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Everything posted by Moltisanti

  1. WTB 31 Speed Natural Cure Timid Staryu or Starmie, I want a good one. Show me yours and let me know your price!
  2. Nice news! I want to participate :Crazy:
  3. New videos! Ash Kanto Team in Ranked PvP! [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] More Special Teams in PvP like this one [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] New Monotype PvP Battles like this one [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  4. 500k :Grin:
  5. Start offer 100k :Grin:
  6. Re: Spirits <t>Finally! I found the last one, thanks a lot. Honestly i checked that spot before, I guess it was bugged and I didn't close the client and open it again.<br/> Problem solved :D</t>
  7. Re: Spirits <t>Thanks for the answer, I think those spots are exactly the same as the spots I checked from the guides but I'll try again</t>
  8. I seriously think I have a bug or something finding the spirits of the Halloween Event. I swear Im not just lazy, I check many times every spot looking every existing guide and the game still saying I have one missing. I don´t know what happens, I hope I can get some help
  9. We only can catch legendary pokemon that are in the same pvp level than a lot of not legendary pokemon, I don't think this is a problem.
  10. Sounds good because PvP Coins resolves the problem of the game becoming P2W but i think that if this is implemented, we should can reset nature of legendary pokemon too, not only ivs. If this is implemented as a way to fix your bad luck with your effort, we should be able to change nature because for bad nature pokemon reseting ivs is just useless.
  11. how much toge?
  12. Ah ok, ty for the info
  13. Gengar can't learn Sludge Wave?? -.-
  14. I think we should have at least some rewards in new PRO, we spent thousands of hours here and it would be a reason to play the new game
  15. Thanks for supporting the idea :Grin:
  16. We should can trade items directly, I don't see any reason to not allow it. Buying 40 berries by trading 5 pokemon each time is a really pain in the *ss.
  17. In this game when you use for example scald, even if your move kills the opponent he can get burn being dead. This shouldn't be a problem except in some cases. For example, if the foe has syncronize you get burn too and this is unfair, if the foe die it shouldn't get any status change.
  18. I think Shadow Tag Gothielle should be banned, but I don't see why to ban Wobbuffet, Gothielle is the only problem.
  19. Didn't he ever hear about drugs?
  20. Re: 4º Torneo Interno *The Nabs* > Offensive Meta <r>Que comience! <E>:devil:</E></r>
  21. Re: 4º Torneo Interno *The Nabs* > Offensive Meta <t>Quiero cambiar dos pokemon: Ferrothorn por Tangrowth y Garchomp por Azumarill</t>
  22. Re: Moltisanti's Channel (PvP & Real 1vs6) <r>New videos, now with some annotations to help new players!<br/> <br/> <BBVIDEO bbvideo0="560" bbvideo1="315" content=" [bbvideo=560,315]</s> [/bbvideo]</e></BBVIDEO></r>
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