

    If you played on the Red or Blue Server, you will have to merge your account by log in the Dashboard and merge your accounts. Make sure to select the right server as your main server.


    In the case that you're still unable to log into Silver after merging your account, you'll have to reset your password on the dashboard choosing an alphanumerical one. (a-z 0-9)

    Furthermore, be sure to read the Merge FAQ for questions you may have as well as the Common Merge Errors:FAQ if you may experience any issue while merging.


    If you played on the Yellow server, then you may simply log on the Gold Server and should still have your items and continue your progress without doing any merges.


    Hope this can help, have a great day !

  8. Hello, im meet some problem in the team aqua hideout b2f. When i go near the river, it will rebound me back and make me cant swin the river.

    Hello there !

    I would like to inform you that to complete the team aqua hideout you need first to beat Magma Admin Courtney and Aqua Admin Shelly into the hideout.


    After you did that, just return to the place you have in the screenshot and you will find a Team Magma Grunt to battle.


    When the battle will be over, the Team Magma Admin Tabitha will appear and, after the dialogue, you will be kicked out from the hideout and you will be able to continue the story.


    If you did that already what i said above, just try to restart the client and the NPC should appear.

    • Like 1
  9. Can Post creators delete or close their own posts?

    Hello there !


    I would like to inform you that the only one, as far as i know, that can delete the threads/posts are the members of PRO STAFF.


    Furthemore, when you will create a thread where, for example, you will ask for help, you will get an answer from a member of PRO STAFF and they will take action closing the thread after they will answer/help and everything will be solved, clear and there won't be further questions about that.


    For threads related to trades/buy/sell instead, you can simply follow the procedure stated in the TRADE RULES which says:

    If you have completed the objective of your thread, or want a topic to be closed. Please edit the topic title to include something along the lines of "Can be closed," "Sold," "Please lock," etc. This will make it easier for Moderators to identify topics that can be locked.


    I would also inform you that the APPLE's post above is just a pure and real scam website, and so you should pay attention to not click/use it.


    Hope this can help a bit, have a good day !

  10. didnt know that + i wish they would show that so players could see u can just press 4 lol also id like if u could speed it up the tiny bit of waiting time is annoying

    Good day!I

    It is possible to check all the keybinds in the options of the game under the voice "Keybinds".

    As you can see there is an option called Bar 4/ Action 4, that action 4 refers to "Run/Escape" from a wild battle.


    Furthermore, as player, i don't really think that a speed up of the animation of the start of the battle is really required since, in my opinion, the game is fine like it is now.

    However, if you want to speed battles, you can remove the animations of the moves and that should help a lot in terms of speed.

  11. Hello,

    I created my account 2 years ago and I picked a username that I don't use anymore, is it possible to change my username ? Or at least to create a new account and transfer my save on this one ?

    Thanks for your help.


    Good day !

    Unfortunately, you can't change your username right now. It is possible to change it only during specific periods.

    Until now, as far as i know, there have been two occurrences where it was possible to change name: one in April , and the last one that finished recently, in September.

    Furthermore, transfering your progress from an account to another is not available.


    If you are curious, these were the requirements to meet in order to be able to change name:


    • Minimum 150h
    • 300k Pokedollars payment
    • Registered more than 3 months ago
    • Clean infraction history (small PvP infractions may not count) - Includes ALL PRO scope chats
    • You may purchase this for a friend in case s/he hasn't done any infraction, and just 1 change per 6 months
    • Have to choose FREE NAMES (as in, not already taken) in case of a name change



    In order to see when changing name will be again available, you can keep an eye out on both ANNOUNCEMENTS and the OFFICIAL PRO Discord in order to be notified when it will happen.


    Hope this can help you, have a good day !

  12. I got stuck and I can't get out :,c (route 45)


    Hi there ! Could you please try to following procedures?


    - Try Alt+Tab

    - Use an Escape Rope

    - Try battling another player and losing, this should bring you back to your last visited Pokecenter

    - Try typing /ref into the chat bar, or clicking the refresh arrow on the bottom toolbar

    - Log out, and then back in

    - Close the whole client and start PRO again

    • Like 1
  13. I trade my haunter(have the ability "levitate") to evolve in gengar. I get back my gengar, (same pokemon, same level, same iv..) but it dont have "levitate", instead have "cursed body". I supose it is some kind of game mistake, i want levitate but i dont know how to do it. The pokemon ID is 20997010. Attach file with the trade.


    Please help!


    Thank you

    Hi there!


    I would like to inform you that there have been no error or scam.


    Starting from Generation 7, Gengar has lost Levitate ability and it got replaced instead with Cursed Body.


    Pokemon Revolution Online uses Generation 7 Mechanics/System and so Gengar ability have been updated to Cursed Body.


    However, while Gengar lost Levitate, both Gastly and Haunter's ability haven't been changed on both handheld(official) games and PRO.


    Hope this can help, have a good day !

  14. uhm, not sure if this is actually going to change anything or not but i thought i may aswell give it a try.


    So, i played this game like, 1-2 years ago on the yellow server and a few days ago, i decided to play again.

    since i couldnt log in into my account i had to create a new one and ask people ingame bout what happened. i then found out about the merging, including links i recieved by a mod and everything went just fine.


    but here's the thing: i started on silver with this new account where i made new friends and activated membership.

    my old stuff is stuck on gold with all the event and other cc stuff.

    i read that yellow was simply transfered to be the gold server and that servers arent connected in any way so a mod requested i'd write a thread to get help.

    Is there any way to get my stuff from gold tranfered to silver? its sad that there was no option of transfering your yellow server to silver tho.


    thanks in advance




    Unfortunately there's no way to transfer your items from a server to another.


    However, if you were playing on Yellow, you should have had the access to your account without doing any merge since Yellow just got renamed to Gold.

    The merge had an impact only on Red & Blue players/servers.


    Months ago, PRO STAFF gave the chance to transfer your progress from Gold to Silver and viceversa, however it's not public yet if transfers will be open again and, if they will, we don't know yet when it will happen.

    The topic, and the requirements, related to the OLD TRANSFERS can be FOUND HERE if you want to see how it used to work.


    I hope you find this helpful, have a good day !

  15. Hey I can't download PRO on android in my country (Belgium) can you give me an other download link other than with Mega please?

    As far as i know MEGA should not be blocked on Belgium.

    However, could you please try to download the game using the MEGA app you find on the store?

  16. As a player that have been around for the last 8 months, or almost, i can give you my point of view.

    Silver Server & Gold Server have a similar amount of active players playing, with a marginal difference of 50 users between servers.

    About the server going down, most of the time is just a small crash that last from 1 minute to 5 and that happen on both Gold & Silver servers. If the offline time last longer is due to maintenance, but that's something that happen on both the servers.


    The only difference you will find between the servers is the economy, since prices on Silver are a bit higher than Gold.

    Personally, i find a merge useless since each servers reach a peak of 800 players during the most played part of the day.


    About the players being toxic, it's something that you can't avoid when you have such a big community and i can ensure you that it's not a Gold related thing, but the same happen on Silver.

    However, if you may experience players breaking the rules the best thing you could do is taking proof (e.g Screenshots) and report them -> HERE ON THE FORUM.

    That will help both the community and PRO Staff to have a better quality of life.

  17. Hello there !

    Pikachu, picked as starter, can only learn Surf from NPC in Route 19 called Victor. The HM that you got from the Safari, can be used by other pokemon that can learn surf via HM.


    Extra Info in case you will need it in the future:

    Keep in mind that you'll only be able to teach Surf to a Pikachu caught with your OT, so if it is a Pikachu that you've purchased from another trainer, the tutor won't work. Keep in mind that there is a cooldown associated with the NPC who teaches Surf.
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