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Everything posted by Voidwarrior

  1. Hello, There are a few pokes that have 2 or more ability on their final evolution. However on some of their pre evolutions it only show as 1 ability. However its currently not possible to know which exact ability the pokemon have until its evolved. Not knowing if its the ability you search can be annoying. We are forced to evolve a pokemon early to see the ability. Sometimes people also want to keep shiny unevolved. But are forced to evolve when they are trying to sell cause people want to know its final ability. Some known examples are ferroseed (iron barbs) but it can still be h.a anticipatie. and pupitar (shed skinn) but can be either unnerve or sandstream evolved. Mabye there are others aswell. I dont know if its possible to add something like this. But i would like to suggest to mabye add an NPC that allows us to check which ability the pokemon will have when on its final evolution. This would benefit sellers, buyers and hunters and collectors. Thanks for taking this in consideration.
  2. Hello, Currently in Normal Ranked PVP we the option to enable (avoid last opponent). This is good cause like that we could play more to other players and not always to the same ones in a row. Currently In Random Ranked, something like this doesnt exist (yet). My suggestion would be to add the same for Random Ranked. I battled sometimes 4 or more times the same player in row. Personaly i think its not a bad idea if we could enable (avoid last opponent) for those who want this. Thanks for taking this in consideration .
  3. @Eaty would you mind explain this decission? And also how can we be certain that this time shiny ditto stay like this now in pro? Cause as explained its been changed twice now without any explanation at all. If im not wrong it wasnt annouced or wasnt even mentioned in update log either. And this post was even denied without any explanation aswell. This is a post to ask general feedback on this issue. And I hope to receive a proper feedback on this issue. Cause right now this looks like a lack of consitency and lack of communcation towards the pro community. Because i dont mind that ditto stay like this but then atleast it should be explained why its been changed twice and if it will stay this way now or not. I mean what if staff in future decide to update and change it Again back to current gen then it would be annoying again for those who own one. Thanks for the feedback and appreciation of my concerns.
  4. Yes i understand your opnion. My point is that i got changed twice. And both times if im not wrong they didnt annouce it didnt ask anyone their opnion etc. They first changed it mostly because its updated to new gen/current gen mechanics. Where its only showed as shiny if opponent is shiny. Now after months they changed it back to as it was before. And they didnt even annouce it either if im not wrong. Thats my whole point and this is what can be frustrating.
  5. I am not asking for comepesation lol. Read what this is about. This a request in general.
  6. Thanks for all the comments. Im also concerned that back then when it was changed and now when its changed back aswell no annoucement or poll was made this is frustrating for everyone. Also looks like its already "Denied" without further explained. Hope for feedback of staff. Thanks
  7. Hello, I would like to make a complaint/suggestion concerning Ditto shiny (Imposter abililty) . I owned a shiny ditto imposter for a few years. In Pro shiny ditto imposter could transfer in any shiny when sent out in battle. Apparently since a few months ago we noticed that this was changed and that imposter ditto shiny only transformed into a shiny if the opponent is a shiny poke. Pvp players told me that the change is normal since (in current gens it works like that). see below. (What was frustrating back then was that NO ONE annouced this change). Due to this change me and other collecters (sia , and justbillionaire others) lost value on our shiny dittos imposters and so we sold for less then the actual value. An other point: Whitout this change to new gen mechanics me and the others collectors would never have sold our dittos. Apparently since recently (this month april 04/2023) players were telling me that shiny ditto is changed back to as it used to be in past (transform in all shiny pokes). Again this change (was NOT annouced). Past Generation 4 (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum), whether Ditto is shiny or not, a Ditto will transform into the coloration of its opponent. If the opponent is shiny, shiny Ditto will Transform into shiny. If the opponent is not shiny, shiny Ditto will Transform into normal coloration. This is cleary not fair for people that sold their pokes before due to this change. The people who bought got basicaly an upgrade of their pokes. i am an old player, and things like this make it very frustrating to play this game again. As mentioned me and other players sold our shiny ditto only for these reasons. To make it fair for everyone DITTO should be changed back to current gen (Only show as shiny when the opponent is shiny) I hope my concerns will be taken in consideration. Thanks for handel this.
  8. I agree with you. It a great idea that we can we can chose to whom its showed to ( friends non guild etc) this + that its auto disabaled when you download client but can be activated in settings only for those who want it would make the implementation of way better for the community.
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