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Everything posted by Luigi878

  1. i will parcipate in gold server will be??
  2. I want sell lefstores have 10 to sell offer more than 7k each jotho/kanto i want to sell ev berries 1k each contact me
  3. closed
  4. Do u accept rare candies?'
  5. i buy that 30k
  6. Lenox contact me today i have the money
  7. its a rare pokemon and its epic sell it by more than 500k if you traned the evs and lvl
  8. show the goolden plz and i think i see you yesterday in the game
  9. what region its ferroseed
  10. ok lenox if i can see u i talk to u
  11. if any people want i buy for 100k
  12. you can sell it for more than 1m
  13. did u accept rc?? if u accept i want to buy the audino my name its Luigi878 ingame
  14. But my frien rafasan have one beldum from kanto
  15. Where i can find beldums in kanto or jotho????
  16. Where are you from?: spain How old are you?:15 How much playtime do you have on PRO (including alternate accounts if any)?:140h Has the game improved since you first joined? If yes, how?: Is there a staff member or player who you feel is underrated?:yes If you could change one thing about PRO, what would it be (no restrictions, be creative)?: i Wall put more bosses
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