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Everything posted by Lordebola

  1. This is the first time I've heard about this, how are they obtainable in-game?
  2. don't lie to yourself, we know you're a hot grill real picture of Red in some hot steamy action:
  3. "Spelling errors, dialogue doesn't stay on long enough, dialogue isn't aligned with mouth movement, too much water." 10/10 - IGN
  4. Since I've practically been begged to reply to this thread, I'm going to go ahead and dissect what I believe is important. I'd be incredibly surprised if character customization wasn't expanded upon in the future. Many people have already suggested this as well. It's also not high priority at the moment, I imagine. Another suggestion that has been made several times. Arnie explained it better than I could since he's staff and knows the internal opinion on the matter. I believe this already exists, but I'm not sure. Not really an impactful change either, so probably low priority. You can pass through them already, though it could be smoother. If you and the NPC (which is what the walking Pokemon are coded as) walk at each other, you'll walk through them. Again, could be smoother. Channels already exist, you just simply click on the wrench icon if I recall, and you can create a new channel or join an existing one. The rest is up to the community to actually use the feature. Also chat spamming doesn't lead to massive lag. Been suggested multiple times. This suggestion needs to be expanded upon. Regardless of whether they can be used for PvP or not, it's still going to have an impact upon the economy if you can sell them. Also, it's been said that some legendaries are going to be available. Also been suggested multiple times. I agree that it could be a bit more polished, but it's also due to perspective. If you're battling a Trainer's Pokemon, naturally the Pokemon isn't going to be close to you and thus will appear smaller the further away it is.
  5. Posting for a bit of an update. The Celadon City Department Store should be giving Pokeballs, but I have been told that it appears that the scripting has been tampered with, so we'll have to wait on an official word from the higher-up members of staff to see if it was intentionally changed or not. Thank you for making us aware of this!
  6. Since I can't edit my post I'll just make another one, but we should evaluate the move Pay Day as well, since we're not in favor of boosting money gains.
  7. What's the official stance on the ability Pickup? And what's the reason for not having Payback ingame?
  8. I can only give you a partial answer, but it's never impossible for security to be compromised. Whether it be by a hacker or internal means, it's always possible for security to be compromised; the best defense is to put things in place to prevent them as much as possible. Same goes for DDOSing. The usual reason for security compromises is due to a leaker within staff. That's why they have to be especially careful when picking up developers or others who have access to the necessary databases.
  9. Welcome to the PRO community.
  10. When walking towards NPCs while they're moving, you end up being on top of them. This happens with the random Pokemon roaming around; I'm assuming this is because they're coded as regular NPCs with Pokemon models. In the image below, you can see that I'm on top of the Biker NPC in Viridian City. I believe this happens when you lose to Jackson in Viridian City as well.
  11. We do have the macho brace (i think). whether its being given out ingame right now is another question though Macho Brace does not effect the process of passing down IVs.
  12. This is on the other side of the spectrum, but would have the same effect of harming the economy.
  13. In any game that receives regular updates, there are bound to be people who are not satisfied with the game in its current state and want more features. World of Warcraft and League of Legends come to mind. People haven't been satisfied with WoW for years, and in LoL's case you will see numerous threads per day on the subreddit who want such features as replays, voice comms, new skins, new splash arts, etc. Some even go as far as to say that Riot Games a is an awful company because they don't listen to their community and are plagued with Soon Syndrome. Unfortunately these types of people are never going to go away. Sometimes feedback that would actually work very well for a game gets plundered and unrecognized due to the sheer number of complaints. You have to be receptive but at the same time take everything with a grain of salt.
  14. Simply battle grinding for better IVs is a rather awful way of going about it. That alone would skew the economy since good IV Pokemon would be more accessible to everybody. That same concept applies to breeding. IV manipulation was more easily done in HeartGold/SoulSilver onwards where you could simply have one of the parents hold an EV-enhancing item. So, for example, the Power Bracer enhances the progression of the Attack stat. If a parent held the Power Bracer, the Attack IV would be passed to the offspring. This method of IV manipulation remained unchanged until the 6th generation, in which Destiny Knot received a sort of rework making IV breeding much easier. A system like this should be employed in PRO. But there are problems with doing so. Firstly breeding, EV items, and DK aren't in the game of course. Secondly, this would hurt the economy. Perhaps this is what OP was trying to get at.
  15. Found a bug with Patty located on S.S. Anne. She seems to give this response every time I interact with her, as well as variations of it. Wasn't sure if this was intended or not. Image in spoiler. ✓
  16. It's more akin to "pay to access", but I agree with your point. I feel like some people forget that when a game is in beta phase the point is to find bugs, glitches, etc., not to just play.
  17. They've already said that they're going to raise the capacity after the game is officially released. The problem is not money for expanding the server, the problem is the stability of the server. The server used to have a cap of 500, so clearly money isn't the issue.
  18. As someone with close ties to the owners of that website, I assure you it's factual. The disclaimer is simply there to protect themselves from being attacked and located as a serious threat to government secrecy. From their FAQ: Q: Is SCP real? A: No. We are a creative writing website. All the SCPs are fictional. The Foundation is fictional. You're definitely not a very good troll. At least put forth some effort my friend. At this point, although I know I have no jurisdiction, I believe this topic should be locked. This person has been discredited enough and all of his arguments can be summed up simply by him saying "no you're wrong" without providing any evidence. This topic has provided nothing for anybody, and in fact I think it's actually harmful to keep this up. It's an embarrassment to Scientology, and I'm not even a Scientologist. My work here is done.
  19. It is not a mere theory, the basis for it isn't simply made up. I even provided leaked files as evidence. If you don't want to seriously consider what I'm saying, then don't reply to the thread. I was referring to the logical fallacy behind conspiracy theories. Here's a description from this website, the part in bold is the fallacy: "Explaining that your claim cannot be proven or verified because the truth is being hidden and/or evidence destroyed by a group of two or more people. When that reason is challenged as not being true or accurate, the challenge is often presented as just another attempt to cover up the truth, and presented as further evidence that the original claim is true." I read your leaked file. Here's the problem. Even on the SCP Wiki it says: "The SCP Wiki is a collaborative urban fantasy writing website about the fictional SCP Foundation..." So what did you link me? A non-fiction writing website. Congratulations. And on top of that, guess what I found? If you Google "fifth church government cover up" that specific SCP story is the first result you find. So I'm willing to bet you Googled that in 2 minutes without even fact checking. Here's a link to the search: https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS603US603&ion=1&espv=2&es_th=1&ie=UTF-8#q=fifth+church+government+cover+up
  20. [pop]This thread might contain heavy religion based discussion. By pressing OK you are agreeing not to troll, insult, bully and harass people who might have different religion. Please follow the general rules as well. THIS THREAD IS BEING FLAGGED AND NOT RECOMMENDED FOR MEMBERS YOUNGER THAN 18.[/pop] Releasing evidence is not a government cover-up, that is the complete opposite. The government has no role in this; the evidence provided is not from the government. It is a coverup, they're releasing false evidence and hiding the real truth from people. Obviously you don't think it's from them, if it was obvious it was from them the coverup would be too easy to know about. Conspiracy theory, a logical fallacy. Do you know where McDonald's soft serve ice cream comes from? No? Must be a government cover-up.
  21. Releasing evidence is not a government cover-up, that is the complete opposite. The government has no role in this; the evidence provided is not from the government.
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