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About 666g0d999

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  1. Thanks for proving my point. This is what I wrote in my very first post in this thread: "I also have the feeling that once you broke the rules, you will always be black-balled no matter what. You get treated like scum and every little thing gets blown out of proportion." Some of those things I have said indeed, some of them are false. Like trolling players. It doesn't matter though. My account was banned forever. According to your rules, it's fine to make another account and "try again". This thread proves that you guys will never admit to your mistakes and only point at others. I never said I "never" did anything. You just proved that people are black-balled once they have broken the rules. Pretty much everything you posted is from 2018. I never commited such an offense again, instead after bettering myself, certain mods always try to ban me for the dumbest offenses ever. That's why you don't respond to my points. I talk to someone and mention Osama Bin Laden as a meme - I get banned. Context doesn't matter, you don't include the whole chat. I call someone a prick for scamming, I get banned. You also left out the most important part. Keita, you are the one who banned me back then. Please show the people the screenshots of what made you ban me. The fact I insulted players who tried to sell ditto to new players, back when it wasn't coded and OT counted for the bike quest. Most of the messages here are me responding to people who insulted me first. Like the Gengar. I was trying to sell it in trade and someone pms me alongs the lines of: "What a piece of [heck] gengar, it's not even worth 5k". Stop pretending like I insulted people for no reason. I had veteran players steal my shiny unown and epic pokemon. Your little circle jerk always sticks together. I'm not homophobic, but I did use slurs for certain people. Especially men who pretend to be women. Also I love how you show something like the 60k offer. I'm trying to sell a rare tier shiny and get a 60k troll offer. Of course I responded that way. The Bin Laden post is accurate aside from the last part. What the hell is an omniprocessor. That was added to the conversation and is fake. Inside Job is a pretty popular meme, ask Norm Macdonald. Also the reason I know it's fake, is because it's not a screenshot from all chat. I was posting in all chat at that time and all the other screenshots are not like that. Also it's not insane that staff steal pokemon. It happened multiple times. Even Discord Mods did it. I bought an Halloween Togepi, trained it and the next day it was taken away. I got my money back and a message that I supposedly was "too late". Instead the discord mod only made an offer (not auction) and never responded back. I made an offer and bought it. According to the rules, regular trades are only official once a price and place is determined. That wasn't the case, but because it's a mod who cares. I also got banned for complaining about that. The last screenshot from all chat is taken out of context. I never broke the rules in that chat session. I was mute banned for 120 seconds for no reason. So I complained about it. Of course you don't show the whole chat and only my snippet. The forum screenshots are funny. You really think people remember things they said weeks, if not months before they get banned? It's not like you include the entire chat, you only post what I said. The context is completely gone, once again proving my point. When I ask why was I banned and the explanation is "Did you fall on your head as a child?" is the offense I commited, what kind of reaction should I have? lol That's passive agressive (something you do on Discord all the time, hello Qeight) and technically doesn't break the rules. Why would that even matter. So because I don't remember two single posts I am lying. Why don't you include ALL the posts of me admitting to multiple bans? But it's okay, the game was getting stale anyway. You announce things and three years later it's not implemented. It's still the best poke game out there, but it's not worth all the bs. Shoutout to everyone who played with me. It was fun helping newbies and meeting some people. This post will most likely get deleted again. :rolleyes:
  2. I forgot to add this. "irrespecful" proves my point of not understanding english, also he basically said he would've unbanned me if I didn't lie. I was not lying and made it clear, that I don't even want the ban appealed, I just wanted to know what happened. Interesting to see that he can willy-nilly decide if he wants to appeal or not. I thought it's based on context and rules, instead it's based on his emotions. Because he feels like I lied and I'm "paranoid" he will not unban. If I sucked up to him and insincerely played the "social" game, he would've unbanned me. This is what I'm talking about when I say bs bans. Context does not matter. But what bothered me the most was this: "Creating other appeals, will only lead to a harsher punishment, and a ban of the forum. " So please tell me this doesn't discourage players from appealing/reporting staff, scared they will get banned from forum or ingame. The general "Complain" section doesn't seem like the right spot. I know you do have a special section to report staff now, but why doesn't he know that?
  3. Sorry, but no, you don't take context into consideration. You just said it yourself. You realize I insulted a scammer, but the context doesn't matter because I broke the rules. This is not the first time. I also got banned for mentioning Osama Bin Laden in all chat. This was considered terrorist activity. lol Or the time I got banned, when I said regular mods can not fix the servers. <-- This statement was understood as an insult to staff, when in reality, all I was saying is they are not devs and ppl in all chat should stop complaining about the servers to regular mods. Granted, you did private message me ingame and listend to me, but it didn't change the outcome of my ban. I'll show you a snippet from the appeal, but I removed the name of the moderator: Then he wrote this: How is that response appropiate? He asked me what I did. That makes absolutely no sense. Also I only bumped the thread once more (so twice) in 24 hours and he feels the need to warn me. But browsing pokemon shops instead of answering to my appeal seems like more fun I guess. Also, he never answered my question about the dates. He completely ignored it. When I pm'd him that the evidence screenshot isn't working, he completely ignored me. I sincerly couldn't remember saying that, because I usually don't use that word. Then I figured out it happened when somebody got scammed and the reason I used the word prick, is to not get banned. Because prick is like calling someone an idiot or stupid, something that Qeight is obviously allowed to do, but I guess when players insult scammers it's not okay. Edit: I would also like to add, that screenshot from discord doesn't prove anything. That's one guy who responded.
  4. Thank you very much. I just think that it's weird, that it happens at any given time of the day. This also happened when I had 2-3 other ppl join the random q with me.
  5. Hi, I think there is something seriously wrong with the matchmaking. For 2 days now I only get matched with the same guy named ThiagoJose5. No matter the time, I tried mornings, during the day and at night.
  6. Those are not baby pokemon, but good luck.
  7. +1 I would like to add it would be cool if you could hover over the all seeing eye icon and see which pokemon is actually wanted for the WQ
  8. Thank you very much, I was scared I got hacked or something. This is a relief.
  9. I'm not going to argue anymore because it's pointless, so this will be my last response. Sometimes people just register accounts and never actually play. Maybe as potential backup, or because they couldn't get the game to run etc. That's all I'm talking about. I don't consider 1min progress, but that was never in question. The thread was created clearly stating 0 hours and 0 minutes. I'm sure devs have the ability to actually see if that is true or not. Who knows, maybe they even deleted a lot of them already, but according to discord there are merged accounts that do not have any progress.
  10. I don't know why you always do this, but like I said, I bet there are also GHOST accounts which don't have any progress, regardless if they merged or not. You said "probably", so why do you keep bringing up stuff that I'm not talking about. Clearly your reading comprehension skills are lacking. I MEAN ACCOUNTS WITH NO PROGRESS and those exist.
  11. I try to login to the dashboard and it says incorrect username or password, but I have my password saved and was logged in earlier today.
  12. I clearly said I don't want accounts with any kind of progress deleted, so that question doesn't make sense.
  13. I'm sure there are also plenty of "ghost" accounts without progress.
  14. Guys, he is talking about accounts with 0 hours and minutes. That means those accounts are literally empty and just name holders. How is it fair that someone can block a name for 5 years without playing? That doesn't make much sense to me. So +1 I like to clearly mention that I don't want accounts with any kind of progress deleted.
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